Compton Shooting

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Apt3/DNA Mobfather
Nov 14, 2003
Eurocentric rules! British laws taken from roman rules minus the indentured servitude! Laws are a form of oppression homey of course they can't be blatant! but hey everyone has their opinions!
May 13, 2002
bigantdna3 said:
Laws are a form of oppression
"We are not letting the public into our dirty little secret that those who commit the crime that worries the citizen most, violent street crime, are for the most part, the products of poverty, unemployment, broken homes, rotten education, drug addiction and alcoholism, and other social ills about which the police can do little, if anything" - Boston Police Commissioner, Robert Di Grazia

"The State, the part which it falls back on to ensure its rule when all else fails, is the repressive apparatus - the police, the army, the courts and the various intellengence agencies like the FBI, CIA etc. "

"When propaganda and conditioning fail and working class people and even sections of the middle classes oppose the ruling class, the ruling class use the police, the courts, the law and sometimes the army to defend their profits and power."

"The police, together with the army, constitute the central "body of armed people which is at the centre of the state apparatus. They are the first line of defence against anything which disturbs the public order of capitalism. "
Jul 7, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
^Was he driving at 70mph when they shot him up? More like 7mph at the most.

The question you should ask yourself nefar is if this man deserved to get shot at 90-100 times for driving 70mph through a neighborhood.

yes, fuck him for endangering the lives of people in the neighberbood, he doesnt give a fuck...if that part of the story is true.

shit, i wouldnt want this lunatic living in my neighborhood.
Apr 25, 2002
epoxy said:
90 shots from trained police officers, and he wasnt killed.... think about it. THere were only 4 or 5 holes in the windshield.

Im not suporting what happened here, but if they wanted to kill him he would be dead.
120 shots,he was shot 4 or 5 times.dont use that "trained Officer" bullshit,cus a "trained" idiot can aim for tires and not hit the windshield 4 or 5 times..........

and the officer who got shot in the chest must have been sitting by the tire huh?

this really aint about "he was goin 70 in a residential".its about how them mothafuckas abuse their badge and get away with happens everyday everywhere.from small things like speeding without there lights on to big things like beating someones ass.if you think they were just doin there job then you must've never been in situations were they were doin more then there job.....
Aug 31, 2003
nefar559 said:
yes, fuck him for endangering the lives of people in the neighberbood

bullets went through houses on the neighborhood. i wonder what does more damage a car speeding down the street or a bunch of trigger happy cops firing into the wind.


Apr 25, 2002
an act of god or poor aim. Seriously man if they were trying to save his life why shoot that many times? I'm sorry man but if someone were to dump on your ride 90 times you'd think they were inviting you to have tea and crumpets? :cry:

Shooting that many times is shooting to kill not shooting to preserve the suspetcs life. In vallejo we've had a string of shootings done by police officers within the last 2 years and several have been fatal. One of them is similar to what happened in compton but it had waaaaaaaaaaay less shots fired. Some of the "suspects" (some of which died) were white and latino so I won't make this a black and white issue. It's an abuse of power plain and simple.
Apr 25, 2002
nefar559 said:
yes, fuck him for endangering the lives of people in the neighberbood, he doesnt give a fuck...if that part of the story is true.

so that gives the cops the right to endanger the neighborhood too?

a couple weeks ago down the street from me there was a shoot out (not police related).......

the cops in this dudes incident were doin the same thing,except dude didnt have a gun.........

in the incident by my house,an incocent girl was shot while standing in her kitchen........

in the compton incident,multipe houses were hit.luckely no body was struck........

compare those for a minute.i guess in your eyes the badge makes it okay huh?
it takes 10 cops 120 bullets to flatten 4 tires?

im not defending the dude,no body really should on this end cus no one knows details,but NOBODY should be defending the cops cus its OBVIOUS they fucked up and could've made a bigger mess..........
Jan 2, 2003
EXACTLY....there were SOOOOO many shots fired and they didnt even kill him...and they ended up shootin one of their own!!!!!!!!

i saw the video today..

if i was one of the residents of that neighborhood, id be PISSED OFF and thinkibng about a lawsuit...
Apr 1, 2002
Some good discussions going on in here (minus stockton_pimp's views, no offense). I agree with Foul Mouth. Were the police doing the right thing? Yes and no. A man driving at 70mph in a residential area speaks for itself, what do you think about reckless drivers in general? I mean come on 70mph in a residential area? No doubt the guy was driving recklessly BUT he drove like that JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT so Nefar what kids would be out at that time? Let's not forget this was a school night...So I'm sure he wasn't trying to run anybody over. Another question is why was the man driving at 70mph? No gun found on him neither? He could of tossed it OR he feared for his life from gunshots in the drive by shooting in the area and tried to skirt the fuck outta there. Who knows? Time will tell. The police was right by shooting the vehicle since the driver put their lives in danger, he peeled out which indicates he's gonna ram his way outta there. Do I condone how many shots were fired? FUCK NO. But the police were doing their job from a call they got notifying them of a drive-by shooting. When they got to the scene they see a suv driving 70mph so ones to believe he's the shooter with a gun in his ride. Back to the shooting, shooting the tires out was cool BUT dude wasn't even accelerating. He peeled out, several shots were fired and it appears he doesn't accelerate anymore so the cars moving extremely slowly and HERE is where MOST shots were fired. That part was uncalled for, trigger happy cops no doubt with the intent to kill. IMO they were trying to kill him. After the car stopped and the cops lives appeared to be in no danger, I still see shots fired on the vehicle and windshield. LUCKILY no one was hurt from the stray bullets in the neighborhood. I don't really want to get into a race thing but I'm going to anyway. IF this occured at a white neighborhood, do you think they would of shot 120 rounds? NO FUCKIN' WAY, they would of shot to kill dude with just 10 rounds or less aiming at the windshield...I'm not saying the 120 shots had some intention on straying through the minority neighborhood, I'm sayin' cops would of been more careful at a White neighborhood IMO.


Apr 25, 2002
Mean Mugg said:
Some good discussions going on in here (minus stockton_pimp's views, no offense). I agree with Foul Mouth. Were the police doing the right thing? Yes and no. A man driving at 70mph in a residential area speaks for itself, what do you think about reckless drivers in general? I mean come on 70mph in a residential area? No doubt the guy was driving recklessly BUT he drove like that JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT so Nefar what kids would be out at that time? Let's not forget this was a school night...So I'm sure he wasn't trying to run anybody over. Another question is why was the man driving at 70mph? No gun found on him neither? He could of tossed it OR he feared for his life from gunshots in the drive by shooting in the area and tried to skirt the fuck outta there. Who knows? Time will tell. The police was right by shooting the vehicle since the driver put their lives in danger, he peeled out which indicates he's gonna ram his way outta there. Do I condone how many shots were fired? FUCK NO. But the police were doing their job from a call they got notifying them of a drive-by shooting. When they got to the scene they see a suv driving 70mph so ones to believe he's the shooter with a gun in his ride. Back to the shooting, shooting the tires out was cool BUT dude wasn't even accelerating. He peeled out, several shots were fired and it appears he doesn't accelerate anymore so the cars moving extremely slowly and HERE is where MOST shots were fired. That part was uncalled for, trigger happy cops no doubt with the intent to kill. IMO they were trying to kill him. After the car stopped and the cops lives appeared to be in no danger, I still shots fired on the vehicle and windshield. LUCKILY no one was hurt from the stray bullets in the neighborhood. I don't really want to get into a race thing but I'm going to anyway. IF this occured at a white neighborhood, do you think they would of shot 120 rounds? NO FUCKIN' WAY, they would of killed dude with just 10 rounds or less...I'm not saying the 120 shots had some intention on straying through the minority neighborhood, I'm sayin' cops would of been more careful at a White neighborhood IMO.

I feel you. IMHO something like this would not happen in a white neighborhood. 120 rounds is an intent to kill.
Jan 2, 2003
HERESY said:
I feel you. IMHO something like this would not happen in a white neighborhood. 120 rounds is an intent to kill.
"IMHO something like this would not happen in a white neighborhood"

TREAL SHIT!.....hell naw it wouldnt of...
Apr 18, 2003
get this...

i know a WHITE man that was killed in a WHITE neighborhood.... by a mixed group of officers in danville.. 30+ rounds.... thought he was reaching for weapon

who do u blame there???????

when your surrounded by cops with guns drawn and you dont want to get shot..... give up
Jul 7, 2002
Mean Mugg said:
Some good discussions going on in here (minus stockton_pimp's views, no offense). I agree with Foul Mouth. Were the police doing the right thing? Yes and no. A man driving at 70mph in a residential area speaks for itself, what do you think about reckless drivers in general? I mean come on 70mph in a residential area? No doubt the guy was driving recklessly BUT he drove like that JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT so Nefar what kids would be out at that time? Let's not forget this was a school night...So I'm sure he wasn't trying to run anybody over. Another question is why was the man driving at 70mph? No gun found on him neither? He could of tossed it OR he feared for his life from gunshots in the drive by shooting in the area and tried to skirt the fuck outta there. Who knows? Time will tell. The police was right by shooting the vehicle since the driver put their lives in danger, he peeled out which indicates he's gonna ram his way outta there. Do I condone how many shots were fired? FUCK NO. But the police were doing their job from a call they got notifying them of a drive-by shooting. When they got to the scene they see a suv driving 70mph so ones to believe he's the shooter with a gun in his ride. Back to the shooting, shooting the tires out was cool BUT dude wasn't even accelerating. He peeled out, several shots were fired and it appears he doesn't accelerate anymore so the cars moving extremely slowly and HERE is where MOST shots were fired. That part was uncalled for, trigger happy cops no doubt with the intent to kill. IMO they were trying to kill him. After the car stopped and the cops lives appeared to be in no danger, I still see shots fired on the vehicle and windshield. LUCKILY no one was hurt from the stray bullets in the neighborhood. I don't really want to get into a race thing but I'm going to anyway. IF this occured at a white neighborhood, do you think they would of shot 120 rounds? NO FUCKIN' WAY, they would of shot to kill dude with just 10 rounds or less aiming at the windshield...I'm not saying the 120 shots had some intention on straying through the minority neighborhood, I'm sayin' cops would of been more careful at a White neighborhood IMO.
70MPH in a residential is not cool in my book, specially at night were the visiably of the driver is low...what are people suppose to be inside the house when the sun goes down?
fuck that dude period

Mean Mugg said:
IF this occured at a white neighborhood, do you think they would of shot 120 rounds? NO FUCKIN' WAY,
you mean weathy neighorhoods, where everyone who lives in the ghettos/barrios/trail parks wants to live.
Dec 18, 2002
nefar559 said:
70MPH in a residential is not cool in my book, specially at night were the visiably of the driver is low...what are people suppose to be inside the house when the sun goes down?
fuck that dude period.
Thank you for that statement Sargeant Nefar of the Compton Police department, Doing 70mph at midnight in a residential neighborhood is NOT cool at all, I'd rather grab 20 of my friends, point them down a street and then shoot our guns until the clips are empty.