bigantdna3 said:
Laws are a form of oppression
"We are not letting the public into our dirty little secret that those who commit the crime that worries the citizen most, violent street crime, are for the most part, the products of poverty, unemployment, broken homes, rotten education, drug addiction and alcoholism, and other social ills about which the police can do little, if anything" - Boston Police Commissioner, Robert Di Grazia
"The State, the part which it falls back on to ensure its rule when all else fails, is the repressive apparatus - the police, the army, the courts and the various intellengence agencies like the FBI, CIA etc. "
"When propaganda and conditioning fail and working class people and even sections of the middle classes oppose the ruling class, the ruling class use the police, the courts, the law and sometimes the army to defend their profits and power."
"The police, together with the army, constitute the central "body of armed people which is at the centre of the state apparatus. They are the first line of defence against anything which disturbs the public order of capitalism. "