remember Krsna made everything even his father (according to you). so he made science as well didn't you know LMFAO!
LMFAO CTFU OMG Golly gee Hilarious HA HA HA! *smiles*

Do you giggle like a 12 year old when you talk?
Look faggot, Krsna creating His father is not "according to me".
It is according to KRSNA'S OWN WORDS. Krsna is God. God is not created. When Krsna wishes to be "born" (to appear), He chooses to accept a certain father and mother.
Did you choose your parents? No? Did you choose what form you would take upon being born? Were you born with full knowledge and power? No? Then how can you be equal to Krsna? Krsna decides who, what, where, when, and how He takes His birth, but you do not.
This is not "according to me". This is straight from the Bhagavatam, 10th Canto, 3rd Chapter, 12 & 13th Verses.
[color=sky blue]"O Maharaja Pariksit, descendant of King Bharata, Vasudeva could understand that this child was the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana. Having concluded this without a doubt, he became fearless. Bowing down with folded hands and concentrating his attention, he began to offer prayers to the child, who illuminated His birthplace by His natural influence.
Vasudeva said: My Lord, You are the Supreme Person, beyond material existence, and You are the Supersoul. Your form can be perceived by transcendental knowledge, by which You can be understood as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I now understand Your position perfectly."[/color]
Now, it cannot be made any more clear that Vasudeva accepted his son Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Why the fuck else would a man bow down and offer prayers to his baby son??
Vasudeva says that Krsna is beyond material existence. Vasudeva did not inject semen into Devaki in order for Krsna to be born. Krsna is born of His own will. This is obviously a distinction between the created (Vasudeva), and the creator (Krsna). The family members and associates of Krsna are of His same spiritual potency. When Lord Brahma kidnapped a group of Krsna's friends and calves to test Krsna's potency, Krsna simply expanded Himself into another group of friendsand calves, which Brahma saw were all Visnu-murtis, direct expansions of the Supreme Godhead. That is in the 10th Canto 13th Chapter.
Now, can you just address the scripture and explain to me why Vasudeva would bow and pray to Krsna as the Supreme Person if Krsna is "created" like the rest of us? I know you can't, but I have an idea as to how you will reply.
X: CTFU OMG HA HA Wow LMMFAO LOL Let me do a lot of bullshitting and talking which has nothing to do with the subject at hand, but if I keep using big words and babbling on like a hoe then maybe no one will notice that I don't know shit about Krsna or the Vedic philosophy, matter of fact fuck you V you are an idiot. I view you as an extension of myself in a manifestation of the relative absolute in perception with perspective congruent to the idiosyncratic flux. My ism is so deep it is above everything.