N prototypes are here..but the standard is not here yet.
You can get N-draft...but thats is only a draft, as it states...
"802.11 is an IEEE standard that allows devices such as laptop computers or cellular phones to join a Wireless LAN widely used in the home, office and some commercial establishments. Although the N standard is still in "draft" stage according to the IEEE, many hardware vendors already sell
"pre-N" or "Draft-N" hardware, based on the most recent draft. These vendors anticipate the final version will not be significantly different from the draft, and in a bid to get the early mover advantage, are pushing ahead with the technology."
"Work on the 802.11n standard dates back to 2004.
Publication is currently expected in September 2008,[4] but major manufacturers are now releasing 'pre-N', 'draft n' or 'MIMO-based' products based on early specs."
N wont fully be here until next year, and y is coming soon...