^^No one gives blood the day of the fight though, ever. Not even Olympic boxers fighting in the Olympics give blood the day of the fight. They do after the fight, and leading up to the fight, but never on the day before the fight. That's crazy.
Mayweather is being unreasonable with his demands. I agree that Pacquiao has to do random blood tests to, which is willing to do, its just taking blood the day of the fight is crazy. First off, like me, many people feel woozy/light-headed/dizzy after any amount of blood is taken, further your arm is very sore at the point of where the needle entered the vein, although I'm sure the latter is far less of a factor and probably wouldn't mean much in a fight.
The problem with this though is it opens the flood gates. What will prevent other fighters doing the same thing, not just against Pac? I mean Shane Mosley was CAUGHT using "the cream" from BALCO. What prevents, say, Andre Berto demanding "Olympic style testing" on mosley? What about Roy Jones, James Toney, etc etc etc? Or what about guys like Pac, who have NEVER failed a test but simply are "too good" or kicking ass? Look at Timothy Bradley. One look at his body and one might say, "roids, I'm not fighting him!"
Either we go by the system we have now, for example the Nevada State Athletics depertment which does the drug testing, or there needs to be a single boxing commission that oversees the sport and implements more rigorous drug tests, but sadly the latter is not an option at this point because boxing is way too chaotic - there is the WBC, WBO, WBA, IBF, etc, etc, etc. all of whom would need to be on board. Further, the united states government would need to get invovled which asks the question, would the government be willing to spend millions of dollars every year so that every single fighter in boxing (which is in the thousands) could get these Olympic style drug tests year round? It's not very likely, not in these economic times.
Either all fighters must be put through the same tests, or we keep the same system in place (or at best have the nevada state athletics raise the bar a bit). And the latter another issue is it's done by state by state. Nevada's drug policies are different than others. There are some states that don't test for drugs at all! Also, the main reason floyd jr fights in vegas and will only fight pacquiao in vegas and not dallas, is because in Nevada the substance mayweather uses to inject in his hands to kill the pain is not banned, but it is banned in other states!
Mayweather is being unreasonable with his demands. I agree that Pacquiao has to do random blood tests to, which is willing to do, its just taking blood the day of the fight is crazy. First off, like me, many people feel woozy/light-headed/dizzy after any amount of blood is taken, further your arm is very sore at the point of where the needle entered the vein, although I'm sure the latter is far less of a factor and probably wouldn't mean much in a fight.
The problem with this though is it opens the flood gates. What will prevent other fighters doing the same thing, not just against Pac? I mean Shane Mosley was CAUGHT using "the cream" from BALCO. What prevents, say, Andre Berto demanding "Olympic style testing" on mosley? What about Roy Jones, James Toney, etc etc etc? Or what about guys like Pac, who have NEVER failed a test but simply are "too good" or kicking ass? Look at Timothy Bradley. One look at his body and one might say, "roids, I'm not fighting him!"

Either we go by the system we have now, for example the Nevada State Athletics depertment which does the drug testing, or there needs to be a single boxing commission that oversees the sport and implements more rigorous drug tests, but sadly the latter is not an option at this point because boxing is way too chaotic - there is the WBC, WBO, WBA, IBF, etc, etc, etc. all of whom would need to be on board. Further, the united states government would need to get invovled which asks the question, would the government be willing to spend millions of dollars every year so that every single fighter in boxing (which is in the thousands) could get these Olympic style drug tests year round? It's not very likely, not in these economic times.
Either all fighters must be put through the same tests, or we keep the same system in place (or at best have the nevada state athletics raise the bar a bit). And the latter another issue is it's done by state by state. Nevada's drug policies are different than others. There are some states that don't test for drugs at all! Also, the main reason floyd jr fights in vegas and will only fight pacquiao in vegas and not dallas, is because in Nevada the substance mayweather uses to inject in his hands to kill the pain is not banned, but it is banned in other states!