So, you admit that it isn't an investment in your future and you do it for the children, yet you haven't answered the other part of the question. Where is the return on investment? We're dealing with people here, people need to see a return on investment and want to know how things will benefit them. For years people have been voting yet it is the same thing over and over. People pick their poison and the loop continues. How has anything changed? How has anything been solved?
And if it's a question of the powers that be how is voting going to stop them? You think they'll just step down and allow Joe Do Gooder to take charge? Voting, is not going to stop them. Just like they will find new participants regardless if I vote or not? They will have new participants giving you pills, creams and dreams if you participate so where do we go from there?
As for the electoral college, LMAO. That's how they tell you it works. That's how it works on paper. However, the reality is this country is controlled by money and this countries money is not controlled by this country. The international bankers, LIBOR, World Conservation Bank and other entities have proven this time and time again. Our country being in debt has proven this time and time again. Other interests, outside of this country, have more of a say than any electoral puppet. You don't believe it? Well, look into the groups I just mentioned. I can tell you right now, Hoo Syung Li and Mikael Finkleman, whoever the fuck they are, have more say so than the electoral stooges.
Local and state are simply one side of the coin. They're simply lower guys on the totem poll. The agenda starts at the top and trickles down and it will never change. So by all means, continue to think voting at your local and state will change things, have at it.
The life force of the system is the populace of the nation? That's so far from reality it isn't even funny. On the contrary, the system can continue to exist if you don't show up to work. What are you more likely to do if you aren't working, going to school, being productive, etc? A crime. And guess what? They have a place for you. Everywhere you go they can dangle a carrot. At every turn there they are smiling and with something in each hand. You are damned if you do and damned if you don't but to knowingly partake in a charade? Nope, I can't do that, breh.
Red vs Blue! Left wing vs right wing! Conservative vs liberal! Democrat vs republican! This shit is all like WWE and, like WWE, they are FRIENDS in the locker room. The local democrat and the republican? Pals. The conservative running against the bleeding liberal for governor? Drinking buddies.
The ONLY reason why they need us is so they can keep what they have but pretty soon our usefulness is going to wear out and we'll all be dead.