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No Flexxin No Fakin
Apr 1, 2003
....thus they are not immune to the laws of the land.

If I do something deemed illegal guess what?

I go to jail / prison / get fined, ect, ect.

Immigrants that come here & do not take the proper measures to become legal & get rewarded with drivers licenses... BS.

I have no problem with the USA being a melting pot for all everyone who wants to come here, but at the end of the day majority of foreigners come & take the proper measures to follow the law to stay here, like my family did.

Not no border hopper that ducks & dodges the law because chances are they dont want to do the right thing.

I am 100% AGAINST illegals getting drivers licenses.
It trips me out that if you can slip past border patrol all you gotta do is head straight to the damn DMV, .......

I guess America really is the promise land.


Apr 25, 2002
Breh, nothing changes overnight. Should we tear down the system and start over? I think we all know the answer to that. Is that going to happen tomorrow? No it isn't. It more than likely isn't going to happen in our lifetime. So, in the meantime I am going to push and work toward what I can do, and not worry about what I can't. Many people died for such simple things as voting, if you wish to take it for granted- I can't change that, but I can no longer ignore it myself. Just remember the crooked politicians that do run against the regular every day people, that do outspend the every day regular people in their campaigns, that do pretend they are like every day regular people are counting more on the non-voters than the blind voters. Why? Because most of the non-voters are not stupid, the hope is that they remain a non-voter. I was one for probably many if not all of the same reasons that you speak. I would rather try to do what I can than do nothing at all- and that goes beyond voting. I am involved in my community. I give to the kids who have not, I was a have not myself. I give to needy families. I have been poor and I do know that struggle. I go to community meetings, sometimes even when the pigs are there, to voice my opinions that many are afraid to speak and shed light on issues where the consensus is often the opposite of my opinion, where they are automatically pro-system and pro-police - to remind people they are supposed to be serving us and they are not our masters. I don't do this shit for recognition or to stroke my own ego, I do it out of love. Have I changed anything? No, it takes a nation of millions to change it.
Are you really looking at this from a logical perspective? Basically you're saying to climb a ladder and take a book from a shelf. The only thing is your ladder is broken, your feet are broken, your hands are tied behind your back, you have a blindfold on your eyes and the book is actually inside a safe without a combination and key entry.

As for people dying, they died in vain. If they knew how things worked they most likely would have opted out of the charade. So it's not a matter of me taking what they did for granted because what they did was meaningless.

No person, with my outlook, goes back to the polls. I know people who leave the polls. I don't know of anyone who has my outlook and goes back to the polls. What you're suggesting is no different from a guy banging a chick, finding out she has aids (not hiv) and then going back and having oral, anal and vaginal sex without using a condom. Breh, you absolutely can't be serious with the stuff you're suggesting.

What you do, as far as outreach is concerned, is commendable. However, when it comes to voting you keep going over the same thing without asking the two most important questions about it. Then you talk about changing the system and the way things work so this brings us to question 3.

3. What is the "life force" of "the system" or whatever it is you're trying to change and is it willing to change or compromise?
May 7, 2013
1. Do you believe voting is an investment in your future? If so, where is your return on investment?

2. Do you believe the Elite of this country, and those abroad, will allow the average joe to decide the leadership of the richest and most advanced country in all of history by marking x or punching a hole next to a name?

3. What is the "life force" of "the system" or whatever it is you're trying to change and is it willing to change or compromise?
1. At this stage, I have to respond, overall, I do not believe voting is an investment on my future. The reason being is us who believe the answer is in third party politics have a long road ahead of us in seizing the investment and the future. As a father, everything I do is for their (children and their eventual offspring) future. By the way, not voting is not convincing anyonw else to not partake within the current political structure. The powers that be, will continue to find new participants with or without you.

2. As I have already stated, the president is not elected by the popular vote, they are elected by the electoral college also an appointment out of the control of the populace. Do I believe local and state elections are a farce? No, I do not. Do, I believe fraud occurs? Yes, I do.

3. The "life force" of "the system" is the populace of the nation. The system cannot exist without us. The system cannot exist if people don't show up to their jobs every day to keep the machine running, it cannot exist if people stop paying their mortgages and rent, etc.

I answered your questions as brief and honest as possible. What's next?
Dec 4, 2006
it's not that hard to read signs..

Road signs all over the world are pretty much the same..

And the state of California is making millions.. around 2 million immigrants will have a driver's license in the next year or two.

It's cool with me, because alot of them deserve them.

I watched 6 immigrants get picked up by cops at the DMV in Concord just the other day, I asked the lady why they were arrested.

they had warrants from FTP to one of them being a sex offender out of state.

If you think this wasn't a good thing, it was. Because several immigrants have been deported/arrested after applying for a driver's license..


Apr 25, 2002
So, you admit that it isn't an investment in your future and you do it for the children, yet you haven't answered the other part of the question. Where is the return on investment? We're dealing with people here, people need to see a return on investment and want to know how things will benefit them. For years people have been voting yet it is the same thing over and over. People pick their poison and the loop continues. How has anything changed? How has anything been solved?

And if it's a question of the powers that be how is voting going to stop them? You think they'll just step down and allow Joe Do Gooder to take charge? Voting, is not going to stop them. Just like they will find new participants regardless if I vote or not? They will have new participants giving you pills, creams and dreams if you participate so where do we go from there?

As for the electoral college, LMAO. That's how they tell you it works. That's how it works on paper. However, the reality is this country is controlled by money and this countries money is not controlled by this country. The international bankers, LIBOR, World Conservation Bank and other entities have proven this time and time again. Our country being in debt has proven this time and time again. Other interests, outside of this country, have more of a say than any electoral puppet. You don't believe it? Well, look into the groups I just mentioned. I can tell you right now, Hoo Syung Li and Mikael Finkleman, whoever the fuck they are, have more say so than the electoral stooges.

Local and state are simply one side of the coin. They're simply lower guys on the totem poll. The agenda starts at the top and trickles down and it will never change. So by all means, continue to think voting at your local and state will change things, have at it.

The life force of the system is the populace of the nation? That's so far from reality it isn't even funny. On the contrary, the system can continue to exist if you don't show up to work. What are you more likely to do if you aren't working, going to school, being productive, etc? A crime. And guess what? They have a place for you. Everywhere you go they can dangle a carrot. At every turn there they are smiling and with something in each hand. You are damned if you do and damned if you don't but to knowingly partake in a charade? Nope, I can't do that, breh.

Red vs Blue! Left wing vs right wing! Conservative vs liberal! Democrat vs republican! This shit is all like WWE and, like WWE, they are FRIENDS in the locker room. The local democrat and the republican? Pals. The conservative running against the bleeding liberal for governor? Drinking buddies.

The ONLY reason why they need us is so they can keep what they have but pretty soon our usefulness is going to wear out and we'll all be dead.
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Sicc OG
Sep 27, 2002
& to top it off, the road signs here are in ENGLISH & that is the native tongue spoken in the country in 2015, like it or not.

the drivers handbooks & DMV tests should NOT be in another language.

if you cant read the handbook & the test, then you cant read the road signs & 99.9% of you drive like SHIT & fuck up the roads

BART, lightrail, metro, transit... whatever you call it til you become legal & can read that fucking test / handbook.
Interesting point that I have not thought about...whether you're for or against them having DL's, this is a good point. I would be interested in possible rebuttals....anyone?
Nov 11, 2006
I'm still not feelin the "affordable healthcare" plan. All that's done is cost me more and more money.

Are y'all loving/hating the laws that allows you to get weed from dispensaries?
Shutup faggot u dont smoke weed anyways, what do u care? And if u dont like obama care then get a job that provides insurance instead of leeching off the government u bummy fuck...u just as bad as an illegal


Feb 12, 2006
related cool story bro:

my boy who is not a citizen but has been here since 9yo, owns a small business (in his ladys name) and pays an absurd amount in taxes to the state and county, was driving to work (with out a L's obviously) hits 1 of 2 foos that had hopped a divider (completely their fault) by his house.

And even though he was tripping that he might go to jail or get deported because his past; he still didn't even try to take off. So it turns out they had just licked a house on the adjacent street and were tryna shake the area and tha foo he hit had his neighborhood blasted on his face...

but the crazy part is, less than a month ago, while my boy was at work, 2 foos tried to hit his familys spot while my boys kids were home but thankfully when they saw ppl they just threatened them and boned out... but when my boy's oldest son was describing what happened; he said one of the two foos had the same shit blasted on tha same part of his face...

and there were some other details that make it even crazier/worse but i don't wana put too much on tha interwebs...

i don't believe in karma but this has been pretty crazy...