Does add up to what? So the bible is an actual book of facts and not fairy tales, eh? So there was a man who lived in a fish? Not a whale, the bible says a fish. Don't be one of those bible thumping republicans
i dnt give a shit what it sayz i dnt even belive in religion 4dat matter dnt get booty tickled lil nigga i hardly even give a shit when it comes 2 thingz like diz
i dnt give a shit what it sayz i dnt even belive in religion 4dat matter dnt get booty tickled lil nigga i hardly even give a shit when it comes 2 thingz like diz
Does add up to what? So the bible is an actual book of facts and not fairy tales, eh? So there was a man who lived in a fish? Not a whale, the bible says a fish. Don't be one of those bible thumping republicans
back then a whale was a fish and heavan is the sky and the flying chariot on fire was a ufo cuz a chariot was anything that moved people didnt kno better so the called it that