Barack Obama is the new President of the United States of America.

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Sicc OG
Sep 18, 2006
I seriously doubt it. He had more pressing matters, like worrying about having his teeth knocked out, his body stretched out, and his arms being repeatedly broken (they never did heal properly after he ejected from his plane). So for you to insult one of America's bravest war heroes EVER, is extremely disrespectful.

Come on, even a full term (or two) in the Senate would have helped make Barry a better candidate. John McCain has decades of experience; military experience, and his time as a US Senator. He has been in the Senate since the early 80s! Being in the military alone does not make one a "good candidate," but I believe in Mr. McCain's case, it helped immensely. I realize he is getting pretty darn old, but for me, his experience during these troubling times would have helped our country far more than having Barry in there.
Wow I'm tired of people saying he has experience cause he got caught in a war. He wasn't a general so I don't know how that correlates to being able to lead a country. Secondly should we really trust his judgment when he picks a women who can't name not a single newspaper but blames these "Hard Questions" on the "Gotcha Media". Mccain had no message except don't vote for the other guy cause he's a foreigner. This message worked on the idiotic people of the country but not people who can and know how to think for themselves
Sep 17, 2003
No, no, no. It's just a picture I found online that was mildly "anti-Obama." I found it right around the time of the Conventions. What I thought of when I saw it, was how Barry really hadn't ever stated what his plan was... it was all just "yes we can" and "change," etc. So to me it meant that people were just drinking this "Obama-aid" without seeing what he was really all about.

That's really all I mean by it, and really all it was meant to mean. LoL
Oct 25, 2006
No, no, no. It's just a picture I found online that was mildly "anti-Obama." I found it right around the time of the Conventions. What I thought of when I saw it, was how Barry really hadn't ever stated what his plan was... it was all just "yes we can" and "change," etc. So to me it meant that people were just drinking this "Obama-aid" without seeing what he was really all about.

That's really all I mean by it, and really all it was meant to mean. LoL
So you REALLY thought that sticker was meant to mean "don't follow what this man has to say just yet", rather than having a direct relation to Jim Jones or the stereotypical assumption that Black people love kool-aid, which was most likely made by an "upper-class" White racist Republican?

I find that VERY hard to believe.


Sicc OG
Sep 18, 2006
No, no, no. It's just a picture I found online that was mildly "anti-Obama." I found it right around the time of the Conventions. What I thought of when I saw it, was how Barry really hadn't ever stated what his plan was... it was all just "yes we can" and "change," etc. So to me it meant that people were just drinking this "Obama-aid" without seeing what he was really all about.

That's really all I mean by it, and really all it was meant to mean. LoL
You say Obama had no message while all Mccain did was attack OBAMA. 1st he hung out with a terroist, then he was a marxist then he hates israel then he has a pastor who hates America. Mccains campaign had to be the worst run campaign in history
Sep 17, 2003
......but not people who can and know how to think for themselves.

Yes, like the 95% of African-Americans in this country that voted for Obama? That is a staggering number. If 95% of white people ever voted for any one candidate, there would be a national inquisition!! I am only saying that it appears from those numbers that this group of voters was voting mainly based on race. I am not trying to be racist, because that's not who I am. I am simply trying to make a point.

People voted mainly for Barry because they want to get as far away from Bush as possible, and they believed in his "change" mantra. When one sees how minorites voted, including Hispanics, it makes one wonder if everyone was really "thinking for themselves," as you have suggested.

Oh, and I never said being a war hero qualified John McCain to be president. I only said it was part of his overall experience that made up who he is. It was never that he has so much more experience... I mean, no shit... that guy's 72, and Barry is 44. It was that Barry has little to no experience. Also, John McCain was a very grateful opponent in the election. Many high-ranking officials in the Republican party wanted him to go harder, and much more aggressively against Barry, but he refused. He knew what road was the better choice, and he chose it.

Sure, Sarah Palin is out-of-touch, but she was a great pick because conservatives in the GOP needed someone to believe in. Like it or not, she is very popular in the Republican Party. A lot of my fellow Republicans were disenchanted with our choice this election (John McCain), and Sarah helped to bring the party closer together. I don't think she should ever run for President, but a lot of people do. A lot is going to happen between now and 2012. As long as the Dems, along with Barry, don't screw anything up too bad, he should have the White House sewn up for eight years.


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
Yes, like the 95% of African-Americans in this country that voted for Obama?
Actually that 95% of blacks is actually only about 30% of the African-American population.



60% of all percentages brought up in conversation are 100% brought up on spot and only right 50% of the time and aren't based on any real percentage to begin with.
Sep 17, 2003
So you REALLY thought that sticker was meant to mean "don't follow what this man has to say just yet", rather than having a direct relation to Jim Jones or the stereotypical assumption that Black people love kool-aid, which was most likely made by an "upper-class" White racist Republican?

I find that VERY hard to believe.

Honestly, I seriously didn't realize it could be taken that way. I'm not that deep! Also, don't all people of color love Kool-aid? I know I do! And I am embarrassed to say this, but what does Kool-aid have to do with Jim Jones? I am totally lost with that one, basically because I guess I don't know anything about this Jim Jones. I'll check it out now, though.

You say Obama had no message while all Mccain did was attack OBAMA. 1st he hung out with a terroist, then he was a marxist then he hates israel then he has a pastor who hates America. Mccains campaign had to be the worst run campaign in history
They both attacked each other. McCain had to do so more because Barry kept associating him with President Bush. Who put out the message about Barry hating Israel? I missed that one. Also, Obama does have distant connection with William Ayres, and the commercial that was put out about Barry's former pastor was not approved by John McCain, not by the RNC. It was put out by an entirely different group of people. (Although, it is remarkable that he only disassociated himself with Rev. Wright after he wanted to become President. Did you hear the things that Wright has said? How racist that "church" is, etc.? He was saying "G.D.America" and such.)

They just took some of those things and blew them up to be bigger than life, which the voters need to know about, but the voters also need to be told the truth.

Look, things are different from here on out! I know this, and I will support Barack when he takes office. I just hope he will work with the GOP like Bill Clinton did during his two terms in office. That's all I can ask for. America has spoken, we have a great country, and Barack needs our prayers, so that he may have God's guidance while he is our Nation's President! :cool:
Oct 25, 2006
Like I said before, there is no fucking point in arguing over which candidate is better because neither one has shown what they can do. The only thing we can hope for is that Obama will turn this country around or answer our problems. If he doesn't, there may never be another Black president, and this whole "making history" thing will be in vain. There's a lot riding on Obama, and I sure hope he doesn't fuck this up.
Sep 17, 2003
lol @ soulwinnerrj and all his titangraphs.
i have come to a conclusion!
soulwinnerrj has caught feelings.

I'm just defending my position. It's not a bad thing to have these... "caught feelings" as you have stated. Aren't you the one that started the line of questioning in the first place? Perhaps you were agitated by something I said, so you decided to speak up. Hey, that's what I was doing too! :) Besides, that's who I am. I want to try and make sure I explain myself thoroughly, and I tend to ramble while making my point. It's good to be me. Thank you. :cool:
Sep 17, 2003
perhaps, but u are gettin a lot of hate in this thread. so maybe it isnt good to be u in this thread, but it would be good to be u outside of this thread.

Well, that's true. But in the five years I have been posting here, I think I have only gone at odds with folks two or three times. I try to keep to myself and be positive, but sometimes I just have to say something, even if it's not popular. When one goes against what everyone else is doing, of course you are gonna get hated on, but that's okay with me. :cool:
Oct 25, 2006
Well, that's true. But in the five years I have been posting here, I think I have only gone at odds with folks two or three times. I try to keep to myself and be positive, but sometimes I just have to say something, even if it's not popular. When one goes against what everyone else is doing, of course you are gonna get hated on, but that's okay with me. :cool:
I don't see any hate toward you. Everyone has their own opinion. No reason to express hate or disdain toward someone else about having an opinion.


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
I'm just defending my position. It's not a bad thing to have these... "caught feelings" as you have stated. Aren't you the one that started the line of questioning in the first place? Perhaps you were agitated by something I said, so you decided to speak up. Hey, that's what I was doing too! :) Besides, that's who I am. I want to try and make sure I explain myself thoroughly, and I tend to ramble while making my point. It's good to be me. Thank you. :cool:
Well, that's true. But in the five years I have been posting here, I think I have only gone at odds with folks two or three times. I try to keep to myself and be positive, but sometimes I just have to say something, even if it's not popular. When one goes against what everyone else is doing, of course you are gonna get hated on, but that's okay with me. :cool:
My, my, my...

Somebody's full of himself....

Welcome, my friend.
Apr 8, 2006
Fuck the president election lets vote the heads of CIA,NSA, and FBI to keep another MK ULTRA from happening "As if that's possible" Point being people bicker over dem and rep beliefs when well documented abuses of power are proved to us years after the fact and we ignore it/take it as a isolated incidents ....What happened to the time where people actually came together for a common cause to stand up against the government ie 70's...Were either to self absorbed with "our own problems" and divided as a whole to ever see this happen..Alright LDS tear it up I'm sure you can spin it..