I also agree that the audience was full of a bunch of fucking idiots.
WOW. Sure it was.... :cheeky:
In that case, I'm sure you will agree that there were also a shit ton of these "fucking idiots" in the crowd for Barry's speech as well. :eyecross:
Oh, and to all the folks saying this and that about Barry being a Muslim... from what I know, it was his father and step-father that were the Muslims. He was raised in a Muslim household until he was 12, but hasn't had shit to do with it since. I think what bothers people even more are the pix of him failing to put his hand over his heart, the "guns and religion" statement, belonging to the most liberal "church" in the USA, etc. He just doesn't appear to "love" his country like he should, and so that bothers a lot of the "hillbillies". What those people fail to realize is, if he really doesn't love the USA, how come, then, did he want to be President? The fact that he
might have some ties to Muslims makes it all the better for those people who want nothing to do with him being President.
The reason I didn't vote for Barry, was because I literally think that you should be elected on what you have accomplished in your past; not for what you
might do in the future.