Astonishing facts about Israel

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Apr 25, 2002
So because you never received your reparations, the Jews(Hebrew or bloodline of Judah) don't deserve their land?

Do I see Envy There Heresy?
First of all start reading before you reply. Second of all, who said I was in line to receive reperations? Third of all, who said/implied that the Jews don't deserve "their land", and fourth of all, on what grounds do you see "envy?"
Apr 25, 2002
HERESY said:
Don't give "the blacks" 40 acres and a mule or any reperations...:dead:
is this true?..

the families of direct lineage of the 23 slaves brought to jamestown virginia in the year 1619.. get reperation checks.. but they can't tell anybody about it..

if it was true.. i suppose no one would know.. could this be true?
Mar 12, 2005
HERESY said:
First of all start reading before you reply. Second of all, who said I was in line to receive reperations? Third of all, who said/implied that the Jews don't deserve "their land", and fourth of all, on what grounds do you see "envy?"
In response to your initial reply, I did read it, secondly who could've known if you were in line for reparations, because you gave a dead face at the end, and from my understanding you seemed bitter. Third, why then question the fact The Jews get their land and no reparation for the descendants of African slaves. Last, why would you give a dead face when you posted that, "Don't Give the Blacks 40 acres and a mule and reparations, but give the Jews Israel? :dead: It either seems you are envious, or bitter about something.

Edit:Don't mean to come at you harsh, but it seemed weird to see some envy or bitterness when it comes to people getting something.
Jun 17, 2004
Gizmo said:
Why the USA question mark? The US (and the entire UN) at this point didn't do anything but condone such acts, It was all militant zionists groups with stolen British artillery and arms who invaded, no US help yet until later.

Gizmo said:
More than USA? how many Jews died because They were Jewish by the hands of anther?
So that gives them right of way to kill other innocent people? Jesus fucking Christ you Americans are insane.

Gizmo said:
As we are still on this subject, all that have posted on this topic please inform us on the Effects/impact the Jews or Israel has had on you personally. Not "My Teacher/Dad/Grandma".
Edit: The main thing is that YOU Americans have spent billions of dollars in taxes on Israel. So don't ask me about effects, it's effecting you Americans much more than myself. Your government spends more money on Israel than it does on it's own welfare. What, you don't care? That's fine it's your money and economy, and you pretty right deserve it. How can you not realize such simple cause and effect?


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
@ stocktone: The bitterness (as you call it) was probably towards the fact that IT NEVER HAPPENED/WILL NEVER HAPPEN...People are gung ho about giving the Jews Israel, but nobody seems to give a fuck about slavery in this country...and that's what we need to deal with...THIS COUNTRY...not some shit half way across the wouldn't go fix some dude's house that lives 30 miles from you if you have to walk, and you're house isn't fixed yet...yadada?

Jesus stockton...remember...outside the box! lol...


Apr 25, 2002
In response to your initial reply, I did read it
Input read it. JLMACN read it. You thought you read it.

secondly who could've known if you were in line for reparations, because you gave a dead face at the end
Right! Who could have known? Ok, so based on a smilie, one is to naturally assume that I am in line for reperations....:rolleyes:

and from my understanding you seemed bitter
On what grounds can you claim that I am bitter? I posted two sentences, and neither sentence contained any words that would have implied any amount of bitterness, but in your eyes bitterness was present. So, explain to me how the comment was filled with bitterness and envy.

Third, why then question the fact The Jews get their land and no reparation for the descendants of African slaves. Last, why would you give a dead face when you posted that, "Don't Give the Blacks 40 acres and a mule and reparations, but give the Jews Israel? It either seems you are envious, or bitter about something.

1. Read the reply by Input.

2. Who are "The Jews"? If the majority of the people are not people who can actually trace the land your entire position sinks. In addition, even if they are the people who trace to the land, are they supposed to receive the land at the hands of man or at the hands of God (according to Judaism/OT beliefs/NT church etc?)

3. If you had asked me why I gave the dead face I would have easily explained it, but since you jumped the gun and typed utter nonsense, I am now skeptical and reluctant. I direct you to Inputs reply which was very much on point. Here it is you have people who are gung ho and constantly supporting another country and happy to do it (happy face), yet things are dismal for the offspring of people here who have been promised something and experienced hardship (from which many so-called jews benefited from) and don't have an infrastructure in place (dead face.)

4. On what grounds can you say the post implies bitterness or envy? What words or combination of words lead you to believe this?

Edit:Don't mean to come at you harsh, but it seemed weird to see some envy or bitterness when it comes to people getting something.
Listen, you either explain what part of the text led you to believe bitterness or envy was was shown, or I take off the gloves and go for broke. Your call cowboy.
Nov 18, 2004
Vice being anti-semetic, as a country, Isreal has made itself an exclusive & oppressive neighbor to the other countries that share the region. Granted that in no way condones the statements made by Iran's Prime Minister, but from withtin it's own borders even the way in which Isreael 'deals' w/the Palestinians is both cruel & malicious.
Nov 8, 2002
FunK-3-FivE said:
Why the USA question mark? The US (and the entire UN) at this point didn't do anything but condone such acts, It was all militant zionists groups with stolen British artillery and arms who invaded, no US help yet until later.

So that gives them right of way to kill other innocent people? Jesus fucking Christ you Americans are insane.

Edit: The main thing is that YOU Americans have spent billions of dollars in taxes on Israel. So don't ask me about effects, it's effecting you Americans much more than myself. Your government spends more money on Israel than it does on it's own welfare. What, you don't care? That's fine it's your money and economy, and you pretty right deserve it. How can you not realize such simple cause and effect?
USA? killed plenty for thier own agenda. So has Somalia, Iran, Iraq and so on....... Its the same game as where your from.

So USA never helped them get the land, just helped defend it? Or just helped with $$$$?

I never said it gave one person a right to kill, is that what you took out of everything said?

SO If I am not complaining about MY Taxes what is that to do with you? Is it that you are mad cause It goes to them and not you? Is it because you feel America should mind its Business? Is it cause you, like many others envy US? or is it just fodder to make conversation with? Or maybe, just maybe it's because you once owned us and now are our lil toy poodle aka Lap Dog?

PS what way does this effect YOU?:dead:
Jun 17, 2004
Gizmo said:
Is it cause you, like many others envy US? or is it just fodder to make conversation with? Or maybe, just maybe it's because you once owned us and now are our lil toy poodle aka Lap Dog?
I'm sick of ignorant Americans and their small-minded ethnocentric views.

Let me explain a few quick things to you my homely friend :),

1. Envy you? why would I envy you or your way of life? I don't even know where to start... your minimum wage is average from state-to-state $5.15 an hour correct? Our minimum wage is equivalent to $10 USD an hour, and no one works for minimum wage anyways (here nor there). Your dollar is shit and it's losing value every day. I've been all over the U.S., your country is dirt cheap, when I visit the states I suddenly feel very wealthy. British people go on shopping trips in the states because it's so cheap. At average you can take your cost of living and double it and thats what the UK is. In no way is your standard of living better than mine, not even close. You could never afford to live here, sorry to bust your bubble mate.

2. Your public school and education system is shit as well, no wonder your people are borderline retarded.

3. Your nation is nothing but a special interests nation. A playing field for corporations. The U.S. is a great place to head a corporation because it's cheap and the taxes are in favor of business owners.

4. Everyone hates you because you're so stupid that you don't even know why everyone hates you.

5. Please leave home sweet home and go see the world, isolated America breeds stupidly happy undereducated ethnocentric ignorant fucks. You have no idea what's out there, but then again ignorance is bliss.

6. This doesn't apply to every American, I've met plenty who are smart, well-educated, intellectuals. But for the most part, most of your people are uneducated fucktards and that's the general opinion of just about EVERY NATION.

7. You're a chav.
Mar 12, 2005
HERESY said:
Right! Who could have known? Ok, so based on a smilie, one is to naturally assume that I am in line for reperations....
HAHA, well you use the siccness symbols as strong meanings in your arguments haha. My bad

On what grounds can you claim that I am bitter?
Maybe the Way, I took it.
I posted two sentences, and neither sentence contained any words that would have implied any amount of bitterness, but in your eyes bitterness was present. So, explain to me how the comment was filled with bitterness and envy.
Maybe I sensed the Envy when you said Give the Jews Israel, but no 40 acres and a mule along with reparations to the blacks. It came to me as bitterness, but since you've cleared it up for ME, I see now.
1. Read the reply by Input.
2. Who are "The Jews"? If the majority of the people are not people who can actually trace the land your entire position sinks.
If I was able to tell you, that a man had a document that told him he was a descendant of Jeremiah the Prophet, could I site that as a source, and will you still try and sink me like you've done to numerous people?
In addition, even if they are the people who trace to the land, are they supposed to receive the land at the hands of man or at the hands of God (according to Judaism/OT beliefs/NT church etc?)
God, obviously, but I never stated that it should be given unto them by the hands of men. If saying they deserve their land means that I'm trying to imply that they receive it through the hands of men, that's not what I'm saying. So What if a Messianic Jew were to regain his land after finding out his bloodline, will it bother you that he keeps it until the time of the Abomination of Desolation?
3. If you had asked me why I gave the dead face I would have easily explained it, but since you jumped the gun and typed utter nonsense, I am now skeptical and reluctant. I direct you to Inputs reply which was very much on point.
Ok I see don't :dead: me, I just jumped into an early conclusion like you said.
4. On what grounds can you say the post implies bitterness or envy? What words or combination of words lead you to believe this?
I guess the dead face, and my understanding, or lack thereof to your post.
Listen, you either explain what part of the text led you to believe bitterness or envy was was shown, or I take off the gloves and go for broke. Your call cowboy.
Now that you've explained it, I understand, not for the sake that you might kill me LOL, but for the sake of my own understanding. Tidy Ho!

Edit/Add-On:Jomodo, can you give me a reason why the Messianic Jews, and the books of Isaiah, Psalms, pretty much the Whole Tenakh are not a testament to the Moshiach?
Nov 8, 2002
I'm sick of ignorant Americans and their small-minded ethnocentric views.

Let me explain a few quick things to you my homely friend :),

1. Envy you? why would I envy you or your way of life? I don't even know where to start... your minimum wage is average from state-to-state $5.15 an hour correct? Our minimum wage is equivalent to $10 USD an hour, and no one works for minimum wage anyways (here nor there). Your dollar is shit and it's losing value every day. I've been all over the U.S., your country is dirt cheap, when I visit the states I suddenly feel very wealthy. British people go on shopping trips in the states because it's so cheap. At average you can take your cost of living and double it and thats what the UK is. In no way is your standard of living better than mine, not even close. You could never afford to live here, sorry to bust your bubble mate.
1) in Cali its $8 and change, I am not sure because I have not made 8 bucks since the early nineties. If it is cheap here to live and play then the dollar seems about right? NO? thats simple Economics. Higher cost of living means a hire pay, does not mean more money to spend. "Your and my"? you would be talking about things youno nothing about. If you are talking about Gizmo then NO I doubt you live better. I would repond with a comment unbacked like you all look pasty white and have the worst teeth. I can and do afford to Visit there, check the board for when I posted my last trip to Europe. What brings you back to visit? Sac 5th ave? why would you need to shop here with your High wages? would it be High prices? The quid aint that good?

2. Your public school and education system is shit as well, no wonder your people are borderline retarded.
Yet we seem to be the spot that the world loves to come study at. Check the "Private Education system" & Universities.

3. Your nation is nothing but a special interests nation. A playing field for corporations. The U.S. is a great place to head a corporation because it's cheap and the taxes are in favor of business owners.
Your "Nation" is still the lap dog of a "special interests nation" and in a way that makes you hate us more than anything else.

4. Everyone hates you because you're so stupid that you don't even know why everyone hates you.
Is that a catch 22? everyone hates me cause Im stupid that I dont know why they hate me? Is that like what comes first the chicken or the egg?
Believe me I know why UK hates me and why the Mid East hates me. Its cause I know why, thats why.

5. Please leave home sweet home and go see the world, isolated America breeds stupidly happy undereducated ethnocentric ignorant fucks. You have no idea what's out there, but then again ignorance is bliss.
I have seen the rowdy soccer hoolagins, the bad teeth having chaps and the occasional drunkin lad. other than that the best time would have been in Spain not the UK for me. Ethnocentric? Maybe you dont read any other threads I post in but I refer to ALL my blood roots and do not deny anyone of thiers. My oppinion is based not on blood, race or ethnicity but on ME! the big word didnt earn you points here.

6. This doesn't apply to every American, I've met plenty who are smart, well-educated, intellectuals. But for the most part, most of your people are uneducated fucktards and that's the general opinion of just about EVERY NATION.
including... Dee dee dee The whole UK who lets the USA get them involved in everthing Good ole Uncle Sam can think of. The Bad teeth thing isnt ment for all of Britannia either.:x

7. You're a chav.
you a sap :devious:


Apr 25, 2002
|GOD|||ZILLA| said:
is this true?..

the families of direct lineage of the 23 slaves brought to jamestown virginia in the year 1619.. get reperation checks.. but they can't tell anybody about it..

if it was true.. i suppose no one would know.. could this be true?
So basically they would be under a NDA. No, I've never heard of that.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
FunK-3-FivE said:
I'm sick of ignorant Americans and their small-minded ethnocentric views.

Let me explain a few quick things to you my homely friend :),

1. Envy you? why would I envy you or your way of life?
Yes, because you pay more, that means you're smarter and have a better way of life.

Are you drunk? How does paying more money=better life/lifestyle? You're paying DOUBLE what people pay in the US....Either way, it don't really matter...but honestly, if you pay more, and people from the UK come to America to buy shit...what's that say about your country? That it's too expensive and mu fuckas would rather come to America (even with the shitty rep it has across the globe).

By the way, I'll be in the UK this summer, how about a drink? LOL.