Astonishing facts about Israel

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Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
coondogg26 said:
all those accomplishments were only completed because our government has given them billions of dollars if they had to do it on their own it would have never happened.
^what he said.

plus, none of that shit seriously benefits MANKIND as a whole.

Cell phones? Are you fucking serious? That is an ASTONISHING fact? WHAT?!

If they found the cure for HIV/AIDS, THEN I would give them some credit...Until then, they need to FUCK OFF and stop accepting so much fucking money from our Gov't (and our gov't needs to stop giving them fucking money).
Mar 12, 2005
Y-S said:
Hmm, well what I don't get is.....why are the most people hating on Jews or Zionists when they first settled in palestine like when the land was theirs before the birth of Christ?
Do you know how many Messianic and Orthodox Jews are against Zionism, and you know how much propaganda goes into blinding the public that Zionism is accepted within the Whole Jewish Circle? ALOT! I'm anti-Kabbalist, anti-Talmudic, not necessarily anti-zionist. There is a division in the zionists, with a small minority that have different views then the typical Zionist.

Secondly Biblically speaking, if they never turned their backs on Godly traditions, laws, and statutes, it wouldn't have ever been a fall of Israel. Had the Children of Israel Accept Yeshua Messhiach, maybe they would have still kept the land. But since He knew they would not accept him, He would destroy the temple, and build it himself, not necessarily with people, but in his second Advent.
Jul 10, 2002
2-0 said:
Well when all Israel does is kill and oppress you're damn right I'm going to criticize them. I'm sorry but I haven't seen any headlines on the BBC news lately with positive stories coming from Israel. And why would there be when they are killing Palestinians daily?
That is a bold sweeping statement and that’s ALL Israel does in your eyes…. That would be the the same as me saying all Palastinians do is shoot rockets and blowthemselves up with little kids and innocent civilians on bus’, but that is not what I’m saying…
Whoa, BBC hatin’ on Israel, there’s something new, you know in Israel, there’s a joke that BBC is ran by Hamas, but nevermind…Quote:
No it is absolutely sensible.

The Israeli rule over Palestinians is essentially fascist. The Israeli's are slaughtering the Palestinians, one of the most brutal, murderous atrocities in modern times and yes it is comparable to that of the Jews being slaughtered by Hitler.
[/Quote] No, no its not, Israel is not out to wipe the Palastinians off the face of the map, if that was the intent, that would have been done… Hitler was trying to create a master race and systematically exterminate the Jews (as well as Gay’s gypsies, communists, ect) and lets not even get into the nasty human expirimentaion… again no comparison
No they have embarked on a permanent war of domination in the Middle East.
No, they are not interested in domination of the middle east, Israel is not imperialistic (like her brother the US), and don’t start with the annexation of the Golan Heights…. Israel wants to simply EXIST. Many countries in the middle east have actually waged a Jihad against Israel with no satisfaction until it no longer exists as a state and the Jews are run into the sea…
2-0 said:
Fuck/Kill Jews is NOT the same as saying Fuck Zionism/Israel.
Maybe not to you, but it is so for the general mass
2-0 said:
I have not seen any racist remarks like that in this forum. If you ever see a thread where someone uses racist terms against Jews or any other race, PM me because that will not be tolerated in this forum.
I can think of at least 5 threads that contain shit like this in it, and it is heartbreakin’ for me, however, I ain’t the one to snitch, I’d rather just let the thread die…
2-0 said:
I'm sorry you feel that way but there is no way in hell a moderator can read every single post by every single user. It is not possible. This forum for the most part handles itself, that is to say, if there is a problem or unacceptable behavior it is usually reported by to me or another mod/admin by a member rather quickly. I do my best to keep the forum free of remarks like that but I cannot catch everything.
I understand this, and apologize for being punitive to drive a point
2-0 said:
You my friend are the biggest douchebag on this website and you are living in la la land. I bet you especially love the democracy Israel has unleashed on the Palestinians, allowing them to have free elections, but god for bid they elect Hamas, the members of which are kidnapped, jailed and assassinated on a daily basis.
Hamas is still in power (kinda), Israel just wont financially or politically support or negitate with a terrorist organizations whose principle platform denies its actual existence…

2-0 said:
You must also love the democracy Israel has given to the Palestinian “citizens” of Israel, who I’d like to point out make up over 20% of the population, yet they are prevented from enjoying the same privileges of citizenship as the Jewish population.
They are actually probably closer to 35-40% of the population , which is why I mentioned it the CLOSEST thing to a true democracy, and I will now go back to what I previously stated
(and once a two state solution becomes a reality, it will be the greatest example of democracy, until then how can it be truly democratic if it denies 4.something million Palestinians a political voice, but Israel is a Jewish State before a democracy)

2-0 said:
With regard to political participation, rights, and representation, Israeli laws directly discriminate against the Israeli Palestinians by restricting the terms of citizenship.
Again, see above, and yes its fucked up…. However, look at the citizenship rights and liberties that other Arab-israeli’s enjoy, I garuntee they wouldn’t trade them for they country of origin’s rule anyday

2-0 said:
Israel, with the support of the U.S. Zionist ideologues, i.e the Neo-cons, has embarked on a permanent war of domination in the Middle East, their hatred for Arabs and Muslims is quickly replacing Hitler’s hatred for communists and Jews.
I agree fuck a neo-con, but Neo-cons should not be confused and is not synonomous for Zionist

2-0 said:
Which neighboring country do I blindly support? Jordan? Egypt? Syria? Lebanon? Show me a thread where I once supported any of these countries governments. I'll give you $5,000 cash if you can. I'll save you some time, you can't. It never happened and likely never will.
I know, I was just being dramatic to hammer a point, sorry

2-0 said:
The only support I ever voiced was that for Hezbollah's right to defend themselves from the invading Israeli army, which most the entire world knows was premeditated aggression against Lebanon by Israel, indiscriminate and systematic destruction of the country, (more than 1200 innocent civilians have been killed in a cowardly and Nazi-like fashion, a third of the dead were children under the age of 12-years old). Only a small majority of people, you included, blame Lebanon, which is because you are either too brain washed or too stupid to see otherwise.
Hizbollah is the ones who premeditated shit. Yes, there were many civilian casualities, but that’s what happens when you use your mom or nephew as a human shield… RIP to ANY and ALL who’ve dies unjustly

I <3 The Cock

My Dead Grandmother Was A Whore
Mar 5, 2006
Hutch said:
- Israel is planning to strike Iran with several tactical nuclear weapons, ranking number 2 in the world behind the United States of America when it comes to doing stupid reactionary shit.

I'm not hating on Israel per se - I think it's a bit much for them to strike Iran with nuclear weapons through fear,
They aren't going to. Some newspaper claimed that, with nothing to back it up

I also think they should cede a little piece of land to Palestine - they're not asking THAT much..

Palestinian children are taught as children that Jews are the children of pigs and apes. They would kill all Jews if they could

I <3 The Cock

My Dead Grandmother Was A Whore
Mar 5, 2006
Hemp said:
^and shootin little kids that try and hide behind the wall in their dads arms from the big tank - and then shootin the dad

good job israel.
I think you've got it backwards. These crazy idiots use children as human shields


I <3 The Cock

My Dead Grandmother Was A Whore
Mar 5, 2006
2-0-Sixx said:
Typical Israeli supporter: confuses critisism of the Israeli government with anti-semitism.

There were a number of great accomplishments by the Nazi's too (especially in scientific achievements, particularly medical research such as being the first to link smoking to lung cancer). Maybe the Jews and everyone else that opposed them were just "haters."
This post kills me. You whine about being called an antisemite, than go on to commend Nazis lol


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Nice generalization, buddy!

Way to speak for an entire group of human beings without knowing 1% of them.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
mob shit said:
This post kills me. You whine about being called an antisemite, than go on to commend Nazis lol
You don't seem to understand the concept. He's not commending Nazi's, he's commending the research and the final outcome, dumb ass.

I <3 The Cock

My Dead Grandmother Was A Whore
Mar 5, 2006
2-0-Sixx said:
Does criticizing the Israeli government equal "hating?"

Will you recognize the Nazi accomplishments?

Show me ONE in the GOM forum.

Show me ONE in the GOM forum.

The only drone in this thread appears to be you. The Jew who turns a blind eye to the atrocities being committed by the Fascist state of Israel simply because you are Jewish. You are no different than a proud German supporting the Nazi war machine.
You're "hating" because you disregard truth and logic in order to appease your sick, twisted views

I <3 The Cock

My Dead Grandmother Was A Whore
Mar 5, 2006
There's one, but I agree with 206, there's a big difference in Criticism and Hate.
Criticising the Jews right to live is hate

i.e. Lebanon, but IMHO Lebanon was at fault there.
haha YOU THINK!?
There's so much wrong withing the Israel nation, until they allow their ethopian brothers to dwell amongst them, until they can accept the truth, bot h from a religious and political aspect, then I can somewhat side with Israel...But not now.
Israel has brought more than 100,000 Ethiopian Jews and Falash Mura - Jews who converted to Christianity under duress. Currently 300 Ethiopians are being brought to Israel each month
Feb 9, 2003
Putting aside the stupid accusations you're making towards Sixx

mob shit said:
you disregard truth and logic in order to appease your sick, twisted views
And YOU are somehow the model of morality on these boards?

Take your head out of your ass and stop trying to find fault where there is none. Before I/Sixx/Any thinking member asks you to back up your claims.


Sicc OG
Dec 10, 2005
Do you know how many Messianic and Orthodox Jews are against Zionism, and you know how much propaganda goes into blinding the public that Zionism is accepted within the Whole Jewish Circle? ALOT! I'm anti-Kabbalist, anti-Talmudic, not necessarily anti-zionist. There is a division in the zionists, with a small minority that have different views then the typical Zionist.

Secondly Biblically speaking, if they never turned their backs on Godly traditions, laws, and statutes, it wouldn't have ever been a fall of Israel. Had the Children of Israel Accept Yeshua Messhiach, maybe they would have still kept the land. But since He knew they would not accept him, He would destroy the temple, and build it himself, not necessarily with people, but in his second Advent.
What's the Zionists' main aim/goal right now or what are the ones?