Astonishing facts about Israel

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Mar 12, 2005
Shit Mob said:
Criticising the Jews right to live is hate
Who the hell said they didn't deserve to live, if you're addressing that post to me, wrong person buddy.
Israel has brought more than 100,000 Ethiopian Jews and Falash Mura - Jews who converted to Christianity under duress. Currently 300 Ethiopians are being brought to Israel each month
The Question is have they even been accepted yet? You're stupid and blind to think that almost every Jew that claims he is a Jew is a jew. Some are considered "Jews" through Religious ceremonial inductions.

Here's a list of different types of Jews, if you're talking about the Jews that carry to blood of the 12 Tribes of Joshua, then which ones? Cause if you can hand pick them out, then let them dwell in their land so which ones?

Sepharadic Jews? Lithuanian Jews? German Jews? What kind of Jews?

Y-S said:
What's the Zionists' main aim/goal right now or what are the ones?
They Believe that Jews, regardless of bloodline, just as long as you're Jewish deserve to go back to Israel and once again Establish what they were in the past. Problem is, if you're looking from a Political Stand point, some of these Jews don't belong in their "so called own land" because their not HEBREW.

Secondly if you're looking from a Religion aspect, if they want the Land, they need to accept the Messiah. Which they never did, so in return, they lost their land, and many were forced into exile, just like the Children of Israel in the time of Moses.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
mob shit said:
Criticising the Jews right to live is hate
In case you are a product of inbreeding, people on this board question EVERYONE'S right to live, not just the Jews. This just happens to be the thread where people talked about Jews you stupid fuck.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
You're stupid and blind to think that almost every Jew that claims he is a Jew is a jew.
Holy fuck, I'm suprised that came from you, but two thumbs up buddy!

Just cause you say you're Christian, doesn't mean you are. Just cause you say you are honest, doesn't mean you aren't a lying piece of shit.

You can SAY you are ANYTHING.


Are you going to believe that? No. So why the FUCK would someone think everyone who says, "I'm Jewish," really is? My best friend says he is, but he eats ham and pork, plus he never goes to worship, and obviously doesn't eat kosher food...that doesn't mean he's a BAD PERSON, it just means he's NOT what he says he is.

Learn to read between the lines SHIT MOB.
May 13, 2002
Pfft. What a bunch of nonsense. This is why so many members get frustrated when speaking to you…

That is a bold sweeping statement and that’s ALL Israel does in your eyes…. That would be the the same as me saying all Palastinians do is shoot rockets and blowthemselves up with little kids and innocent civilians on bus’, but that is not what I’m saying…
Whoa, BBC hatin’ on Israel, there’s something new, you know in Israel, there’s a joke that BBC is ran by Hamas, but nevermind…

Ok, substitute BBC News with any other mainstream media outlet.

No, no its not, Israel is not out to wipe the Palastinians off the face of the map, if that was the intent, that would have been done…
Israel's policy is to turn Palestinians into refugees and to incorporate the West Bank into Israel. Israel's gradual destruction of Palestine has become part of the fabric of everyday affairs and is certainly on par with Hitler.

The occupied lands have been appropriated by Israeli settlements and now by a massive wall and special roads on which no Palestinian can travel. Palestinian villages have been cut off from water, from their fields and groves, basic power and electricity in most parts, from schools and hospitals, and from one another. Essentially, what was once Palestine has become isolated ghettos in which the Palestinian inhabitants cannot enter or depart without Israeli permission and have special IDs or badges, much like the Jews were forced to wear.

Hitler was trying to create a master race and systematically exterminate the Jews (as well as Gay’s gypsies, communists, ect) and lets not even get into the nasty human expirimentaion… again no comparison
And the Zionists believe they are the master race (God’s chosen people and all that other nonsense you probably subscribe to).

No, they are not interested in domination of the middle east, Israel is not imperialistic (like her brother the US)
Oh really? And I supposed taking over Palestinian property/land is not imperialistic?!
Many countries in the middle east have actually waged a Jihad against Israel with no satisfaction until it no longer exists as a state and the Jews are run into the sea…
Arab-Israeli tensions arose from Israel's refusal to leave occupied Palestine and return to its own borders. Peace will come to Israel and the Middle East if and when the Israeli government is willing to comply with international law and honor its own previous commitments - by accepting its legal borders.
Maybe not to you, but it is so for the general mass
The general mass of Zionist Jews perhaps, but not everybody else.

Hamas is still in power (kinda), Israel just wont financially or politically support or negitate with a terrorist organizations whose principle platform denies its actual existence…
And murder, imprison, torture and kidnap their members. Forgot to leave those minor details out didn’t you?
Nice way to dance around my comments about you loving the democracy they forced upon the Palestinians.
They are actually probably closer to 35-40% of the population , which is why I mentioned it the CLOSEST thing to a true democracy
Um, really? So treating 35-40% of their population in this manner is the “closest thing to a true democracy”? LMFAO at how stupid you sound. So nearly half the population has virtually no democratic rights, and yet it’s the closest thing to a true democracy? Again, you my friend are the biggest douchebag on this website and you are living in la la land.
(and once a two state solution becomes a reality, it will be the greatest example of democracy, until then how can it be truly democratic if it denies 4.something million Palestinians a political voice, but Israel is a Jewish State before a democracy)
How can a state that was NEVER a true democracy in the first place become a democracy? The state was founded on oppression! Again, you are living in la la land.
and yes its fucked up…. However, look at the citizenship rights and liberties that other Arab-israeli’s enjoy, I garuntee they wouldn’t trade them for they country of origin’s rule anyday
Please, humor me with specifics about these great liberties that Arab-Israeli’s enjoy!
I agree fuck a neo-con, but Neo-cons should not be confused and is not synonomous for Zionist
They go hand-in-hand.
Hizbollah is the ones who premeditated shit. Yes, there were many civilian casualities, but that’s what happens when you use your mom or nephew as a human shield… RIP to ANY and ALL who’ve dies unjustly
Oh yes, please re-write history comrade. Tell us how poor little Israel was bullied by the big bag Hizbollah. And please continue to use the already de-bunked stories of Hizbollah using human shields. Please continue forward because I never knew you were this shameless and pathetic.
You may be able to fool other members of this forum but my memory is strong regarding the Lebanese-Israeli conflict.
Jul 10, 2002
2-0 said:
Pfft. What a bunch of nonsense. This is why so many members get frustrated when speaking to you…
I thought it was b/c I can be condescending and hold opposing beliefs/views on certain subjects (Israel/Judaism) that isn’t commonly shared around these parts, but whatever

2-0 said:
Israel's policy is to turn Palestinians into refugees and to incorporate the West Bank into Israel.
Wrong, Israel’s policy is to protect it’s citizens, maintain a Jewish state, and as long as those first two conditions are satisfied, run a ‘democratic’ govt

2-0 said:
Israel's gradual destruction of Palestine has become part of the fabric of everyday affairs and is certainly on par with Hitler.
Israel does not hold public rallies for the masses trying to garner support and give speeches of hate as Hitler did. Israel does to preach nor desire for the extermination of an entire group of people

There is plenty of voiced opposition to the actions/policies of the Israeli gov’t from within her boarders in many facets of society there. If anyone ever talked shit about the Hitler/Nazi’s they’d be grounds for jail or death or both…

The simile is SO extreme, it detracts from the actual point

2-0 said:
The occupied lands have been appropriated by Israeli settlements and now by a massive wall and special roads on which no Palestinian can travel. Palestinian villages have been cut off from water, from their fields and groves, basic power and electricity in most parts, from schools and hospitals, and from one another. Essentially, what was once Palestine has become isolated ghettos in which the Palestinian inhabitants cannot enter or depart without Israeli permission and have special IDs or badges, much like the Jews were forced to wear.
The Jews of Nazi Germany were not isolated b/c of a land dispute and/or violent acts.
The jews of Nazi Germany were an ideological threat against the advancement of the Aryan society as a whole, where as vigilant/militant Palastinian Jihadists are an actualy real time physical threat who shoot rockets and blow them selves up when given the opportunity… I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, violence only breeds more violence, and until both sides are seriously willing to lay down the arms, and talk peace--- only then will the a resolution to the land dispute/two state solution become a reality.

(the problem really lies with what the kids are being taught on both sides from a young age)

The Jews of Nazi Germany were not isolated b/c of violent acts or a dispute of land.

After they were isolated, they were then shipped like cattle with hundreds packed into a cattle car to concentration camps all throughout Europe, then sent as slaves to ’Labor Camps (for Nazi profit)’ and either served as slaves, murdered, or even used as human guinea pigs in some some of the 20th centuries cruelest scientific experiments…

Once again, there is no denial of the fact that the Palestinian people suffer great isolation, poverty, injustice and oppression, and yes sometimes Israels reaction is disproportionate. However, there is a huge difference, the Jews of Nazi Germany were an imaginary threat to the well being of the master race due to hard economic times ect., The Palastinian gov’t on the other hand Is filled with leaders that promote martrydom/suicide bombings, rocket fire, violence and a Jihad against Jews/Israel as a whole is not at all willing to negotiate, and is more interested in its extremeist ideals to wipe Israel off the map rather than make concessions to work towards a resolution.

2-0 said:
And the Zionists believe they are the master race (God’s chosen people and all that other nonsense you probably subscribe to).
I am a Zionist, and I don't subscribe to master race anything. We are ALL people.
I actually believe we are ALL (as humans) part of the same ONE. A Chosen People does not equate to a master race. Judaism is many things, a religion, a people, a culture, but Jews are not a race, although Hitler taught to the contrary.

2-0 said:
Oh really? And I supposed taking over Palestinian property/land is not imperialistic?!
The intent of the annexation is not for profit, expansion or gain, it is for Israeli security… believe me, it is a huge strain on the Israli gov’t, the IDF and its soldiers, and for the country as a whole…

2-0 said:
Arab-Israeli tensions arose from Israel's refusal to leave occupied Palestine and return to its own borders.
This is myth is nothing short of pure rhetoric. Arab Israeli tensions come from a desire to push the jews into the Sea. The Israeli/Palestinian conflict is used as a scapegoat by surrounding countries in the region for their own political/social/economic shortcomings. They redirect their countries own domestic dissatisfaction and divert it towards Israel… Just as the Jews were used as scapegoats during Nazi germany…. All these countries say they have an interest in the Palestinian movement, but there is no action, there is no economic support, there is no infrastructure support, no political support, no opening of boarders or job opportunites (like allowing work visas)(in fact just the opposite, many Arab countries kicked out their palastinian population with the intent to create strife)…. The sad fact is, they are used as pawns and many are coming to resent the rhetoric they’ve heard for generations from their brethren…

2-0 said:
Peace will come to Israel and the Middle East if and when the Israeli government is willing to comply with international law and honor its own previous commitments - by accepting its legal borders.
So if Israel and Palestine did come to an equitable resolution, the Sunni’s and Shi’ites whould drop their beef all thought the mid-East? The Saudi’s, Iranians, Syrians, Hizbollah, Hamas ect will stop teaching ‘The Protocols’ as fact in their educational system? Pakistan and India will join hands and sing John Lennon songs? Somolia and Ethiopia and Eritria & Egypy will suddenly become friends? Lets … save that for the Baker commision

Arab Israli tensions come from a desire to push the jews into the Sea

2-0 said:
And murder, imprison, torture and kidnap their members. Forgot to leave those minor details out didn’t you?
Nice way to dance around my comments about you loving the democracy they forced upon the Palestinians.
Hamas has been a terrorist organization before a political one. As long as they clench to their ideals and don’t recognize Israel as a state and her internationally recognized boarders, they will be treated as terrorists, not politician.

2-0 said:
Please, humor me with specifics about these great liberties that Arab-Israeli’s enjoy!
They have seats in the Knesset, they are NOT forced to join the IDF, they have freedom of religion (or lack there of if they choose), freedom of speech, dress, employment and educational opportunites, ect….

2-0 said:
They go hand-in-hand.
Just as much as communists & dirty hippies
Nov 8, 2002
A few pennies from me.

1) The US untilizes everything that the Israeli Gov creates including the Technologies it creates, This is a known fact. It is like Bill Gates giving funds to Hiram Johnson High School to fund developement of technologies. He gets first dibs!

2) if you hate the Israeli Goverment how would one know that you are stricly talking about them when you use the word Jew?

3) Israel is surrounded by countries that Hate them more than 2-0-Sixx or Heresy and that is thier justification for nukes. Homeland Security. Is it right? NO I dont think Nukes are good for any Country to posess. (H and 206 dont take offense cause even though we never agree I respect the fact that most statements made from ya'll come are intellectual).

4) Would you feel safer if the money and weapons went to Somalia or Iran? If Any Mid east country did a Nuke assault on us Israel would counter attack before we could so in that aspect it would be more of a Military alliance. And in that aspect it is in USA's best interest to maintain the Israeli fleet.

JUst remember before you respond to me these are my opinions and GWB didnt co-sign them yet.
Mar 12, 2005
Like I said, I'm not Anti-Israel, or Anti-Zionist, people think Zionism is a one sided thing. If you look from a Political Aspect it's always going to be the same thing because people are blinded by propaganda or their own notions, but from a religious view point, their is Messianic Zionism, Kabbalic and Talmudic Zionism the Bad One, and World Wide Zionism pretty much the World thinking of an Israel of their own. I hope one day the Jews can get their land back, but just like the American Government you have the wrong people in Charge.

But if there's any Criticism Gizmo, it's because they're taking weapons from a murderer. Would you accept a gun from your Brother which he used to Kill a person?
Nov 8, 2002
But if there's any Criticism Gizmo, it's because they're taking weapons from a murderer. Would you accept a gun from your Brother which he used to Kill a person?
I stay In Oak Park Often. Those who know it know the Violence. If I lived in a house there and everyone around me hated me and would rather I died than speak to me then yes the Bloody gun would be in my palm. Survival is the game. :dead:
Nov 8, 2002
It is pretty much agreed that the Jewish people are like the Aztecs of old. They had no land til they claimed it. That land belonged to others just as this land we live in belonged to others. They now posess it and they have said they will do all they can to never give it up. The same thing is said of the USA. if all Native americans gathered together to take back the land of thier ancestors would GWB give it to them? maybe we are getting a bit of topic..... Back to the main line.
Mar 12, 2005
Gizmo said:
It is pretty much agreed that the Jewish people are like the Aztecs of old. They had no land til they claimed it. That land belonged to others just as this land we live in belonged to others. They now posess it and they have said they will do all they can to never give it up. The same thing is said of the USA. if all Native americans gathered together to take back the land of thier ancestors would GWB give it to them? maybe we are getting a bit of topic..... Back to the main line.

Yeah, I'll unsubscribe until something catches my eye. Gotta love it homeboy, and Educated homeboy Stay up.
Jun 17, 2004
JoMoDo, it sounds like you're saying the end justifies the means in a kind of fooked up way...

Someone says: They invaded some land and forcefully booted hundreds of thousands of people out of their homes and killed thousands.

Then you say: Well they did make some pretty impressive computer chips and they have lots of new books.

And by the way being Anti-Israel has no connection with being Anti-Semitic, there are even orthodox Jews who protest Zionism.
Feb 9, 2003
semitism is derived by language and NOT ethnicity. So if people who condem Zionist are anti-semetic then the Jews are anti-semetic also, they kill more semitic Arabs than any one else in the world.