Any Atheists? And why?

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Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
2-0-Sixx said:
Those are not facts Hemp those are your opinions.
I want your opinion about Adam and Eves religion, that is supported by logic proof? I mean if Islam didn't exists I would be an atheist also, because I use my brain to figure out things in life, not people telling me. I just want you to think about those 13 attributes of God, and tell me any flaws please.

No scientist can create a hurricane, they might know the way it is occuring, or how it occurs. But they have no power over it. This is the creation of God. And the angels control it. Through God's oders. And God knows the reason for Hurricane Katrina. No scientist will ever know why.

-This whole life is hard work, No matter what everyday we experience hardship.

If u want to make it to heaven Just have think about the 13 attributes of God, U must accept it. Ur brain will not find any logical flaws.
Religion is also hard work, If u want to be a good muslim, Pray 5 times a day, and fast 1 month of ramdhan, pay money to the poor, and goto pillgramige. belive there is only 1 God and Mohammed is the prophet of God.

u don't have to be good to goto heaven like christianity. In islam, anyone who believes in the CORRECT LOGICALLY supported Islam u will end up in heaven no matter what. I steal, I have sex, i use intoxicants But i STILL KNOW IM GOING TO HEAVEN, because i Believe in God and his prophets and his attribute. Now, if there is a correct religion, It must have always existed, that's why the muslim religion started with the first human on earth(Adam). Not in arabic, The muslim religion is not arabic like most of you think, there were 120,000 prophets and only 4 were arabic.

people think of God's blessing in ignortant ways. U think God's blessing is saving people from death and hurricanes. False. Think about it, God blesses every single human being on earth, By letting every single human breath oxygen. Ur body forces it self to breath. This is God's Blessing, God BLESSES EVERYONE IN THIS LIFE. Thank God that you even exists, Don't ever take this earth for granted. It is a privillage that we are even breathing. Thank God, for everything, It CAN ALWAYS BE WORSE.

Nothing has power over everything, Only the creator does.
HArd work = reward.
Jun 27, 2003
ok.. wow. Science cannot create a hurricane; obviously. However, science can explain HOW a hurricane comes into existance, and I'm sorry to bust your little tooth fair fantasy, but it has NOTHING to do with angels.

As far as your so-called "attributes of God", they are just opinions that you believe this "god" of yours possesses. His existance is also another opinion of yours, he has not been proven.
Aug 13, 2005
Most of the things hemp said are TRUE, you guys say they are opinions? i can get SCIENTIFIC FACTS that the Quran and ahadeeth stated, and scientists themselves say these are divine because the stuff the Quran spoke about and the ahadeeth spoke about are barley being discoered now by science. Brother hemp although all muslims will go to heaven they will also have to spend time in hell if they deserve it, so not all muslims go to heaven straight up, thats the difference between islam and other religions, all these religions out there today say come to my religion and you are going to heaven no doubt, but in Islam YOU ARE NOT GUARANTEED HEAVEN infact you could be guaranteed hell because you could go to hell easy but yeah jazak Allah Khair brother, and when i said Islam i mean Islam, the religion that Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed s.a.w practiced and preached like Hemp said in his other posts.
Aug 13, 2005
and jae ill ofcourse we know why hurricanes happen, the hole in the ozone, UV Rays, global warming, earth fixing it self warm and cold waters in the equator, shift of polar winds, warm air rising to the poles, cool air shiftin to the equator etc....but how does all that happen? GOD how does the earth fix itself? GOD, everything that happens is cause GOD wills, look at the earth look at the sky, look at the universe its all perfection, planets in their orbits its perfection its not something that just happened, it is a creation made by the creator. You could explain hurricane katrina and how hurricanes occur but only God knows really, can u tell a hurricane or storm will occur before it occurs? people know about earthquakes and where they occur but can you countdown precisley to when they are going to happen? NO.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
shoowilla said:
you guys say they are opinions? i can get SCIENTIFIC FACTS that the Quran and ahadeeth stated, and scientists themselves say these are divine because the stuff the Quran spoke about and the ahadeeth spoke about are barley being discoered now by science.

thats the difference between islam and other religions, all these religions out there today say come to my religion and you are going to heaven no doubt, but in Islam YOU ARE NOT GUARANTEED HEAVEN infact you could be guaranteed hell because you could go to hell easy

The correct islam states: Every single human is blessed in this life, but only the believers in the next life. This means : For the non-believer he will go straight to hellfire, unless he was insane, under the age of pueberty, or never heard the call of islam.

for believers there is 2 judgements.
1. No sins, or God forgave him for all his sinning(straight to heaven)(and Only God knows who is going to be forgave)

Forgave for somethings, or forgave non of your sins. This means the muslim will go to hellfire for a period of time, but then end up in heaven for eternity. So I know that only some go straight to heaven.

But if u do no prayers or anything, U can still be muslim. So i am saying every single muslim will end up in heaven. END UP. Even if u don't pray, and do many sins.(sorta like me)
Jun 18, 2004
Hutch said:
I'm sure that, if you've read previous posts by me, you know I'm an athiest. I agree with every post on this thread by 2-0-Sixx. I must ask his question once again to remind the believers to reply - 'My question to all theists, which I (2-0-Sixx) asked a long time ago in a thread, is why do you believe in god?'

Well, why?

and seriously, don't say some shit like - 'because I prayed and he heard me' or anything like that

Me? I don't believe in God or dieties of any kind. I don't believe in spirits, souls or reincarnation. I don't believe that any mysterious force pervades the universe (unless you're talking about theoretical physics, in which case theres atleast a slim chance of that existing).

When we die, we turn to dust, born one day and gone the next - not onto a new life but simply ceasing to exist. When your heart stops beating that is final. Our creative thoughts come from neural connections, nothing more and nothing less. There is no ether which intoxicates our simple brains, imparting on us the ability to think, learn, construct or create anything. Just because we don't understand the exact way in which this occurs doesn't mean that we should say 'God did it' like everything else. Thankfully God is taking the back seat in todays society. We have found logical explanations for many things which we used to think were unexplanable, and with that Gods grip on our minds has loosened. Unfortunately, he still has many of our hearts.

So you claim you believe in god? If someone asks me a question and I'm not completely sure of the answer, I often respond by saying 'I believe so'. Believing in god means that you think he exists, knowing he exists is another thing - and if you claim to KNOW that he exists then I can say, with complete conviction, that you are a fuck-wit. Your heads have been in the clouds for too long now, time to get down to Earth and live this life you're in, not some fictitious one.
Great post...I'm still waiting to see least of a logical nature.
Jun 17, 2004
Hemp said:
Some of it was an opionion about science. But the logic knowledge about religion is not an opionion but a fact. Every single creation has a beginning, except God. Even science has a beginning. Im just letting you know, that everyone always says logic is not included in any religion, But logic is included in 1 religion!!!

Ok creating is not what science does, science only puts together what already is created, to MAKE something new. They cannot create DNA. I am sure they can make DNA, But God is the one who created it first. Everysingle thing is science is using the natural elements of the Earth. And who created the Element table? God did. So I don't think science creates, but it just makes things. Creating is only something God can do. God created the human brain, and everything else. I do appreciate science, I am not anti-science. I like it in soo many ways, But science can only go so far, and do not answer the questions Why something was created. Science might know how to make DNA but God knows how to create DNA and the reason behind its existance.
once again...
FunK-3-FivE said:
The thing people fail to grasp in creationism theology is that the concept of beginning and end and concept of time is something that we mere animals have come up with... in reality nothing is ever created and nothing ever ceases to exist... nothing ever ends and nothing ever begins... when we die, when we reproduce, when we kill other animals for food... all thats happening is a rearranging/recycling of matter... understand this simple law in science and it is more than apparent that a creator is the ultimate "beginning" factor to the false human concept of beginning and end.
Hemp said:
This is how i recieved the fact of the muslim belief.
oh so it's a FACT and BELIEF now? hahaha wtf?!? I think you're a little confused my friend.

Hemp said:
Prophets told people, they told someone so on. There is many people who do not recieve the true message after numerous years of telling stories. So the truth of islam will always be supported by logic proof (fact)
wtf?? did that make sense to anyone else???? hah you burnin fat ones down and writing some shit that makes noo sense.

Hemp said:
In my religion it says that water was the first creation ever.

Hemp said:
No water = No life.
Not entirely true but anyways...
No Oxygen & Hydrogen = No water
And I thought your god created the periodic table himself shouldn't he know? lol

Hemp said:
Only a humans logic can prove that God exists. And you people wanted logic? I gave you Logic!!!
Ooookay buddy.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
L Mac-a-docious said:
So you claim you believe in god? If someone asks me a question and I'm not completely sure of the answer, I often respond by saying 'I believe so'. Believing in god means that you think he exists, knowing he exists is another thing - and if you claim to KNOW that he exists then I can say, with complete conviction, that you are a fuck-wit. Your heads have been in the clouds for too long now, time to get down to Earth and live this life you're in, not some fictitious one.QUOTE]
^^^i like crack and i fien for dat.!!!

Ok let's see i already answered why i believe in God, and only the person with an imigination or a brain would figure it out.

READ THE 13 attributes of God, tell me what u think.....THE 13 attributes are not opinions buddy.....THOSE ARE RELIGOUS FACTS, those are the items science are trying to prove, BUT I KNOW HE EXISTS. everything on the earth is organized, U think humans are smart? GOD IS SMARTER, He knows everything. EVERYTHING. He knows how crack feels, how animals hearts work, their brain, how apples taste, He knows who messed up the towers. GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING. The count of everything, and what's going to happen.

Mar 9, 2005
Hemp said:
L Mac-a-docious said:
So you claim you believe in god? If someone asks me a question and I'm not completely sure of the answer, I often respond by saying 'I believe so'. Believing in god means that you think he exists, knowing he exists is another thing - and if you claim to KNOW that he exists then I can say, with complete conviction, that you are a fuck-wit. Your heads have been in the clouds for too long now, time to get down to Earth and live this life you're in, not some fictitious one.QUOTE]
^^^i like crack and i fien for dat.!!!

Ok let's see i already answered why i believe in God, and only the person with an imigination or a brain would figure it out.

READ THE 13 attributes of God, tell me what u think.....THE 13 attributes are not opinions buddy.....THOSE ARE RELIGOUS FACTS, those are the items science are trying to prove, BUT I KNOW HE EXISTS. everything on the earth is organized, U think humans are smart? GOD IS SMARTER, He knows everything. EVERYTHING. He knows how crack feels, how animals hearts work, their brain, how apples taste, He knows who messed up the towers. GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING. The count of everything, and what's going to happen.


Oh, wow - those 13 attributes, now I understand! God is great, God is all powerful, God is infallable!!! Pffft, yeah right. Do you sleep better at night believing in that crap? And let me get this right - you believe in God because the 13 attributes of God makes perfect and logical sense. LOGICAL sense? who else sees the flaw in that statement? You haven't made one logical statement in this whole thread. You obviously don't own a dictionary, because the simple act of believing in God is in itself illogical. There is not a single piece of evidence that supports the existence of God, and as I've said time and time again, it's not our job to disprove the existence of God - it's your job to prove it. So go on then, dazzle me!

Besides, when someone says 'it's a religious fact', how am I meant to take them seriously? To repeat what I said in my last post - anyone who claims they KNOW that God exists is a fuck-wit. You know what that makes you.....
Aug 13, 2005
Hemp said:

The correct islam states: Every single human is blessed in this life, but only the believers in the next life. This means : For the non-believer he will go straight to hellfire, unless he was insane, under the age of pueberty, or never heard the call of islam.

for believers there is 2 judgements.
1. No sins, or God forgave him for all his sinning(straight to heaven)(and Only God knows who is going to be forgave)

Forgave for somethings, or forgave non of your sins. This means the muslim will go to hellfire for a period of time, but then end up in heaven for eternity. So I know that only some go straight to heaven.

But if u do no prayers or anything, U can still be muslim. So i am saying every single muslim will end up in heaven. END UP. Even if u don't pray, and do many sins.(sorta like me)

Asaalmu alaikum hemp we agree that some muslims will go to hell but eventually go to heaven but everything else i stated i got from scholars, when it comes to not praying there are some people say that they will go to heaven eventually but the strongest opinion, and the one with the strongest proofs are that it wont happen because theres a hadith where Mohammad s.a.w said the thing that separates a kaffir and a believer is his prayers, in the Quran God said establish your prayers. And God knows best, whatever truth i spoke came from God and whatever falsness i spoke came from me. But we are not here to argue with each other, lets try to show them the what we are here on this earth for, and remember God chooses whom he wants and astrays who he wants, so no matter what some people will never get it in this life.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
Hutch said:
Hemp said:
There is not a single piece of evidence that supports the existence of God, and as I've said time and time again, it's not our job to disprove the existence of God - it's your job to prove it. QUOTE]

No, Buddy. Its ur job to prove to me there is no God. U want me to show you evidence there is a God, whoa buddy how hard is it. MOON, STARS, SUN, EARTH, GALAXY. It's organized work buddy. Human breathes air. We are weak. And i would like u to show me evidence there is not a God. Cuz my explaination is better. SOMETHING CREATED EVERYTHING. PERIOD. Hey guess what, people who don't believe in God are going to hell. what does that make you?

Wu 3laykum as salaam
Mohammad s.a.w said the thing that separates a kaffir and a believer is his prayers, in the Quran God said establish your prayers. This is true to a point. A muslim is obligatory to establish prayers. So this does seperates kaffir from a believer. kaffirs do not perform prayer, and muslims do. But, If u do not pray, U are a sinner, not a kaffir. This is what the difference is. A muslim is a muslim, from believing in the heart, and saying ... There is only One God, and Mohammed is his messanger. THATS HOW U BECOME MUSLIM, And it will always be that way, untill the day of judgement.
May 13, 2002
The burden of proof does not lie upon the Atheist since the Atheist is not the one making the claim of Gods existence. It is not up to the Atheist to disprove God since there has never been any proof provided to disprove.

Thus the burden of proof falls squarely on the believer. If the believer is unable to provide positive proof of God's existence, the skeptic is justified in his atheism.
Aug 13, 2005
2-0-Sixx said:
The burden of proof does not lie upon the Atheist since the Atheist is not the one making the claim of Gods existence. It is not up to the Atheist to disprove God since there has never been any proof provided to disprove.

Thus the burden of proof falls squarely on the believer. If the believer is unable to provide positive proof of God's existence, the skeptic is justified in his atheism.

The athiests is making the claim of Gods unexistance so PROVE ME THERE ISNT A GOD? PROVE ME THERE ISNT A GOD? what are your proofs? check the the other post i just posted in the other thread. If that is not proof then i dont know what proving something is.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
AMP said:
athiests should really be the ones ruling teh country, thats true separation of church and state
I think if the whole world where atheist, the whole world would become makavellies. The earth would be way worse than it is at the moment. They wouldn't care about anything, just doing whatever they want and whatever they can in this life to rule the world, or live happy. They will have no morals or anything. An athiest world would be full of curruption and cheating, lying and everything else. They don't care if they would be good or not, Just want to conquer this life.

NOthing happens at random, This whole universe and all planets, stars, earth included has life. We all know we are the only planet with life. U think we are the only intellegent people out of billions of creations, false. This is where the spirit world comes into play. This planet has more than we know. ONLY GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING. AND I MEAN EVERYTHING. No human will ever know everything. EVERRRRRRRRRRRR

2-0 sixx is an intellegent guy, but he thinks this world just came randomly? life came randomly? NOPE, there is a reason behind everything.

Only people that don't believe in God, because they have limited knowledge about him. i used to not believe in God when i was young. Now i learned about God, and He is the greatest because God is like his creations. All his creations need something. God needs nothing.
Mar 9, 2005
I'm going to the same place as you, be that your metaphorical hell or otherwise. I love life - the Earth, moon and stars, animals and plants, family and friends etc. Not one of those things has anything to do with God. I open my eyes and see the stars for what they are, giant balls of superhot gas - the moon, a giant rock orbiting the earth due to forces of gravitation, the plants growing and producing because of the energy provided by the sun and carbon provided by previous suns being assimilated into a beautiful 'miracle' of life. Every time I observe spectacular art, be it visual or spoken, I wonder at the amazing ability of the human mind to come up with such diverse and meaningful symbols.

God takes no part in any of this. We do not need a higher being to explain organisation in this Universe, they are simply islands of condensed negative entropy. You believe that because we breathe air we are weak. Perhaps that is why you feel the need to believe in the existence of God. You are afraid to take control of your own destiny, you want to believe that what will happen will happen because the great one ordained it. This removes you from any responsibility and is truly a sign of weakness, gullability and fallibility. I will never, in any shape or form, pray for anything.

I apologise, but your explanation is in no way better than mine, and anyone who uses more than 0.5% of their brain will agree. Showing me a body riddled with bullet holes proves the existence of a murderer. Showing me the moon, stars and galaxies proves the existence of the moon, stars and galaxies. It will take infinitely more evidence than this to prove the existence of God, and as such evidence does not exist, then your cause is forever lost on me.

Believe in God if you will but please, PLEASE, don't try to convince yourself or others that it is the only way of perceiving this world. Your threats of eternal damnation, days of judgement, punishment for sinning etc. are simply scare tactics that you try to pull on the unintelligable and misguided to get them to believe in God. 'Oh no, if I don't believe in God then I'll go to hell!'. If hell awaits me, then I'll see you there.
Mar 13, 2003
For all of the athiests who asked:

Now, to answer the question by the athiests who ask 'Why do you believe in God?', I have an answer I hope you all can atleast respect. Growing up, I had no designated religion in my family, the closest theory that was taught to me as a child was in relation to Native American belief. Growing up I knew medicine men and all that jazz, spent a lot of time in the wilderness learing a respect for nature. Never once was a religion pressured on me, nor was my pursuit of religious knowledge deterred. Very so rarely, I would 'pray' in a sense where I would ask for something very unlikely and in turn, it would be answered. I can't question these things, or base it on science as they were things that science would have validated improbable. In a sense, these things were miracles. A miracle to me is when the improbable scientific outcome occurs in the moment when it is most needed. Something that may come on due to wishful thinking of a collected mass or a solitary force. If you openly and willing ask for something great to happen, it will happen... by allowing your mind to view all of the opportunities of the moment and trusting your subconscious to choose the most ideal probability, amazing things will occur. Now, you must be completely open to anything in this occurance, as if you are using Scientific logic to deduce the outcome of this situation, your subconcious will be overridden and you will choose the most Scientific opportunity at the time. Quantum physics will prove that miracles are around you at all times just waiting to happen, you just have to be completely open to miracle and then trust yourself to discover the miracle and enjoy it to it's full potential. If you consistantly enjoy miracles and share the miracles of life with other people, in turn these people will be more likely to bring the positive energy back to you. Subconsiously, they will do great things in your favor simply because they feel good when they are around you. Greatness will attract greatness just as hate will attract hate. I do not believe in fearing God. I do not believe you have to accept God into your heart in order to go to heaven. I do agree in respecting God, because just respecting that this force is there will increase your chances of beniefiting from it in the future. I do agree in accepting the grace of God into your life as once you accept that great/unexplicable things can happen to you, they will start to happen to you. I believe in my heart that all humans have a soul and this soul will travel on beyond your current life. Whether or not it's reincarnation or a place beyond this earth, I do believe that the soul is a greater power than science or religion could ever wish to fully harness. I do not believe in human intelligence as year after year huge 'scientific' truths are proved wrong and there are far too many religions for any one of them to be dead on. If you following something blindly, your entire journey will be based on where you end up. If you live your life to stay out of 'hell' or 'heaven' or some magical land of Chocolate, I think you are missing the point all together. Whether or not you follow the path, as long as you admire the journey through out, I would argue that you are already in Heaven.

I think Science has answers for the people who couldn't find answers in Religion and I think once you start excepting either form as cold, hard fact than you've given up on true acceptance.

Being a fan of professional wrestling, there's a quote I heard a wrestler say about 'Whether or not wrestling was real', he said "If you don't believe it's real, there's no explanation good enough. If you do believe it's real, there's no explanation necessary".
May 13, 2002
shoowilla said:
The athiests is making the claim of Gods unexistance so PROVE ME THERE ISNT A GOD? PROVE ME THERE ISNT A GOD? what are your proofs?
How can I disprove something that I don’t believe exists? WTF am I going to disprove?

If I told you an invisible 6 headed monster lives in my closet and shits out hundreds of tiny purple midgets every hour on the hour, wouldn’t you expect me to provide some kind of proof of the monsters existence or is the burden of proof lie on you? So under your logic, everyone should assume this monster exists in my closet based on the fact that I made the claim. It is not up to me to prove its existence it's up to you to disprove it. That's fucking retarded logic.

I cant disprove the existence of god because I don’t know what the fuck god is supposed to be. How the hell can someone disprove something that nobody knows wtf it is in the first place?

check the the other post i just posted in the other thread. If that is not proof then i dont know what proving something is.
I've checked your other threads and honestly they’re some of the most retarded fucking shit I have ever read in my life. You and Hemp are probably the two biggest idiots the siccness has ever seen. If I could ban people based on stupidity you'd be the first to go.