Amerikans are getting dumber by the year: Majority reject Evolution.

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May 13, 2002
(CBS) Most Americans do not accept the theory of evolution. Instead, 51 percent of Americans say God created humans in their present form, and another three in 10 say that while humans evolved, God guided the process. Just 15 percent say humans evolved, and that God was not involved.

Meanwhile, the Religious Right continues their relentless attack on Science in public schools. (Kansas: Says yes to fantasy: Intelligent Design)

And for all of you who think Intelligent Design should be taught in a SCIENCE class, consider the following:


Less than 6% of high school seniors plan to pursue engineering degrees, down from 36% a decade ago.

In 2000, 56% of China’s undergraduate degrees were in the hard sciences; in the US the figure was 17%.

China will likely produce six times as many engineers as we will graduate. Japan, with half our population, has minted twice as many in recent years.

In a survey of science literacy, students in the US came in 24th of 40 countries, tying with Latvia.

Scientists and engineers make up less than 5% of our population, but produce 50% of our GDP.

A survey in 2000 revealed that 38% of math teachers and 28% of science teachers in grades 7-12 lacked a college major or minor in their subject area.

Congress cut the National Science Foundation’s budget by $105 million in 2005.

The Bush Administration has also proposed cutting the fiscal 2006 budget for research and development in federal agencies as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Institutes of Standards and Technology.

The long term effects of teaching our children unsupported fairy tails may be much bigger than you think.
Oct 28, 2005
Evolution is not a science. This is true. Science does not consist of picking things up, and making guesses about what they were or did. Science is about experiments and proving what things ARE and DO; fixing things and making other things work; and so on.

Biological Anthropology (i.e., the search for the 'missing link', darwinism, et al) is about the most pathetic branch of science to ever exist. It does absolutely does no good other than to DISPROVE something else (that something being Religion), which interestingly is the exact reason why people are so against Intelligent Design being taught.

The key is not sweeping all of Darwinism's flaws under the rug and teaching it anyways. The key is to create a new culture where people don't run around like faggy assholes, wasting their days away, believing the country sucks and the gov't can't be trusted. People need to believe in our Financial Aid systems and our Education Department, or they won't even start touching Chemistry, Physics, etc. degrees (especially Masters and above) with a 39-1/2 foot pole.
May 10, 2002
^^^thanks for your OPINION

i myself believe that evolution seems like the most realistic possibly of how everything started, compaired to an imaginary man that created everything...sorry im a realist and cant force myself to believe somthing that from my experiance remains to be untrue. that is religon. now i dont disrespect or look down upon those ppl who do believe because i can respect each persons personal beliefs.

but i think evolution does involve science, because part of evolution is molocules combustion the creation of somthing amazing from somthing simple which is do plants and everything grow...what is the main light source in which this planet remains alive from? the sun. we are just the right distance away from the sun to create temperatures which creates life provided you have water.
80 % of the world is water.

now there could have been several planets the same distance away fromt he sun as us but, they're arn't any....if there were think of how different the world u live in today would be....possibly traveling from planet to planet....would ppl be the same? how small would our world today seem?

i could go on and on about what i think and my outlooks on this but i have to say im very dissappointed in the LACK OF EFFORT in seeking what is beyond everything we know....this should be a main goal to discover....where we are what surrounds us and what are position in anything even should be a priority of concern for each person who lives on this earth as a human with the right to live... however like you say funding is getting cut and in my opinion ppl are swallowed up by thier everyday lives too much to pay attention or really give a fuck..instead they sit back get fat and let the "scrientists" do the complicated futuristic exploration into the world that we exist in.
Aug 8, 2003
I believe..

god picked his nose, flung a booger...

hence man was born


(episode 2 is how he made women from a combination of cottage cheese and clam)
Dec 25, 2003
Biological Anthropology has much more to offer and has scientific validity beyond your assumed mission statement of disproving Religion. That's yet another ludicrous claim.
Jul 7, 2002
Other people too, not just scriptural literalists, remain unpersuaded about evolution. According to a Gallup poll drawn from more than a thousand telephone interviews conducted in February 2001, no less than 45 percent of responding U.S. adults agreed that "God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so." Evolution, by their lights, played no role in shaping us.

Only 37 percent of the polled Americans were satisfied with allowing room for both God and Darwin—that is, divine initiative to get things started, evolution as the creative means. (This view, according to more than one papal pronouncement, is compatible with Roman Catholic dogma.) Still fewer Americans, only 12 percent, believed that humans evolved from other life-forms without any involvement of a god.

The most startling thing about these poll numbers is not that so many Americans reject evolution, but that the statistical breakdown hasn't changed much in two decades. Gallup interviewers posed exactly the same choices in 1982, 1993, 1997, and 1999. The creationist conviction—that God alone, and not evolution, produced humans—has never drawn less than 44 percent. In other words, nearly half the American populace prefers to believe that Charles Darwin was wrong where it mattered most.
May 13, 2002
Dirty Shoez said:
Evolution is not a science.
One of the stupidest things you’ve ever said.

Science = The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.

Evolution does not fit this definition? Please, give me the definition of Science and no, a thesaurus will not do.

Science is about experiments and proving what things ARE and DO; fixing things and making other things work; and so on.
Evolution is fact. The only people who do not believe in evolution are the religious retards and the ignorant.
Oct 28, 2005
Cmoke said:
^^^thanks for your OPINION

i myself believe that evolution seems like the most realistic possibly of how everything started, compaired to an imaginary man that created everything...sorry im a realist and cant force myself to believe somthing that from my experiance remains to be untrue. that is religon. now i dont disrespect or look down upon those ppl who do believe because i can respect each persons personal beliefs.
Come again?

"an imaginary man that created everything"

"i dont disrespect or look down upon those ppl who do believe (in religion)"

You can't even go 1 paragraph without contradicting yourself.

but i think evolution does involve science, because part of evolution is molocules combustion the creation of somthing amazing from somthing simple which is do plants and everything grow...what is the main light source in which this planet remains alive from? the sun. we are just the right distance away from the sun to create temperatures which creates life provided you have water.
80 % of the world is water.
You have outlined nothing that could not have been set-up or put in place by Allah.

now there could have been several planets the same distance away fromt he sun as us but, they're arn't any....if there were think of how different the world u live in today would be....possibly traveling from planet to planet....would ppl be the same? how small would our world today seem?
See above.

If there were life on other planets, you might have a point. But seeing as though there have not been found any others.........

i could go on and on about what i think and my outlooks on this but i have to say im very dissappointed in the LACK OF EFFORT in seeking what is beyond everything we know....this should be a main goal to discover....where we are what surrounds us and what are position in anything even should be a priority of concern for each person who lives on this earth as a human with the right to live... however like you say funding is getting cut and in my opinion ppl are swallowed up by thier everyday lives too much to pay attention or really give a fuck..instead they sit back get fat and let the "scrientists" do the complicated futuristic exploration into the world that we exist in.
See further above.

"this should be a main goal to discover....where we are what surrounds us and what are[sic] position in anything even is"

You say these things, but presumably are against I.D. being taught in schools; or at the least, want to severely limit its scope.

If there is verily no science that says all men are created equal, then you should have no fear of I.D. You should be happy that more people would in turn abandon Creationism and move further Left.

This is how the things are being taught, left to right:


Anyone who is saying I.D. and Creationism are the same is being either of a lying deceiver or an ignorant person.
Oct 28, 2005
MICRO-Evolution is a fact. Macroevolution has never once been proven. You didn't think I would make that distinction, now did you?

And if you wish to say Macroevolution is indeed a "fact", then you will explain to me the Marsupial/Placental split (and resulting species overlappings), and how it could have occurred at literally TRILLIONS OF TRILLIONS to one odds.

Science is based on facts. This much is the reality. And whether you like it or not, explaining Gravity or Relativity will never, EVER be on the same level as picking up a skull, running a few tests, and proclaiming that this is where man originated from. Never. NOT EVER.

Gravity has VERY few holes in it, ocurring mostly in hypothetical situations that have never been witnessed. Darwinism on the other hand has GAPING holes in it, and continuing to believe in it, after having been confronted with these realities, requires just as much religious fervor as believing in Creationism does.
Oct 28, 2005
Biological Anthropology has much more to offer and has scientific validity beyond your assumed mission statement of disproving Religion. That's yet another ludicrous claim.
Then prove it.

Explain to the board how predicting how and why 2 chemicals X and Y, when combined, will explode, and then repeating the process, each time receiving the same result; can in any way, shape, or form compare with picking up a few bones, flashing lasers at them, and postulating A, B and C, yet never being able to prove just about anything.

It is ludicrous to believe they can be. Chemistry, Physics, etc. can predict the future. Biological Anthropology (more specifically, the study of past
"Humanoids"/Apes) cannot. It is incapable of doing this. It therefore represents the very ANTITHESIS of Science.
Jun 17, 2004
Dirty Shoez said:
Evolution is not a science. This is true. Science does not consist of picking things up, and making guesses about what they were or did. Science is about experiments and proving what things ARE and DO; fixing things and making other things work; and so on.
And observations.

Evolution has been observed and witnessed. The average testosterone levels in males has gradually increased with each generation.... this my friend is evolution.. durrr.

Dirty Shoez said:
Biological Anthropology (i.e., the search for the 'missing link', darwinism, et al) is about the most pathetic branch of science to ever exist. It does absolutely does no good other than to DISPROVE something else (that something being Religion), which interestingly is the exact reason why people are so against Intelligent Design being taught.
The "missing link" theory is only an example given to people uneducated about evolution. There are no scientists that actually go out looking for a "missing link" between primates and humans, because quite frankly that's absurd given the facts of evolution. It's not like one day some ape type thing gave birth to a human, that's insane. Or to think that you could suddenly grow an extra appendage, that's stupidity. Evolution is a slow process, taking millions of years for the smallest changes to occur. It's quite an obvious part of genetics... two people mate having offspring with mixed DNA, this offspring chooses a mate and they too have offspring with mixed DNA, the dominant traits become more dominant with each generation and some traits don't even show up until later generations when it becomes more dominant, also the choice in mate is an obvious factor.

God damn what the fook do they teach ya in school?

Why the U.S. has failed to join the rest of the modern world in accepting evolution is beyond me.
Jun 17, 2004
@ dirtyshoez...

I see now so you think microevolution is fact and macroevolution is not? But isn't it obvious that macroevolution= the longterm effects and changes that microevolution has? I agree some specific theories in macroevolution are hard to prove but that doesn't mean the principal can't be applied. After all it is all one and the same, macroevolutionary changes = many microevolutionary changes, the species has had so many changes that it is of a different class then what it was hundreds of millions of years before. Surely you can't be dull enough not to see that?
May 10, 2002
Dirty Shoez said:
Come again?

"an imaginary man that created everything"

"i dont disrespect or look down upon those ppl who do believe (in religion)"

You can't even go 1 paragraph without contradicting yourself.

how am i contradicting myself? by saying i dont believe in god or religon but i do respect the belief's other may have....

You have outlined nothing that could not have been set-up or put in place by Allah.

See above.
what the fuck are u even talking about? i sure as fuck dont know....i was not speaking on allah or any other god

If there were life on other planets, you might have a point. But seeing as though there have not been found any others.........
well thank you mrs fucking insult your own intelligence plz. IF THERE WERE OTHER PLANTETS THE SAME DISTANCE FROM THE SUN AS US....THEY WOULD HAVE LIFE ON THEM

See further above.

"this should be a main goal to discover....where we are what surrounds us and what are[sic] position in anything even is"

You say these things, but presumably are against I.D. being taught in schools; or at the least, want to severely limit its scope.
again your putting words into my mouth, i very obviously stated that i was niether for or against religon or ID however through my OWN ecperiances and beliefs that seems to be the most UNREALISTIC approach to how the world was created.

If there is verily no science that says all men are created equal, then you should have no fear of I.D. You should be happy that more people would in turn abandon Creationism and move further Left.

This is how the things are being taught, left to right:


Anyone who is saying I.D. and Creationism are the same is being either of a lying deceiver or an ignorant person.
please define creationism and intelligent design

my replies to your statements have been texted in bold above
May 10, 2002
its very amusing to me that many ppl that do not believe in religon are open minded and can at the same time, respect the fact that others believe in somthing else...however it seems to me that ppl who believe in religon have closed thier mind to what could actually be the reality of the situation that made this world what it is today.
May 10, 2002
IE: i take everything into perspective and give it at least a quick glance....some of these bible freaks that thump the books wouldnt even consider any other option to how the world was created...this would be the only part of religon that i look down upon

for instance, i see this stupid fuck driving 15 MPH in a 30 at least 4 ppl are honking ....and the person doesnt get a right behind them and they have a bumper sticker on the back of thier car that reads "evolution is an anti christ religion, not science" this dumb fuck then proceeds to pull into a church parking lot...i figure shes in the right place because that stupidity goes hand in hand
Oct 28, 2005
FunK-3-FivE said:
@ dirtyshoez...

I see now so you think microevolution is fact and macroevolution is not? But isn't it obvious that macroevolution= the longterm effects and changes that microevolution has? I agree some specific theories in macroevolution are hard to prove but that doesn't mean the principal can't be applied. After all it is all one and the same, macroevolutionary changes = many microevolutionary changes, the species has had so many changes that it is of a different class then what it was hundreds of millions of years before. Surely you can't be dull enough not to see that?
You tell me.

What you're talking about now is a matter of opinion: "After X amount of microevolutions, we officially have a new species" How scientific is that? The answer: NOT AT ALL.

How you can be such a dolt and not realize this, I have no clue.