STRANGE7 said:
On a side note Heat/Matt you should not be sticking your nose were it does not belong. One post is alot different then posting every time Trajik or someone at 70 mile takes a shit. You are not smart enough dude, dont come on here and act like you are saying sorry and then turn around and act like a smart ass. That is the kind of shit that got this all started in the first place! If you think the siccness is going downhill then stay off of it, no one cares, if your site is better then stay there your fans will come to you , and the problem will be solved. :dead:
Oh yeah...and the comment about M80 really was what came to my mind as I was finsihing writing that reply. I told my manager Ghost not post 70 Mile stuff on here anymore abd I'll kindly refrain, but its real funny to me when you guys paid a company to do exactly what I have done on a much larger level.
I honestly don't want to have any hard feelings over this because it is pretty petty in the big scheme of things. I understand that myself and Trajik have done things that angered Travis and others with Strange. I just don't see the need for this to continue on the net or in real life.
I'm not sure why you are still pursuing this, but I am done. You guys win...Score 1 for Strange, 0 for us. We'll do our thing and you do yours...this bickering is not productive and needs to stop.