You're right......everyone should read this and UNDERSTAND the truth behind deleted posts.....
I got a call from Heat Myser last night and we cleared a lot of shit up and I relayed some feelings from Strange towards him and Trajik.
It's like this.....Trajik and I have a mutual annomosity towards each other...some off color comments made by Trajik about a certain person's "dick I was suckin" in our little "beef" post just inflamed some already harsh feelings from a few people with Strange Music, myself included....but that has NOTHING to do with post being deleted. There is this thing called the MIDWEST BOARD on this website....Travis and I helped out in the creation of that board as a favor to Heat Myser when he reached out to us to talk to the admins here at the That came about right after there was a problem with the mass amounts of Trajik posts on here back before his album came out. It was so extreme that people at MSC were callin Travis askin him if he had signed some dude named Trajik. You gotta understand that more people than "fans" come to this forum. So hence the Midwest forum. So our thinking is....why is it necessary for those posts to come back on here. We got you that Midwest forum for that reason. So now we were back to square one. This time the posts were just deleted.
Now you ask......what about the off topic posts, blah blah blah. I've seen you all reply to these off topic posts, so don't start with me there. And spam posts aren't worth the time to delete cause they leave the front page within a day.
Heat also made a reference to how this board used to be....people talkin about court-dog, rich, res, lejo, dove dawg, etc. during the pre-midwest board days. Yeah.....they WERE on here....but now that there is a PLACE for that now.....what is the need to disscuss it on this forum?
You feel me? I know people are still gonna hate, thinking "fuck Nick and Swick and their personal vendetta", well....if it's a personal vendetta.....then who made it personal in the first place? The blame goes right back to the subject that you're supporting.
We could go on and on for days on this shit.....and still be bickering. But I ain't got the time for it anymore.
Last note.....Heat said last night...if I got any problems that need to be taken care of to call him or get ahold of him personally. In the future I would like to request the same. If the shit isn't a public issue, don't make it one. If you know me in person or otherwise you know how to get at me. Fuck it.......
[email protected] and the cell # if you aint got it you can get it from heat. If you don't know me and still want to act like you do and call me out on shit you have no idea what you're talking yourself the time for real.