About time.........

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Mar 12, 2003
@ Shep, It will be the 14, not this Saturday but the next. You really should come up and do that shit, being that there is no video of me up on the site(lol).I plan on being down that way in a few weeks make sure I get ur number and shit so we can kick it.:devious:


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
i think i'm coming up for the time on the 14th, but not the 16th. don't worry.... we'll expose the world to 3rd degree.
Oct 6, 2002
I just read this entire thing and I am so tired of the bullshit!!!
Fact is that Heatmyser was posten to much shit on here about Trajik non-stop and this is not a fucking Trajik board or 70 mile. It is great that you all got love for them but again this is not there board! Every once in a while would have been cool but when Travis got on here and saw all the shit that Matt had put on here he said enough and tryed to be cool and talk to Matt but it all got out of hand and then Trajik opened his mouth and said some dumb shit toward people who had at one point in time helped him out. There are threads on here somewhere where Trajik mouthed and whined like a baby and Heat knows this. Travis probably did tell Nick and Swick to not let them post about 70 mile and Trajik shit non-stop, he can do that ! All of you getting so mad over small shit , saying things to eachother over bullshit threads getting erased. It all seems kinda dumb ! Oh and on the x pill thread and the tow up thread they are not deleted because those are things Tech talks about they are things that we all know he has done and relates to so why wouldnt we talk about it on here. If it does not interest you then do not read it or respond it is pretty simple. Peace S7
Jul 7, 2002
I have stayed out of all this for the most part, but I feel I need to say just a few things.

I'm not especially mad about those posts getting deleted...it is Strange Music board. I have at times been curious to the motives of it since other posts very similar to the "70 Mile" ones were left (not the X pill or tow up ones...rather other artists or promoters posting about their projects) were left up. In the big scheme of things it doesn't really matter...if I offended or annoyed anyone at Starnge Music or associated with them with my "website update" post...I apologize.

I must say that I slightly disagree with the previous post made by Stange 7. I know you feel that is how it happened (as do Nick and Swick) and I agree with almost all of it. Yes, I did shamelessly promote Trajik all over the Siccness for the few months preceding his CD release. Remember at the time there was no "Midwest" board and my Trajik threads were also surrounded by frequent posts about Court Dogg, Rich The Factor, Hobotone, DOVE DAWG (which I also graciously contributed), Lejo, Skatter & Snug (pre-Strange), RES, and others. Two things were left out or "skewed" in my opinion. The day Travis and I had this issue and "talk" was presented wrong. I had told Trajik that people were diggin him and he should think about joining to say whats up to some cats and work on building a fan base since he was a new artist. Trajik is not wise in the ways of message board manners and such...he went to quite a few of the posts about him and replied thanking people for the good comments and support. He did not know that by replying to seven posts at once would bring them all to the top. Trajik replied to them and went to bed. Travis (plus a few other important people) checked the board in the morning and were greeted by seven threads about Trajik in the first ten threads on the board. When I woke up Travis and I talked. Travis was very mad (understandably) and I thought we had settled it all. Travis said that he would do his best to help move the Midwest Board foward quicker. He also said that he had no problem with people promoting their artists on the board as long as it was kept to moderation. I apologized and we went our seperate ways. The one other thing that was left out was that of those seven posts, two were made by me (I think Nick and Swick differ with me here and I might and proly am wrong).

Here we are half a year later. I don't post very frequently on the Siccness cause I think it has gone downhill. I make the occasional reply and every few weeks make a post about website updates or upcoming shows. I thought this was fine until a few weeks ago when the posts started being deleted. Like I said, I'm not terribly worried about it, nor am I mad about it, just confused.

Anyways...I hope there is no animosity between 70 Mile and Strange. You guys are doing your thing and making quite a go at it. I wish the best to Tech, Trav, and the rest. Although we here at 70 Mile don't have the resources or market position of Strange we are just trying to make it like everybody else in the music business. I am sorry that we have to resort to posting updates on the Strange Board. Its a high traffic area that we know holds fans (however few there may be) and potential fans. As a businessman I am just trying to place my product effectively with the small budget I have.

Once again....I apologize for the grave inconvenience I have caused this board.

On a side note....as I was wrapping this up something quite funny popped into my head. Didn't Strange Music hire a company to do what I have done on a mass, national level???

I must be mistaken.


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
now, back on topic, many of you might have noticed that the we're back page is still up and nothing else. that is because the new host server doesn't support postnuke php, so the site has to be redone in a different format. it will be back up soon though.



Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
now, back on topic, many of you might have noticed that the we're back page is still up and nothing else. that is because the new host server doesn't support postnuke php, so the site has to be redone in a different format. it will be back up soon though.

Aug 26, 2002

@ 3RD....WUD UP HOMIE...

Aug 8, 2002
You're right......everyone should read this and UNDERSTAND the truth behind deleted posts.....

I got a call from Heat Myser last night and we cleared a lot of shit up and I relayed some feelings from Strange towards him and Trajik.

It's like this.....Trajik and I have a mutual annomosity towards each other...some off color comments made by Trajik about a certain person's "dick I was suckin" in our little "beef" post just inflamed some already harsh feelings from a few people with Strange Music, myself included....but that has NOTHING to do with post being deleted. There is this thing called the MIDWEST BOARD on this website....Travis and I helped out in the creation of that board as a favor to Heat Myser when he reached out to us to talk to the admins here at the siccness.net. That came about right after there was a problem with the mass amounts of Trajik posts on here back before his album came out. It was so extreme that people at MSC were callin Travis askin him if he had signed some dude named Trajik. You gotta understand that more people than "fans" come to this forum. So hence the Midwest forum. So our thinking is....why is it necessary for those posts to come back on here. We got you that Midwest forum for that reason. So now we were back to square one. This time the posts were just deleted.

Now you ask......what about the off topic posts, blah blah blah. I've seen you all reply to these off topic posts, so don't start with me there. And spam posts aren't worth the time to delete cause they leave the front page within a day.

Heat also made a reference to how this board used to be....people talkin about court-dog, rich, res, lejo, dove dawg, etc. during the pre-midwest board days. Yeah.....they WERE on here....but now that there is a PLACE for that now.....what is the need to disscuss it on this forum?

You feel me? I know people are still gonna hate, thinking "fuck Nick and Swick and their personal vendetta", well....if it's a personal vendetta.....then who made it personal in the first place? The blame goes right back to the subject that you're supporting.

We could go on and on for days on this shit.....and still be bickering. But I ain't got the time for it anymore.

Last note.....Heat said last night...if I got any problems that need to be taken care of to call him or get ahold of him personally. In the future I would like to request the same. If the shit isn't a public issue, don't make it one. If you know me in person or otherwise you know how to get at me. Fuck it....... [email protected] and the cell # if you aint got it you can get it from heat. If you don't know me and still want to act like you do and call me out on shit you have no idea what you're talking about......save yourself the time for real.

Aug 26, 2002
techn9nehq said:
You're right......everyone should read this and UNDERSTAND the truth behind deleted posts.....

I got a call from Heat Myser last night and we cleared a lot of shit up and I relayed some feelings from Strange towards him and Trajik.

It's like this.....Trajik and I have a mutual annomosity towards each other...some off color comments made by Trajik about a certain person's "dick I was suckin" in our little "beef" post just inflamed some already harsh feelings from a few people with Strange Music, myself included....but that has NOTHING to do with post being deleted. There is this thing called the MIDWEST BOARD on this website....Travis and I helped out in the creation of that board as a favor to Heat Myser when he reached out to us to talk to the admins here at the siccness.net. That came about right after there was a problem with the mass amounts of Trajik posts on here back before his album came out. It was so extreme that people at MSC were callin Travis askin him if he had signed some dude named Trajik. You gotta understand that more people than "fans" come to this forum. So hence the Midwest forum. So our thinking is....why is it necessary for those posts to come back on here. We got you that Midwest forum for that reason. So now we were back to square one. This time the posts were just deleted.

Now you ask......what about the off topic posts, blah blah blah. I've seen you all reply to these off topic posts, so don't start with me there. And spam posts aren't worth the time to delete cause they leave the front page within a day.

Heat also made a reference to how this board used to be....people talkin about court-dog, rich, res, lejo, dove dawg, etc. during the pre-midwest board days. Yeah.....they WERE on here....but now that there is a PLACE for that now.....what is the need to disscuss it on this forum?

You feel me? I know people are still gonna hate, thinking "fuck Nick and Swick and their personal vendetta", well....if it's a personal vendetta.....then who made it personal in the first place? The blame goes right back to the subject that you're supporting.

We could go on and on for days on this shit.....and still be bickering. But I ain't got the time for it anymore.

Last note.....Heat said last night...if I got any problems that need to be taken care of to call him or get ahold of him personally. In the future I would like to request the same. If the shit isn't a public issue, don't make it one. If you know me in person or otherwise you know how to get at me. Fuck it....... [email protected] and the cell # if you aint got it you can get it from heat. If you don't know me and still want to act like you do and call me out on shit you have no idea what you're talking about......save yourself the time for real.


good job sherlock.......

Oct 6, 2002
On a side note Heat/Matt you should not be sticking your nose were it does not belong. One post is alot different then posting every time Trajik or someone at 70 mile takes a shit. You are not smart enough dude, dont come on here and act like you are saying sorry and then turn around and act like a smart ass. That is the kind of shit that got this all started in the first place! If you think the siccness is going downhill then stay off of it, no one cares, if your site is better then stay there your fans will come to you , and the problem will be solved. :dead:
Oct 9, 2002
techn9nehq said:

I got a call from Heat Myser last night and we cleared a lot of shit up and I relayed some feelings from Strange towards him and Trajik.
This should have meant the end of this. A post like above is just not needed and is just going to start more shit. Personally i would just like to see all this crap ended....just my 2 cents.

Oct 6, 2002
For your info and so you do not make yourself look to fucking stupid. Travis was sitting here as I typed the message. He was going to type something but he was a little busy. Things should have been fine a long time ago but some people do not know when to let it go and continue to talk shit and bitch and whine ! Next time find out who is posting and why before you offer your 2 cents!
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