TheVille31 said:
hahahaha... damn shit. Everyone is goin out. Zero and JLMACN i thought they was cool. Zero goes after everyone though.
But anyway... Didnt JLMACN say he was gonna beat up Zero next time in NYC. That internet thug...
here we go again.....
Theville....let me know when you are goin to a recording session again.....i think we got some shit to talk about..
Zero and I are coo...
we can fuck around like that cause ....the white boy is a coo cat...
unlike you....that dude is real....
he is what he says he is....
im no internet thug...but when you ever TRUELY come to the DOTTE let me know....
you suck everyones dick on here that talks to tech everyday...
so if im a internet Thug....then your a internet HOE.....
keep my name out your mouth....cause i think we both know it aint far off that we will meet.....