3 strikes

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Jun 29, 2005
J-Boeg said:
^^^but its the THIRD fucking chance...how many chances are you gonna give a fucking criminal
i guess you never had fan or friends in the whole 3 strike situation. maybe thats why your so quick to talk. think about it homie say your dad was in that situation i guarantee you wouldnt be sayin this 3rd chance shit
Feb 28, 2005
yea obviosuly if my dad was on his third strike i wouldnt agree with the law but thats why i dont assocaite with murderers, robbers and drug addicts....its as simple as that
May 4, 2002
^lol thats true... the 3 stikes law should be for violent felonys. i cant see gettin a stike for anything less then that. what are the exact guidelines for the 3 stikes law?
Jun 29, 2005
J-Boeg said:
yea obviosuly if my dad was on his third strike i wouldnt agree with the law but thats why i dont assocaite with murderers, robbers and drug addicts....its as simple as that
i think you need to open up your eyes and see it from different perspective
Feb 28, 2005
AWDrivin said:
i think you need to open up your eyes and see it from different perspective

no, i think you do, no disrespect or anything but what is your reasoning for giving peopel MORE chances...i guess i cant expect any other answers from a board full of gang members...
Jun 29, 2005
J-Boeg said:
no, i think you do, no disrespect or anything but what is your reasoning for giving peopel MORE chances...i guess i cant expect any other answers from a board full of gang members...

i think everyone deserves another chance and why do you automatically think cuz this is a nortehrn rap board that its all gang members? true there are some but not all, i know im not. it doesnt take a gang member to see that this law is fucked up. go online and see the groups that are tryin to get this shit revised i guarantee there not all "GANG MEMBERS" hers one for ya. look at the petty shit people are getting fucked for and there priors are like burglury

Feb 28, 2005
^^^ok your right dude, burglury is ok and you should not get in trouble for it...so when your house gets robbed and you dont have shit left, then see how you feel
Feb 28, 2005
Mtown Criminal said:
^^ lets havea hand for G.W bush jr

what the fuck is that supposed to mean?

im george w. bush jr. because i think criminals should be punished?

mtownCRIMINAL...gee, i wonder why you disagree with this law....

people are hella ignorant on these boards
Jun 29, 2005
J-Boeg said:
^^^ok your right dude, burglury is ok and you should not get in trouble for it...so when your house gets robbed and you dont have shit left, then see how you feel

burglury is wrong but the time should fit the crime bro. you shouldn't get fucked for life because of a burglury no matter if it was my house or not
Jun 29, 2005
The Thing Is That 3-Strikes Was Setup For "MAJOR" Crimes To Tell MothaFuckers Who Keep Messin Up And Doing Crazy Crimes That California Aint Going To Take That Kinda Crap. But Like Any Law Theres Always A Blur On What It Should Fall Under For A Strike. I Mean Someone Whos Going To Get A Strike For Say Stealing 100 Dollars Worth of Crap From A Store And Some Other Fool Gets Caught With A Dub Sack. They Dont Look At These Like The Lesser of 2 Evils Nah Mean. They See It As A Crime Is A Crime And Thats True Ay But When Its Your 3rd And You Gettin Life Come On. I Think That The Goverment And State Are Using This Law Abusivly They Need To Take Into Account That This Is Someones Life And People Make Mistakes. Sometimes They Deserve the Strike Other Times U Know Damn Well They Dont. But On The Flip Side Serio if U Know U Got Strikes And U Know They Be Fuckin With Gente Than U Either Stop Doing The Crime And Get Your Shit Straight Or You Do A Better Job An Dont Get Caught.
Jun 29, 2005
The Thing Is That 3-Strikes Was Setup For "MAJOR" Crimes To Tell MothaFuckers Who Keep Messin Up And Doing Crazy Crimes That California Aint Going To Take That Kinda Crap. But Like Any Law Theres Always A Blur On What It Should Fall Under For A Strike. I Mean Someone Whos Going To Get A Strike For Say Stealing 100 Dollars Worth of Crap From A Store And Some Other Fool Gets Caught With A Dub Sack. They Dont Look At These Like The Lesser of 2 Evils Nah Mean. They See It As A Crime Is A Crime And Thats True Ay But When Its Your 3rd And You Gettin Life Come On. I Think That The Goverment And State Are Using This Law Abusivly They Need To Take Into Account That This Is Someones Life And People Make Mistakes. Sometimes They Deserve the Strike Other Times U Know Damn Well They Dont. But On The Flip Side Serio if U Know U Got Strikes And U Know They Be Fuckin With Gente Than U Either Stop Doing The Crime And Get Your Shit Straight Or You Do A Better Job An Dont Get Caught.
Jun 27, 2003
Seriously.. j-bitch or whatever, explain a MAJOR crime that constitutes a strike for us since you're so hip to the facts homie. What is a MAJOR crime that will get you a strike? You choppin about you don't associate with murderers, drug addicts, yadad yadda whateverz, but you don't need to kill nobody to get a strike. And folks that abuse, I think they should get help. How the fuck is lockin em up with drug DEALERS finna help em? You a mark homie. As far as a board full of gang members, well bro, I guess you didn't read... the Siccness.net the last remaining sanctuary for GANGSTA rap??? where the fuck do you think you are bruh? What kinda music is you listening to foo?
Seriously tho, you don't believe in second chances whateverz mayn. That's cuz obviously you livin yourself a good life, with good folks and all that. When you have ALL THE CHANCES in the world, it's real easy to say nobody needs three chances rah? Freal, talk about ignorance...