2-0-Sixx declares candidacy for president

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Sep 12, 2004
taking profit out of the private sector to put in the public sector sounds too radical for america. taxes are the only way you can achieve this without the streets flowing with the blood of the unwilling. how would you appease those whove grown so used to capitalism?

about the NAFTA/mexican trucks thing.. would you allow mexican trucks to deliver goods in the united states?
May 13, 2002
CcytzO_Loc said:
how organized will your party and campaign be and how do we apply to support you directly in a needed position within the party?
We are planning on having a well organized party of course, as I'm sure all parties originally plan to. I will be advocating the growth of my party and will encourage all workers and students to be actively involved in the movement and to help further educate each other. Without a large membership of the people the party will be useless.

Additionally, anyone can show their support by on the Siccness by posting their thoughts, include a "Vote for 2-0-Sixx" in their sig, etc. Anyone interested in working with my party should let it be known openly or they can contact me by PM and we can discuss further.

Jae iLL said:
hmm, Im assuming if you were elected and made president, that would piss of many people in this business, political, and military worlds. Also, I'm expecting a lot of constituents who are die-hard supporters of the religious right to oppose you as well. Do you think you're election would lead to an attempt on your life, or even civil war in this country?
First, let me state for the record that I do not oppose religious belief and I never have. If I become president, people will continue to have freedom of religion and they will be able to practice their religion the same ways they always have been able to in america. Everyone must be absolutely free to profess any religion he pleases, or no religion whatever.

I am however a strong advocate of separation of church and state and I believe religion has place in politics and vice versa. Religion is a private affair and when it comes to politics, as Malcolm X said, we need to keep our religions (or lack thereof) at home.

I believe, as Lenin stated, "Complete separation of Church and State is what the socialist proletariat demands of the modern state and the modern church."

I do believe that all presidents lives are at risk, popular or not, and I intend to take the same precautions as those before me.

It is also my belief however that the polices I advocate, such as free healthcare and free eduction, are the wishes of the masses and I will have the support of the people. Of course it would be foolish to think that I will not have enemies and there will be those that wish me harm, but that is nothing new for world leaders.

When Fidel Castro, his brother, and Che assumed control in Cuba, they led mass killings of anti-revolutionaries to protect the new government, do you believe anti-revolutionaries must be killed or imprisoned to protect the government in its transition?
No, I think the situation in Cuba and America are two different things. I am trying to win through elections and peace, in Cuba it was a revolution to overthrow the ruling class.

What about the military leaders, agency leaders, and so forth that would oppose you, would they be relieved from office?
Many of them, yes of course.

How about the governors, mayors, councilmen etc that were elected by the "people", and refuse to follow your new policies. What happens with them?
That is their right to do so just as there are those mayors, councilmen, etc that oppose George Bush.

Basically, I'm sure if you were elected the shit would hit the fan, and in the transition period is when uprisings would occur. Would you be ready to fight those against the new government, both foreign and domestic?
If I am to be elected president I do not think the shit would hit the fan for the simple fact that the people chose me to lead them.

coondogg26 said:
Damn, our country would go to hell if you ever got any governmental position. Wake up, socialism can not and will not ever work in this world. You have a few good ideas but you take umm way to far.
You have the right to your opinion but I do beg to differ. Socialism is nothing new and has been successful all over the world. Of course there have been a number of times where it has failed, but the same can be said about capitalism. You wouldn't use Mexico as an example of how Capitalism should work now should you?

Joey said:
I would like to be one of your secret servicemen please!! The rich and the New world order will be out for you for sure...If anyone even looks at you funny i will shoot them dead in the face.....That is a proper campaign your running and im down for it, and will lay my life down for that shit....Just let me tach out air force one here and there and were good....I quit smoking, but with these new laws i have no choice.....
We may be able to work something out comrade.

Hemp said:
what do you plan to do to save the planet from humanity's destructive primitive ways?
or at least work towards that goal?
I believe the policies I have laid down and promised to fight for is a huge start. Cutting down pollution, ending war, and so on.

antoniog831 said:

We need money being put into our schools, plain & simple. Every president for the last 50 years or so has cut spending on eduction and it certainly shows. We need more funding, better teachers, better criteria, more preparation for the real world and job training, amongst other things. It's a huge priority, if not the top priority in america.

Lamberto Quintero said:
What do you think of stripping the majority of the power from the federal government and letting seperate states govern their own people according to what people in THAT specific state believe/want? It would still be one big country and the federal government would still be needed for dealing with foreign countries, I'm just saying to give more power to state governments, since the diversity in beliefs and living isn't the same across the country and differs in certain areas. (For example, California vs Arkansas)
I wouldn't disagree with the idea but not any time soon. We have a long ways to go before we can be that dependent.
Apr 25, 2002
Socialism as a long term political movement has already proven itself to be destructive, as it's grand daddy communism has. Believing government can solve all the problems of society is a joke.
Apr 25, 2002
Hemp said:
so whats your plan? believe in God to solve the world problems?

dont worry i already know your answer ;-)
I hope you know my answer, because it surely wasn't going to have anything to do with God, though I have no beef with the Big Guy in the Sky.
Feb 8, 2006
Do you think the Federal Reserve has the right to print money, and toy with interest rates?
Jun 27, 2003
Socialism as a long term political movement has already proven itself to be destructive, as it's grand daddy communism has. Believing government can solve all the problems of society is a joke.
what government solves society's problems in Communism? I thought it was society without a government that was solving society's problems, in the theory of Communism...
Jun 27, 2003
@ 2-0-Sixx I understand that you're going to win by an election of the people. However, let's be real mayn, the people don't run shit. Those in charge of the military and industry are the ones who run shit. If you were elected president with the views you hold, you think shit wouldn't hit the fan honestly? Do you really think that America is ready for that kind of radical change, without the minority that holds the wealth in this country taking action? I do believe that if someone took power in this country, whether by election or by force, that there would be the need for a strong revolutionary army. You disagree?


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
you got my vote 2-0. although i dont agree with his politics in real life, i do believe he is true to his beliefs and what he would do would be in the best interest of helping people, and since this isnt real he definitely gets my vote. in real life that shit wouldnt fly but since ive interacted with him he gets the benefit of the doubt from me. im still gonna argue with him every chance i get. lol
Apr 25, 2002
Jae iLL said:
what government solves society's problems in Communism? I thought it was society without a government that was solving society's problems, in the theory of Communism...
Communism is impossible because it ends with anarchy. You need some form of government, whether we like it or not.

You ever noticed when someone spouts off communi9st beliefs, less freedom is the end game? I hope so, 'cause if not you're blind my friend, no disrespect intended, just stating a fact.

And please don't try to argue that it isn't a fact, because history says otherwise.
May 13, 2002
@ 2-0-Sixx I understand that you're going to win by an election of the people. However, let's be real mayn, the people don't run shit. Those in charge of the military and industry are the ones who run shit. If you were elected president with the views you hold, you think shit wouldn't hit the fan honestly? Do you really think that America is ready for that kind of radical change, without the minority that holds the wealth in this country taking action? I do believe that if someone took power in this country, whether by election or by force, that there would be the need for a strong revolutionary army. You disagree?
Hugo Chavez won by vote in Venezuela and was successfully able to make changes within time. If I have support of the people, in particular the working class citizens of America, like Chavez not even a Coup d'état could stop our movement.
May 5, 2002
"You know there is a lot of self congratulatory backslapping going on these days over the fact that communist everywhere are in hot water and have to admit that they did it wrong. That gives a lot of satisfaction to people who believe that means we did it right. We didn't do it right. They did it wrong and now admit they did it wrong. We do it wrong and have even yet to raise the possibility of turning away from what we are doing.

The internal contradictions of Marxism were based on a false definition of what people are. People do not respond to central planning, propaganda, and stereotyping. Neither do people respond to an ethos of self denial or a view of human beings that denies the fact that we have certain itches that must be scratched. So I think the collapse of Marxism is only the collapse of the outer edge of the societal and civilizing assumptions that we have made. After all Marxism is nothing more than the millenarian retread of Christian millenarianism."

-Terrence McKenna
Apr 8, 2004
If elected how do you plan to handle relations with capitalist nations, who will be much opposed to your new policies/ideas?

Good question comrade.

I believe that if America elects a Socialist as president a worldwide ripple effect would occur. It was once said that the American working class has the power to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. If the rest of the world were to see such as change occur in America - the stronghold of capitalism - most of the world would follow suite.

We would hope to end the exploitation of the third world which would allow these countries to rapidly advance.


Excellent response, and its true. We've become the most wealthiest and powerful country at the expense of others. Just as the dependency theory suggests, capitalism is not the best means of economic development of poorer countries because through profit and exploitation America is enjoys most of the fruits of capitalism. Trust, if America was to do away with capitalism everyone else would follow suit with no problem, there would be very few objections, if any.

How would you protect us from other countries if ever to be invaded or a surprised attack?

The first line of defense is to end US Imperialism, which is the primary cause of foreign aggression. Our military doctrine should be one of self-defense and should not be used to invade and oppress third world nations.

We should continue to have a strong military but declare our permanent neutrality. After all, when was the last time Sweden was invaded by a foreign country or attacked by terrorists?
In the United States Sailor's creed a sailor vows to "defend freedom and democracy around the world" In my opinion this is a bold contradiction and an act of aggression. We can't force our way of life on anyone, there's no such thing as a moral obligation to spread democracy around the world, but another country has a moral obligation to defend themselves against imperialism. Good answers 2-0-Sixx