2-0-Sixx declares candidacy for president

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May 13, 2002
MEXCOM said:
How do you feel about the WHITEDEVIL scandal?
I think it's an absolute injustice and if I were president, WD would be the first person to be pardoned.

Mac Jesus said:
It is well-known that you have spearheaded such initiatives as the 'free Mac Jesus campaign' with much success. My question is, if elected president will you have it on your agenda to give presidential pardons to so-called political prisoners such as Mumia Abu-Jamal, and Leonard Peltier?
Rather than waiting until the final months of my presidency to issue pardons, on my first day I would pardon all political prisoners - Mumia Abu-Jamal, The Cuban Five, Leonard Peltier, the San Francisco 8, Albert Woodfox and Herman Wallace who have been in solitary confinement for 32 and 35 years, respectively, among others.

And if you do plan to have that on your agenda; how do you intend to judge out of the hundreds of proclaimed political prisoners, who is really deserving of a pardon?
I think it's a lot easier than it sounds. Anyone victim of the ruthless and racist COINTELPRO program should be considered political prisoners. All documents relating to the program and that time period should be released to the public.

Will Assata Shakur be welcomed back into the USA without fear of prosecution?
Yes, she would receive a pardon as well and will be welcome to come back.
May 13, 2002
No thanks, good luck though.

I do not support extreme socialism as it is why the poor, under-educated minority communities of today are enslaved and held down by the state. But as I stated in another thread I am not voting anyway.
Can you explain how socialism enslaved the poor, under-educated and minority communities?

Question for you: how has Africa benefited from capitalism? Or Latin America. Is it not capitalism itself that exploits these regions and impoverishes them?

If over 3 billion people in the world today are living in poverty, what exactly does this say about the success of global capitalism? A few hundred millionaires now own as much wealth as the world’s poorest 3 billion people. Does this not suggest that only a small percentage of people benefit wile the overwhelming majority suffer the consequences of capitalism? If the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the poorest 48 nations (i.e. a quarter of the world’s countries) is less than the wealth of the world’s three richest people combined, again, what does that say about capitalism?
Jun 13, 2002
What is your stance on drug and other non-violent convictions?

Do you plan to implement more lenient sentences or an alternative to prison, such as rehabilitation centers?

What do you want to change with the current justice system?
Apr 25, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Can you explain how socialism enslaved the poor, under-educated and minority communities?

Question for you: how has Africa benefited from capitalism? Or Latin America. Is it not capitalism itself that exploits these regions and impoverishes them?

If over 3 billion people in the world today are living in poverty, what exactly does this say about the success of global capitalism? A few hundred millionaires now own as much wealth as the world’s poorest 3 billion people. Does this not suggest that only a small percentage of people benefit wile the overwhelming majority suffer the consequences of capitalism? If the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the poorest 48 nations (i.e. a quarter of the world’s countries) is less than the wealth of the world’s three richest people combined, again, what does that say about capitalism?
Our moral and mental development, and the high productivity that accompanies it, have taken place under a system of decentralized capitalism. I would claim that the capitalist system accounts for more than 100 percent of the reduction in poverty that has taken place over the past hundred years.

Now we're talking about becoming president of the USA, not Africa, right?

Africa shouldn't be our concern, unless ofcourse they ask for our help with their poverty epidemic. Private charities should take them into account. Africa isn't the USA.

I'll admitt I am being a bit unfair to socialism as it sometimes makes for a good "temporary fix", but as a system to follow FOREVER, one only has to look at France and our very own social sescurity program.
May 13, 2002
TONY206 said:
What is your stance on drug and other non-violent convictions?

Do you plan to implement more lenient sentences or an alternative to prison, such as rehabilitation centers?

What do you want to change with the current justice system?
Obviously the whole Prison concept in America is flawed. We have the largest prison population in the world with over 2 Million locked in cages and an additional 4 million in the prison system (parole, house arrest, etc.), the majority of which are non-violent criminals, minorities and the overwhelming majority come from poor families/households and most of these convictions come from dug related crimes.

One thing we must keep in mind is this system is weighs heavily against poor individuals who cannot afford good representatives at trail and are forced to stick with public defenders. Any upper class or rich citizen is almost guaranteed to get the charges dropped completely or receive a much lighter sentence than that of a working class or poor individual, so that in itself is a major flaw.

Crime hasn’t really gone up or down in the past 20 years, for the most part it’s remained stable, yet our prison population continues to grow each year. The percentage of violent offenders held in the state prison system has actually declined from 57% in 1978 to 47% in 1997. However, the prison and jail population has tripled over that period, from roughly 500,000 in 1978, to 1.8 million by 1998. According to data collected by the United States Justice Department, from 1978 to 1996, the number of violent offenders entering our nation's prisons doubled (from 43,733 to 98,672 inmates); the number of nonviolent offenders tripled (from 83,721 to 261,796 inmates) and the number of drug offenders increased sevenfold (from 14,241 to 114,071 inmates). As such, 77% of the growth in intake to Americas state and federal prisons between 1978 and 1996 was accounted for by nonviolent offender:


This is a result of our prisons becoming more and more privatized and lets face it - we are at the point where we can honestly say without a doubt that the prison industry is big business. It is a huge money machine. In 1978, the combined budgets for prisons and jails amounted to $5 billion. By 1997, that figure had grown to $31 billion (which is even higher now(same source)). Lets think of a simple example- a man gets busted for small amounts of illegal drugs, he then is sent to rehab ($), he has to pay fines ($), court fees, lets say he gets busted again because he's addicted what comes next? More fines more rehab, jail time which equals more $. You can see the cycle here. The system is not helping this man it is exploiting him of his weakness. The very nature of the prison and the system, the brutality of it is it almost guarantees the prisoner will return if he/she is ever allowed out for the very same crime (over 75% of inmates will return to prison).Obviously this system is seriously flawed.

We need to completely revolutionize the prison system. We need to focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment, and by rehabilitation I do not mean sending someone into a cell for 23 hours and having 7 hours a week of group "drug rehab" or "anger management", I mean mandatory education and job preparation for the REAL world (not working in a kitchen). We need much more lenient penalties for drug convictions and nonviolent convictions, again focusing on helping the individual and rehabilitation.
May 13, 2002
What do you think of stripping the majority of the power from the federal government and letting seperate states govern their own people according to what people in THAT specific state believe/want? It would still be one big country and the federal government would still be needed for dealing with foreign countries, I'm just saying to give more power to state governments, since the diversity in beliefs and living isn't the same across the country and differs in certain areas. (For example, California vs Arkansas)
Feb 15, 2007

Nov 21, 2005
Im down with 2 0 sixx but everyone has to go with Ron Paul!

Obama is bought and paid for by the New World Order...

Make no mistake Ron Paul is the only choice for freedom..
and when he does win.. or 2 0 sixx or Troll Wins.. they need to have body guards EVERY Min on them.. cause those NWO fuckers are out to kill.. can;t trust the rockefellers... and their assasinsins..


Sicc OG
Jul 2, 2002
I would like to be one of your secret servicemen please!! The rich and the New world order will be out for you for sure...If anyone even looks at you funny i will shoot them dead in the face.....That is a proper campaign your running and im down for it, and will lay my life down for that shit....Just let me tach out air force one here and there and were good....I quit smoking, but with these new laws i have no choice.....
Nov 27, 2006
Damn, our country would go to hell if you ever got any governmental position. Wake up, socialism can not and will not ever work in this world. You have a few good ideas but you take umm way to far.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
Mi$ta-Murda187 said:
Im down with 2 0 sixx but everyone has to go with Ron Paul!

Obama is bought and paid for by the New World Order...

Make no mistake Ron Paul is the only choice for freedom..
and when he does win.. or 2 0 sixx or Troll Wins.. they need to have body guards EVERY Min on them.. cause those NWO fuckers are out to kill.. can;t trust the rockefellers... and their assasinsins..


you act just like the people you despise with all your advertisements and money making schemes.
maybe you should hang on their side from now on.
Jun 27, 2003
hmm, Im assuming if you were elected and made president, that would piss of many people in this business, political, and military worlds. Also, I'm expecting a lot of constituents who are die-hard supporters of the religious right to oppose you as well. Do you think you're election would lead to an attempt on your life, or even civil war in this country?

When Fidel Castro, his brother, and Che assumed control in Cuba, they led mass killings of anti-revolutionaries to protect the new government, do you believe anti-revolutionaries must be killed or imprisoned to protect the government in its transition?

What about the military leaders, agency leaders, and so forth that would oppose you, would they be relieved from office?

How about the governors, mayors, councilmen etc that were elected by the "people", and refuse to follow your new policies. What happens with them?

Basically, I'm sure if you were elected the shit would hit the fan, and in the transition period is when uprisings would occur. Would you be ready to fight those against the new government, both foreign and domestic?


aye Sixx you didnt answer my second question about your campaign and party.....
Sep 12, 2004
sixx, youre clearly the leading candidate
but can you tell me whos supposed to pay for that massive influx of new citizens when you make all the illegal immigrants citizens.. assuming theyd be eligible for everything like medicare and social security..?
how can you help the already bankrupt school districts and emergency rooms that are straining to accomodate these people now?

after getting rid of NAFTA, would you allow mexican trucks to operate on US streets?

as a socialist, how can we be sure you wouldnt sabotage the nation as a sympathizer for China, Russia, and North Korea?
May 13, 2002
I'm going to work backwards, all questions will be answered in time, please understand.

synical dj said:
sixx, youre clearly the leading candidate
but can you tell me whos supposed to pay for that massive influx of new citizens when you make all the illegal immigrants citizens.. assuming theyd be eligible for everything like medicare and social security..?
I believe that if we can stop the war in Iraq/Afghanistan and decrease our military spending dramatically, that alone will free up a massive amount of money.

Additionally if we can nationalize certain industries and take the generated wealth out of private hands and into public hands this will allow a huge amount of money to be put into our healthcare programs, eduction, etc.

how can you help the already bankrupt school districts and emergency rooms that are straining to accomodate these people now?
Same as above - more money will be available for our eduction.

after getting rid of NAFTA, would you allow mexican trucks to operate on US streets?
I don't quite understand the question. Can you please rephrase?

as a socialist, how can we be sure you wouldnt sabotage the nation as a sympathizer for China, Russia, and North Korea?
Russia no longer considers themselves socialist.

I think it's clear China is no longer communist, although they may still claim to be. Even Homer J. Simpson has figured this out when he said, "You guys are commies? Then why am I seeing rudimentary free markets springing up everywhere?"

North Korea, well they are ran by a dictatorship and is a perversion of what socialism truly is.

There are many cases of politicians running under a banner or a certain title, like socialism, because it is popular in the region, but this alone doesn't make them truly socialists.

Actions speak louder than words and my alliance is not guaranteed by a simple title, including socialism.


2-0-Sixx said:
I'm going to work backwards, all questions will be answered in time, please understand.

I believe that if we can stop the war in Iraq/Afghanistan and decrease our military spending dramatically, that alone will free up a massive amount of money.

Additionally if we can nationalize certain industries and take the generated wealth out of private hands and into public hands this will allow a huge amount of money to be put into our healthcare programs, eduction, etc.

Same as above - more money will be available for our eduction.

I don't quite understand the question. Can you please rephrase?

Russia no longer considers themselves socialist.

I think it's clear China is no longer communist, although they may still claim to be. Even Homer J. Simpson has figured this out when he said, "You guys are commies? Then why am I seeing rudimentary free markets springing up everywhere?"

North Korea, well they are ran by a dictatorship and is a perversion of what socialism truly is.

There are many cases of politicians running under a banner or a certain title, like socialism, because it is popular in the region, but this alone doesn't make them truly socialists.

Actions speak louder than words and my alliance is not guaranteed by a simple title, including socialism.

good answer.....