2-0-Sixx declares candidacy for president

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May 13, 2002
JLMACN said:
Are you for or against giving african americans reparations for Slavery?

I have no problems with reparations, so I am both for and against it. The reason I say this is yes, any additional money to the black community can be somewhat beneficial in the short run (depending on how much money of course), however in the long run this money alone will accomplish and change nothing.

To change the current state of Black America, there must be a movement of the working class and youth, particularly the black workers and youth working together, because of their potential social and political power. There needs to be a mass movement which is in addition multi-ethnic, democratic (no hierarchy like NOI, etc.), which is something my presidency would promote (the revolution would continue long after I am elected). They must understand the important lessons from the past, mainly the civil rights and black power movements, especially the Black Panther Party, and most importantly this movement needs to completely free of both ruling parties, Republican and Democrat, free from the current bourgeois black leaders such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Farrakhan, etc., and it must be a socialist movement (again something my presidency and political party would promote).

As Martin Luther King stated shortly before he was murdered, “We are dealing with class issues. Something is wrong with Capitalism…Maybe America must move towards Democratic Socialism.” There must be a conscious understanding amongst the masses that the only way to abolish poverty/racism/classism is to abolish Capitalism and this can come with educating the masses.

More to come later...
Apr 14, 2003
Okay well....are you old enough to run for president???
and umm....I'm not gonna vote for someone named 2-0-Sixx, so would you like to give us a name???

Good shit though.....Ill fuck wit it.
Aug 26, 2002
D'struction said:
Okay well....are you old enough to run for president???
and umm....I'm not gonna vote for someone named 2-0-Sixx, so would you like to give us a name???

Good shit though.....Ill fuck wit it.

this is just for play for the board....nothing more....nothing less.

May 13, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Legal citizenship for all.

I also want to be clear that abolishing NAFTA and free trade would allow impoverished countries to grow which would dramatically reduce immigration.

Take Mexico for example.

Since the creation of NAFTA in 1994, the number of Illegal Mexican immigrants has rose from approximately 2 million to 8 or 9 million.

NAFTA, by permitting heavily-subsidized US corn and other agri-business products to compete with small Mexican farmers, has driven the Mexican farmer off the land due to low-priced imports of US corn and other agricultural products. Some 2 million Mexicans have been forced out of agriculture, and many of those that remain are living in desperate poverty. These people are among those that cross the border to feed their families.

Additionally, NAFTA’s service-sector rules allowed big firms like Wal-Mart to enter the Mexican market and, selling low-priced goods made by ultra-cheap labor in China, to displace locally-based shoe, toy, and candy firms. An estimated 28,000 small and medium-sized Mexican businesses have been eliminated.

Wages along the Mexican border have actually been driven down by about 25% since NAFTA, reported a Carnegie Endowment study. An over-supply of workers, combined with the crushing of union organizing drives as government policy, has resulted in sweatshop pay running sweatshops along the border where wages typically run 60 cents to $1 an hour.

So you can see, the increase of immigration from Mexico to the US is a direct result of NAFTA and free trade and if they were to be abolished outright, countries like Mexico would be able to provide for their own people, thus dramatically reducing US immigration.
Very good answer, and I like your approach as well.
Feb 28, 2006
Very good bro.. your educated and your not ju$t talkin out of your a$$... you got my vote unle$$ $omeone comez realer than that.


you already got my vote.....will you be choosing vice president yourself or is it up to vote?

how organized will your party and campaign be and how do we apply to support you directly in a needed position within the party?
Aug 24, 2003
how exactly does taking public control of the top 500 corporations banks etc help anything? do you actually think that under public control they would continue to grow at all or even manage to stay where they are at? or by "public" control do you mean representatives of the public take control.. in which case basically you're saying the government should seize control. yeah thats not what a dictator would do at all. are you talking about dismantling them all in their entirety for the funds like you're recycling aluminum cans for change? this shit doesnt really fly with me at all
May 13, 2002
Patience comrades. All questions will be answered in due time.

mrraskal666 said:
How would you protect us from other countries if ever to be invaded or a surprised attack?
The first line of defense is to end US Imperialism, which is the primary cause of foreign aggression. Our military doctrine should be one of self-defense and should not be used to invade and oppress third world nations.

We should continue to have a strong military but declare our permanent neutrality. After all, when was the last time Sweden was invaded by a foreign country or attacked by terrorists?

I AM said:
Will you tax the institutions that distribute the marijuana?
Yes, I do believe I would be in favor of a small tax but I have not spent any time with numbers, nor have I been presented with any.

Will individual citizens be allowed to grow for themselves?
Yes I would be in favor of this.

If so, are their limits?
I'm not sure if it would be necessary to set any limits or not. If there are any sort of rules and regulations for alcohol brewing, something similar could be put in place for marijuana.

Do you support the use of THC-free hemp and the growth of it by American farmers?

Mi$ta-Murda187 said:
If elected President. Would you work to stop the agreements signed by President Bush to form a North American Union between , Cananda, Mexico , and The United States?
I would do my best to stop the agreements that our previous presidents have made to form a North American Union. Yes, absolutely.

Also would you repeal and make it illegal to put microchips into human beings?
I would die trying.

Also would you work to repeal the REAL ID act?
Yes, as well would I try to repeal most of the false Global War on Terror programs that have unjustly been put into place by our current president.

Also would you fire all officals in washington who are members of any secret societies and fraternities, as they are the cause of all the war and suffering , and the ones who advocate war and greed. Any goverment workers who are members of Skull and Bones and Scroll and Key should be fired right away.
I don't think I would have the power to do so however I would be in favor of creating a sub-committee whose main purpose is to investigate allegations of any criminal activity amongst politicians and I would see it that anyone convicted of crimes would be punished accordingly.

Also would you get rid of Traitors like Dick Cheney and Rice? They are both members of the CFR and have secret meetings about how they will get rid of US soverignty, and Form a one world government. Any members of the CFR should not be allowed to work in government.
Obviously Cheney & Rice would be from the old Administration and would have no part of mine.

And Lastly will you work to phase out the IRS?
It is my understand that IRS is a bureau of the Department of Treasury under the immediate direction of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, which during the Civil War was created by President Lincoln and Congress and enacted an income tax to pay war expenses. Because one of my main objectives is to end the war in the Middle East, and since the purpose of the IRS is to fund war, I see no purpose of continuing it.

EaStSiDeCrEePeR said:
Get rid of NAFTA!.

One question out of curiosity what is your ethnicity?
Caucasian (Irish & unknown).

CcytzO_Loc said:
you already got my vote.....will you be choosing vice president yourself or is it up to vote?
As the great president Bush once said, "I am the Decider."

M BUTCHER 206 said:
how exactly does taking public control of the top 500 corporations banks etc help anything?
The MASSIVE amount of profits produced by these corporations will no longer go into private hands and will be placed in public hands, which means a MASSIVE amount of money to be used on our actual needs - education, healthcare, job development, housing and so on and so on.

M BUTCHER 206 said:
do you actually think that under public control they would continue to grow at all or even manage to stay where they are at?
Absolutely. There have been several threads in this forum that discuss the success of publicly owned companies, such as in Argentina for example.

By public I do mean into the hands of the workers and communities.
Apr 25, 2002
No thanks, good luck though.

I do not support extreme socialism as it is why the poor, under-educated minority communities of today are enslaved and held down by the state. But as I stated in another thread I am not voting anyway.

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003

It is well-known that you have spearheaded such initiatives as the 'free Mac Jesus campaign' with much success. My question is, if elected president will you have it on your agenda to give presidential pardons to so-called political prisoners such as Mumia Abu-Jamal, and Leonard Peltier? And if you do plan to have that on your agenda; how do you intend to judge out of the hundreds of proclaimed political prisoners, who is really deserving of a pardon? Will Assata Shakur be welcomed back into the USA without fear of prosecution?