2-0-Sixx declares candidacy for president

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May 13, 2002
After careful thought and consideration, I've decided to run as a Socialist candidate for president of the United States of America.

I believe global capitalism is the root cause of terrorism, war, poverty, discrimination, and environmental destruction. As capitalism continues to decay, a new generation of workers and youth must join together to lead us to a better future. I believe the dictatorships that existed in the Soviet Union were perversions of what socialism is truly about. I am for democratic socialism where people will have control over their daily lives and the rich ruling class will no longer exploit the working men and women.

What I stand for:

  • No cuts in public services; full funding for all community needs.
  • End the war in Iraq and Afghanistan immediately. Full troop withdrawal. Compensation to be paid to each country.
  • Massive public spending increase for healthcare, housing, education, transportation, childcare, and community facilities. Paid for by taxes on the rich.
  • Free Healthcare for all.
  • Free, socialized medicine under democratic control.
  • Cancel the national debt, with no payment to the big investors. Use the money to rebuild the inner cities and the basic infrastructure under union conditions and wages.
  • Any company involved in outsourcing jobs is to be massively taxed and panelized. Keep jobs in America!
  • Abolish NAFTA and end free trade.
  • Free high quality public education for all. From pre-school through college.
  • End pollution and environmental destruction with massive investment to clean up the environment.
  • End discrimination and prejudice on the grounds of race, sex, ethnic background, sexuality, and disability. Equal pay for equal work.
  • Abortion rights; a woman's right to free abortion on demand.
  • Immigrant rights; papers for all.
  • Defend the right to bear arms.
  • End police brutality and harassment through labor-community committees to control all aspects of public safety.
  • A minimum wage of $12.50/hour or $500 per week minimum guaranteed income.
  • No prison labor; guaranteed training/education and jobs for all.
  • A 30-hour workweek without loss of pay.
  • Major investment in a cheap, accessible, integrated, publicly-owned transportation system that meets the needs of people and the environment.
  • Eliminate anti-union laws. Democratic trade unions to be controlled by their members. Full-time union officials should be elected and receive the wage of an average worker.
  • All government employees and officials will receive the wage of an average worker.
  • Solidarity with the struggles of workers in other countries.
  • Take into public ownership under democratic working class control and management, the top 500 corporations, banks, and insurance and finance houses that dominate the economy. Compensation to be paid on the basis of proven need.
  • An end to the rule of profit; for a socialist society to meet the needs of all.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
  • V


got my vote

2-0-Sixx for president!! and in 2012...FOUR MORE YEARSS!!!
Mar 12, 2005

Not Because I lean towards socialism, WHICH I'M STILL learning more about. with the few Christian's that I know, which they have no clue about Socialism and rant about how their democrats and not socialist even though they are because of what they speak. 2-0-Sixx has the same ideas as those people and I were discussing.
Feb 8, 2006
Politicians are scum. Someone like you with youth and knowledge would be good, too bad ya need $$$$ to be president.
Feb 8, 2006
just saw that my bad.

So what kinda taxes are you taking outta peoples checks to fund all this?
Free Healthcare. Great Idea please explain how that will work? End pollution? How is that gonna happen. I hate when politicians try and tell the people what they can and can't do.

"Any company involved in outsourcing jobs is to be massively taxed and panelized. Keep jobs in America! "
I totally agree with this one

I'm naive on the whole free education. So who is funding this and how are employees getting paid, more taxes?

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
2-0-Sixx a few questions,

If elected how do you plan to handle relations with capitalist nations, who will be much opposed to your new policies/ideas?

How do you plan to fix/mend foreign relations with nations that have been harmed by American interference such as the middle east, central/south America, and Africa?

Will you do a weekly TV show kind of like Hugo Chavez' El Presidente?

As a Canadian am I allowed to vote in this siccness presidential election? Or am I to be left out?


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
If you decriminalize marijuana, you got my vote. lol...and I probably really would vote for you if you were runnin....as long as i'm the VP candidate! lol..
May 13, 2002
First, let me say that I am running under a new party; The Workers Party of the United States of America (WPU).

Everything I listed above are my personal stances and beliefs and they are what I promise to fight for.

One of my opponents has claimed that I am making false promises. This is simply untrue. I have clearly listed what I stand for and nothing more.

GTS said:
So what kinda taxes are you taking outta peoples checks to fund all this?
Heavy taxes on the rich. The top 500 corporations, banks, and insurance and finance houses should be taken into public ownership.

Free Healthcare. Great Idea please explain how that will work?
Free Healthcare simply means healthcare will be free and available to all citizens.

Argentina Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, South Korea Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, The Republic of China (Taiwan), United Kingdom and Venezuela currently have some form of Universal Healthcare. There is no reason why the richest country on earth cannot do the same.

End pollution? How is that gonna happen. I hate when politicians try and tell the people what they can and can't do.
Most politicians that have made such claims have done so without ever mentioning how this can be possible.

Although we will never be able to end pollution, we can certainly reduce it dramatically .

What we currently know is capitalism cannot protect the environment. Capitalist production is driven by profit not social need, maximizing profit is the number one concern, everything else, including the environment, comes after. Capitalism means control by a tiny minority, who rule at their own interests, not those of society as a whole. The profit motive dominates and the environmental consequences of human industry count for nothing.

What we need is state ownership of industry and resources, and to plan production across different sectors of the economy. The mass of people must have democratic control over society and industry. Under a planned, publicly owned and controlled economy, production will be done in a way that benefits society, not a small percentage of people who keep all the profits, and the environment is in the interests of the people. This means we will look at using and developing alternative energy resources, how to eliminate/reduce production pollution and waste. New sources of energy, greater co-operation between sources and more efficient and less wasteful use is needed.

I'm naive on the whole free education. So who is funding this and how are employees getting paid, more taxes?
The state would fund it.
May 13, 2002
Mac Jesus said:
If elected how do you plan to handle relations with capitalist nations, who will be much opposed to your new policies/ideas?
Good question comrade.

I believe that if America elects a Socialist as president a worldwide ripple effect would occur. It was once said that the American working class has the power to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. If the rest of the world were to see such as change occur in America - the stronghold of capitalism - most of the world would follow suite.

How do you plan to fix/mend foreign relations with nations that have been harmed by American interference such as the middle east, central/south America, and Africa?
We would hope to end the exploitation of the third world which would allow these countries to rapidly advance.

If NAFTA were to be abolished for example, Mexico would no longer be shackled and chained by free trade and they could once again be in control of their natural resources which in turn would allow for them to fund important social needs, such as housing, healthcare, education, etc.

Of course, American assistance would also be available to poor countries, without any legal restrictions and the intention of helping and rebuilding nations. For example, we could learn a thing or two from Cuba and send our doctors across the globe for assistance when needed.

Will you do a weekly TV show kind of like Hugo Chavez' El Presidente?
I would be willing to have something similar. I do believe American presidents have a long history of being out of touch with society (and reality). A weekly TV show is a great way for to help end this trend.

As a Canadian am I allowed to vote in this siccness presidential election? Or am I to be left out?
You are a member of the Siccness and that's all that matters.

May 13, 2002
Lamberto Quintero said:
What is your view on the immigration debate? What is your solution to the "problem" of having 12 million plus illegals in this country?
Legal citizenship for all.

I also want to be clear that abolishing NAFTA and free trade would allow impoverished countries to grow which would dramatically reduce immigration.

Take Mexico for example.

Since the creation of NAFTA in 1994, the number of Illegal Mexican immigrants has rose from approximately 2 million to 8 or 9 million.

NAFTA, by permitting heavily-subsidized US corn and other agri-business products to compete with small Mexican farmers, has driven the Mexican farmer off the land due to low-priced imports of US corn and other agricultural products. Some 2 million Mexicans have been forced out of agriculture, and many of those that remain are living in desperate poverty. These people are among those that cross the border to feed their families.

Additionally, NAFTA’s service-sector rules allowed big firms like Wal-Mart to enter the Mexican market and, selling low-priced goods made by ultra-cheap labor in China, to displace locally-based shoe, toy, and candy firms. An estimated 28,000 small and medium-sized Mexican businesses have been eliminated.

Wages along the Mexican border have actually been driven down by about 25% since NAFTA, reported a Carnegie Endowment study. An over-supply of workers, combined with the crushing of union organizing drives as government policy, has resulted in sweatshop pay running sweatshops along the border where wages typically run 60 cents to $1 an hour.

So you can see, the increase of immigration from Mexico to the US is a direct result of NAFTA and free trade and if they were to be abolished outright, countries like Mexico would be able to provide for their own people, thus dramatically reducing US immigration.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
I am in favor of legalizing marijuana, both for medical and recreational use. As for the VP, that's still up for debate!
Good answer on the marijuana. Will you tax the institutions that distribute the marijuana? Will individual citizens be allowed to grow for themselves? If so, are their limits?

Do you support the use of THC-free hemp and the growth of it by American farmers?
Nov 21, 2005
Abolish NAFTA and end free trade.

THis alone get you my vote.

Some questions for 2 0 sixx.

If elected President. Would you work to stop the agreements signed by President Bush to form a North American Union between , Cananda, Mexico , and The United States?

Also would you repeal and make it illegal to put microchips into human beings?
Also would you work to repeal the REAL ID act?

Also would you fire all officals in washington who are members of any secret societies and fraternities, as they are the cause of all the war and suffering , and the ones who advocate war and greed. Any goverment workers who are members of Skull and Bones and Scroll and Key should be fired right away.

Also would you get rid of Traitors like Dick Cheney and Rice? They are both members of the CFR and have secret meetings about how they will get rid of US soverignty, and Form a one world government.

Any members of the CFR should not be allowed to work in government.

And Lastly will you work to phase out the IRS?

If you can do all this. Then you have my vote.

I also like your idea of a democratic socialist system.

and I LOVE the part about ALL government workers and officals being paid the same! Now that is justice.