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  1. Stealth

    Midsummer NFL picks?

    I'm goin absolutely fuckin nuts without football season right now. Who do you see steppin it up this year? (PS Don't pick your own team...cuz my own team is the Steelers...and it'd be way too easy to say they're gonna win the Superbowl. Same thing with all you Seahawks fans). AFC North - I...
  2. Stealth

    Cheap plane tickets?

    I wanna take a flight somewhere, either out to the west coast or to europe or mexico or something sometime within the next year or 2. Anyone know the cheapest possible way of doing this?
  3. Stealth


    I'm getting sick of all the restaraunts outside of my office. Give me some input so I dont have to make a decision today.
  4. Stealth

    If you had $200...

    ...what would you do with it? Its was my birthday yesterday and I got a little loot from my family, and I have a little loot of my own. So I was thinking about takin 200 and gettin myself something nice. The problem is, I dont even know where to start. Videogames, TVs, DVD player...
  5. Stealth

    If you've never been to California - Concerts!?!

    I've never been to Cali before, so I'm thinkin about buyin a plane ticket out there within the next 6 months and stayin with some of my boys who moved to LA. Half the reason I want to go to Cali is because there are no good rap concerts in Pittsburgh. I've seen Nas, Tech N9ne, Bone Thugs, Dead...
  6. Stealth

    SUMMERSLAM - Tag Team Tourney

    I've been gone all year long, sorry bout that. But I have internet access all summer again, so I wanna set up a 4 or 8 or 16 team tag team tournament. If anybody is interested, post up on here with your partner. If we get enough interest, I'll make this a vital post. If we get enough teams...
  7. Stealth

    Little Quicky - Back for the Summer

    I hit your jugular/ You drop like bad jugglers I 'break' the 'peace' like i dropped your glass bubbler The stash doubler/ Got grass in my pocket I'm gassed like a rocket with some hash in my locket I bash like a dropkick/ Mash like a mosh pit Snatch up my cash and try to match with this hot...
  8. Stealth

    Longshot: Cleveland Concert, June 10th????

    Does anybody know who's performing for this show? I got 4 tickets and I have no fuckin clue what to expect except for "the Jimmie Hendrix of live rap performances". I just wanted to know who was performing. And if it was 18 and over, cuz i hear those concerts are banging.
  9. Stealth

    In the past 6 months....?

    ...what have you done with your life? I'm typin this cuz I haven't been on the Siccness in 6 months. And I had the best 6 months of my life. Here's a SHORT list: My dad's high school football team won the PA State Championships. I watched the Steelboys win the Superbowl (fuck what you...
  10. Stealth

    I'm baaaack! (NEW AUDIOS TOO)

    What's up everyone. I know I've been gone for about two months or so, but I've had a lot of shit goin on to deal with. Just wanted to say what's up to everyone - I know Fatal held this shit down. I got a few audios I just put up over the past few days:
  11. Stealth

    Out for a minute

    I just wanted to let everyone know I'm gonna be gone for a couple of weeks. I'm movin into a new place and I might not have any kind of internet connection until the end of the month. Didnt want you to think I disappeared on everyone again though. But anyways, I'm out so good luck to everyone...
  12. Stealth


    ...except I still have 3 hours of work left. Ain't that a bitch. I'm sitting here reading the manual since I can't play the game. And once I get home, I have to climb on my roof, break into my neighbor's apartment window, and steal back my PS2. But either way, ITS FOOTBALL SEASON...
  13. Stealth

    Any games I can play at work?

    Help me. I need to find a game that takes me 8 hours to beat. My problem is that I can't download anything on my work computer. We're on a network and I dont have the authorization to download, so I can't get an NES emulator. I don't think I have flash either. Anyone know good sites to play...
  14. Stealth

    What are good "Break Up" songs?

    I was feelin down, so I started playing some of these songs. I think that was the song I was lookin for - thank you.
  15. Stealth

    Rosenhaus saves boy from Disney pool

    LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. (AP) -- NFL player agent Drew Rosenhaus performed CPR to save a young boy pulled unconscious from a swimming pool at a Disney World resort hotel Tuesday. The Chicago boy was on a trip with his family. He was transported to a hospital but was expected to be fine, said Cpl...
  16. Stealth

    Bay Area Natives...Green Day on VH1 Driven.

    Speaking of prized possessions: Thats mine
  17. Stealth

    League Battles (Peep)

    I did a search on google for the League Battles. Hopefully this link works for you guys the way it works for me, but you can go through there, browse some shit, get a look at past history and what we did to get everything popping. Don't post in it yet though. Leave some feedback about what...
  18. Stealth

    What ever happened to Deep Thought?

    Sorry, just a random question. I dont know if he disappeared or if he changed his screen name or what. Just remember that fool had me laughin my ass off, and was probably the only person capable of competing with mustunutz for 10,000
  19. Stealth

    EBAY - Vending machine keys!!!

    I was fucking around on ebay today (I bought some gun parts, 2 swords, and 2 sais - dont ask) looking for a vending machine (I'm living in a house with 11 other kids next year and I figure that's one hell of a way to make some money). Anyways, I came across this link...
  20. Stealth

    Have you ever tried to eat a whole roll of Bubble Tape at once?

    It makes your jaw hurt like hell. And i can't close my mouth. So all my saliva is leaking onto my chin. But I dont want to spit it out because its the entire can and I won't have any left.