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  1. Stealth

    Online Millionaires, Goggles for Dogs, and a Dating Service for the HIV+ I think someone already posted the million dollar web page. I'm actually pissed because I thought of the idea for an HIV+ dating service a year or two ago but I never thought it would actually work. It was...
  2. Stealth

    Crazy people make my day better

    So I work for a psychiatric hospital just filing papers and delivering mail and all that good stuff. They sent me on my morning mail run, and one of the hopsitals I had to go to was the neurotoxicology hospital (drug rehab and mental retardation). So I'm standing on the elevator when the...
  3. Stealth

    Panic! At the Disco

    I'm not a big fan, but my girlfriend is completely into punk (me and her can't stand listening to music together unless its someone like Gym Class Heroes). But she's going to see Panic! At the Disco tonight. She wanted me to come, but unfortunately I told her I had to do laundry.
  4. Stealth

    Picked up Pink Foyd DSOTM

    Check out Saucerful of Secrets...I think that's a pretty crazy album. But download "Welcome to the Machine" and "Shine On You Crazy Diamond Part II" and "Mother" and "Run Like Hell" after you listen to DSOTM the whole way through. And since nobody else has said this yet...dont listen to DSOTM...
  5. Stealth

    R.I.P. Mocha

    My buddy knew some kid who had a pitbull. He got the pitbull and 2 months later signed a lease on an apartment that didn't allow pets, so he gave the pitbull to my buddy for a year until his lease was up. So this pitbull goes to live with my buddy and all his alcoholic friends, and for an...
  6. Stealth

    7/17/06 - New Text Tourny Sign Up

    That last one was weak. This time I want 8 - 16 people, preferrably some vets, and if any vets sign up, I will too.
  7. Stealth

    What do you think of the Bengals?

    Chris Henry has been arrested 4 times this offseason. One draft pick broke into his roomate's room at Florida State and stole electrical equipment. Odell Thurman just got a 4 game suspension for substance abuse violations. And they just drafted Amahd Brooks. I used to be really scared of...
  8. Stealth

    Fuck Ticketmaster

    The Roots and The Pharcyde are playing in Pittsburgh tonight with Miri bin Iri. I called off work for the concert a few months ago but I never got tickets in time, and Ticketmaster is all sold out. I checked Ebay too. Anybody know websites that might have last minute tickets for concerts?
  9. Stealth

    Social Philosophy

    I noticed Hutch say we should start a philosophy thread, but I realized with a board like this, it might be easier to make a social philosophy thread (Along the lines of Plato's Republic, Hobbes' Leviathon, etc.) I did a lot of social philosophy at school, but those two books left the biggest...
  10. Stealth

    Fuck Tadou *Audio*

    He came on the flows board saying he was better than 99% of us soooo here ya go my siccness familia!
  11. Stealth

    AUDIO DISS: Stealth v Tadou (Part II)

    Soundclick Page Just click my soundclick page and go to the top song "Stealth v Tadou (Part II)" Its just vocals, really shitty production, I took out the instrumental when I was done. Turn up the volume and wait about 24 seconds for the verse to start.
  12. Stealth

    What would you do? (Fucked up neighbors)

    So I was talkin to this girl I know. She was across the street from my house on my neighbors porch. I dont get along with these kids. We've had fist-fights at about 3 in the morning on a few different occasions. So yesterday I was sittin out on my porch stoned off my ass waitin for my boys...
  13. Stealth

    The OFFICIAL "Post Up Your Myspace Link So People Can Clown You If They Want" Thread

    The OFFICIAL "Post Up Your Myspace Link So People Can Clown You If They Want" Thread Lets even out the playing fields and post up all of our myspace addresses. That way we can expose the "real" us. Cuz it seems that anytime people bitch about something, they say "well at least I had...
  14. Stealth


    Yo everyone - I dont ever post up on this forum. But I just remembered that song "Pull Wit Me" by the Dividenz. I heard it about 4 years ago and I remember lovin the song but forgot all about it until today. I know Street Level Records doesnt have a forum on the Siccness anymore so I figured...
  15. Stealth

    4th of July Plans?

    What's everyone doin for the 4th? I called off work for monday and wednesday. I'm leaving in about 2 hours to drive down to Ocean City, MD for the next 5 days. My boy's parents own a place down there, so I'm bringin my girl and a couple of my buddy's down. There's a nightclub there called...
  16. Stealth

    Final Round (R2): David Lama v NewBay510

    All verses due Monday July 3rd by Midnight Cali time. One verse a piece, voting begins after both verses are submitted. No reusing old verses. Try to come as original as possible. Good luck and no shit talking, dick riding, or net banging. (I'll be gone until July 5th, but voting can occur...
  17. Stealth

    Who's been to the ER?

    I went to the ER the other day for heart problems, and then I realized I've had my fair share of injuries. I got stitches in my chin when I was little. My brother put shampoo all over the bathroom stall and told me I was Spider-Man and I could climb walls. So without thinking I just jumped...
  18. Stealth

    "Noah's Ark" remains discovered in Iran

    June 29) - A team of Texas archaeologists believe they may have located the remains of Noah's Ark in Iran's Elburz mountain range. "I can't imagine what it could be if it is not the Ark," said Arch Bonnema of the Bible Archaeology Search and Exploration (B.A.S.E) Institute, a Christian...
  19. Stealth

    Most random / retarded / weird shit you listen to?

    My parents got me into a lot of Italian music. Check out Andrea Bocelli's Con Te Partiro.
  20. Stealth

    RD 1.5: David Lama v. Tensor

    Hurry up and post! We need this to get to the next (and final) round.