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  1. Stealth

    Gun question?

    I'm looking to buy a new gun. I want a semi-auto .45 calibur. I already have a small self defense weapon in a 9mm. It has a long heavy trigger pull and a decent amount of recoil due to its size. Anybody have any brand of .45 they'd recommend? I want something with an easy trigger pull, and...
  2. Stealth

    What do you do in your spare time?

    Aside from listen to rap music and go onto the Siccness? I like to blaze, keep up on NFL info, write rhymes, do a little scratching, go to the shooting range and fire off some guns, work out, read a little, play pick up football games, videogames, etc. I know most people probably do shit along...
  3. Stealth


    Yoda v. Professor X Storm Trooper v. Foot Soldier Darth Vader v. Magneto He-Man v. Captain Planet Swampthing v. A dragon Shredder v. Samuel L Jackson (Pulp Fiction) Mega Man v. Link (Zelda) Scorpion v. Ryu Ryu v. Mike Tyson (Prime) v. Dolph Lungren (Ivan Drago - Rocky IV) OJ Simpson v. Ray Lewis...
  4. Stealth

    Short flow (add on)

    I dont give a fuck you can't touch my mellow jam/ Weapon of your demise like the stay puft marsh mallow man/ And with my fellow clan to back me no one can outlast me/ I'm killin all the flows with such a force i make my raps bleed/ I'm nasty, the pharoe, i blast like stone arrows/ To pierce...