Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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( o )( o )
May 4, 2005
Fuck, these soft ass motherfuckers ruined my Army. I'm watching some recent basic training videos and that shit turned in to some soft bullshit. Drill Sergeants just casually and calmly training people, soldiers just giggling and having a jolly time, looks stress free and fun lol the fuck kind of sorry ass shit is this.

When I went through basic training it was hell. Getting smoked all day every day, 3 hours of sleep sometimes not even getting all 3 hours because of getting woken up in the middle of the night and smoked regularly cause the overnight Drill Sergeant was bored. Drill Sergeants always screaming in our face, which I know was to help us be able to perform under stress. Shit was crazy. Now it's just like summer camp lol


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
I wanted to join the army but basically was a fat stoner and too lazy. Also everyone talked me out of it like "oh go to college don't be a pawn blahblah you don't want to be owned by the govt" well fuck all that. Wish i could go back to about 16 get in shape and stay away from weed and alcohol and join. I'd either be dead from freezing up like a coward or i would've made it out and have a better quality of life than what i got now. Either way id be better off than fucking paycheck to paycheck 1 tiny slip away from homelessness can't even fucking eat food or buy new clothes or afford dentistry or healthcare or several basic necessities man fuck everything fuck it all