HBO: Game of Thrones

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May 13, 2002
What? Didn't they say that sometime in the books early on? That he had a seizure in the stable and was shouting hold the door? Naan or something said it in an off kinda way like "maybe he said hold door or such, but now it's just Hodor"
No I don't think so. I mean, people have been asking what Hodor means since I started watching the show and reading the books so I'd reckon if it was already explained people would say so. Plus, reddit is making a big deal about how some one in 2008 some what as a joke predicted his name means hold the door -

Watch this shit end with Bran going back, undoing a couple things, then we start back at the beginning with Sean Bean and "it was all just a dream" and the official worst ending of any show / book in the history of mankind lol
That would be stupid but I don't think that's how it works because it seems to be a closed loop doesn't it? I mean Hodor had been hodoring all these years before Bran went back so his interactions had no change in how the past turned out, he was in fact part of it by what he did in the future! So now we're entering some deep time travel paradox shit and free will versus destiny or whatever.

Also I have some questions that need to be answered before making any jumps. For one, Bran and his time travel, which to me isn't so much time travel just the ability to rewatch history through the Weirwood trees but he has something magical occurring to him (as well as the Nights King) where he can interact with the past, but anyways, can he only visit locations with Starks or his family bloodline? Which leads to number two, the man The Children killed, was that Bran the builder and/or a Stark? Was the first white Walker a Stark? For the last two weeks since the Tower of Joy scene I've seen theories that Bran is responsible for the Mad King hearing voices and going crazy. Well I'm thinking that's retarded because the Targaryens have a long history of madness and we don't need any explanation whatsoever of why the mad king was a mad king - he's Targaryen, end of story. So I'm thinking, throw that shit out the window right now, not having it, won't listen to it. I think Bran may be restricted in what he sees by his family bloodline and possibly Weirwood trees.
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May 13, 2002
This is a good video. I'm glad we're past the books now so that everyone has their own ideas interpretations and no one really knows for certain where things are going, solid ideas but nothing is certain.

My guess is the mark The Nights King left on Bran is a magic killer so to speak, which is why they were able to enter the Children's home. Why this is important is I think Bran will go south to the Wall (will Benjin Stark and/or Cold Hands rescue them!?!?!?!) and his mark will kill the magic at The Wall that ia preventing the white walkers from passing it. The white walkers know this so they won't try to kill him, they'll follow him to the Wall until he passes through. What did Jon Snow say to the new Lord Commander? Something about don't let the wall fall down or something along those lines. Heavy foreshadowing.
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May 13, 2002
So since I'm King of the game of thrones Nerds at my work, they all flocked to me this morning for my breakdown. It was like a meeting with my bosses and coworkers about game of thrones, even had the white board with a timeline graph and everything to break down the warging followed by a great debate, one of our engineers got into time travel insanely deep lol. I haven't done shit all day
May 13, 2002
^ I'm in pretty much the same position at my job, except I hate my co-workers and haven't spoken to them.
Haha that sucks

I've mastered the art of wasting time at work. The key is to get the higher ups involved in wasting time as well, which I manipulated wonderfully in this case. It took a while but I convinced one of my bosses to watch game of thrones, let him borrow season 1 dvd box set I got as a gift. Then he turned into a straight up GoT junkie, ordered HBO and binged watched four seasons last year, bought all the books and even wears a got shirt on a weekly basis lol. The kiss asses at work recognized boss man is heavily into the show, so naturally they followed. Now the entire office is hooked. With this and the Seahawks, that's like half the day right there.


Oct 21, 2002
I still don't really fully understand the transition... Bran couldn't warg into Hodor when he was unconscious so he warged into Wyllis and then warged them both into Hodor? Or he warged Wyllis into Hodor and kept himself in the dream? Or in warging to Hodor from the greendream he unknowingly brought Wyllis with? I get the end result is the paradox of Bran creating Hodor but not how we got there.
May 13, 2002
I still don't really fully understand the transition... Bran couldn't warg into Hodor when he was unconscious so he warged into Wyllis and then warged them both into Hodor? Or he warged Wyllis into Hodor and kept himself in the dream? Or in warging to Hodor from the greendream he unknowingly brought Wyllis with? I get the end result is the paradox of Bran creating Hodor but not how we got there.
I should have taken a picture of our white board it was pretty detailed lol. There's a few different possibilities here, and essentially there is no way of knowing exactly how it transpired until the writers confirm exactly what happened. My take is first, Bran obviously didn't understand the dangers of green dreaming and when he did, that you have essentially have two parallel universes at this point - one with current Hodor and one with Wyllis, with bran sort of transcending both. Time is connected. When he decides to Warg into Hodor while still in his greendream, Wyllis still exists. Bran is transcending time here so in a way he wargs into both of them simultaneously. The consequence obviously was Hodors brain being fried, one of the dangers 3ER warned about. There's other ways of interpreting it, like Bran warged into Hodor which made past Wyllis see what current Hodor sees and that he essentially saw his own death, which breaks him. I don't like that idea as much. In any event, Bran probably over extended his time green dreaming, which 3ER always warned about. Bran didn't really know wtf he was doing.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
I hate, hate, hate time traveling nonsense and if that's the direction this whole series has taken, well then wow. What a gyp / dupe. I mean i figured about 90% of this to be a waste of time based on the writing style which was pretty atrocious lots of the time and about one half to two thirds of the content is unnecessary and could have been edited out. But it was worth it for those few long payoffs, some of which had almost a stroke of genius behind them (well anyone could do that when you're spending 30 years to craft it honestly).

I hope that Hodor snapped from seeing his brutal future death from the zombies and not from a time travel paradox. If this is all time traveler nonsense the entire game of thrones was a waste of time and is completely undermined. Literally hundreds of pages, hundreds of characters completely and utterly pointless. It'll go down as the worst ending to any book in history


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
This was supposed to be different than the other fantasy garbage, what was it, The Wheel of Time? It was supposed to be a mature complex political world with a fantasy tinge and based from real history. Add in time traveling to GoT you are basically throwing that away as meaningless and what's left? Wheel of Time with child porn and incest thousands of pages of rape and graphic sex and brutal violence and crude talk and descriptions of meat stews and meat juices running down beards and a bunch of political bullshit and literally HUNDREDS of unnecessary characters that was just an enormous waste of time

GRRM is nothing but a fat disgusting neckbeard slob and a degenerate if that's the case
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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
4,352 pages folks. "It was about Bran being a time traveler this whole time". No. Just no. GRRM is not a genius he's a guy that writes and rewrites and rewrites for years and years on end til it works. The time traveling shit wasn't planned if it's true. What did he fucking go on some fan site one night trying to figure out how to end this shit he can't finish and saw some crazy theory and thought it'd be mind-blowing and get him out of this mess?

Jesus christ what's next, writing in N-Sync like George Lucas tried to do?
Props: :ab: and :ab: