HBO: Game of Thrones

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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Valonqar could be anybody, the prophecy is the little brother not literally your little brother. I think it's The Hound.

It could be Jaime because he was technically born after Cersei, but that'd be pretty lame and extremely predictable. I see your point, everything in the books has been leading towards Jaime turning his back on Cersei, the cheating with everyone including moon boy for all we know, and who knows; if Cersei's retarded plan gets Tommen murdered and causes the Lannisters to be conquered by the Tyrell's that might be enough for Jaime to kill her. Not to mention he's not even supposed to be in Kings landing I'm pretty sure he's in the Riverlands and ignoring Cersei's pleas.

The Valonqar could be Loras Tyrell. It could be Bran Stark. It could be Jon Snow. It could even be Tommen, who is the little brother to Joffrey.

I hope it's Tommen or The Hound, Tommen will do it for Margaery the Hound for the militant faith. It'd be more fitting for Tommen to do it for Margaery though, as it'd be the ultimate fulfillment of the prophecy with "younger, more beautiful / taking all you hold dear / casting you down". Tommen is literally the single thing Cersei holds dear.

Anyone notice Cersei wearing Joffreys ring in all these scenes? It's like subtle little hints to remind us of Joffrey... and Tommen being the little brother.
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Props: :ab: and :ab:


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Also The Rains of Castamere was playing when Jaime / Cersei were talking with the Tyrell's at the small council....

Cersei and Jaime manage to kill the Queen of Thornes / Margaery, turns the faith and the people against the Tyrell's but Tommen strangles Cersei for it? Then Zombie Mountain cleaves Tommen in half right down the middle to complete the symbolism of Tommen being torn / split between the two? Just throwing halfassed predictions out there
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Props: :ab: and :ab:
May 13, 2002
Tommen too much of a pussy to strangle anyone.

I don't know if Margery will get killed but Cersei definitely wants her punished, that was the whole point of all this in the first place before it backfired on herself. Something will definitely come down to Tommen disagreeing with his mother and siding with his hot wife (lol what teenager wouldn't!?) and shit will go down, I like your original prediction Zombie Mountain crushes him, Hound kills Zombie, chokes Cersei to death while dramatic scenes of a helpless Jamie is restrained, watching his soulmate and sister die before his eyes moments after watching his son murdered by the beast sworn to protect Cersei.

So here is my recap of our discussions and a couple added notes, because I don't feel like working but typing a lot makes it look I'm a hard worker:

One thing about Bran and his storyline, I will say this about Bloodraven. He's a very unique and mysterious man. I've read the dunk and egg books as well, and pretty much everyone who talked about Bloodraven spoke about him in a dark, negative way. Of course this could just be the perspective of the common folk and others, depending on what house/region you're from, but I certainly got the impression he was a bad dude. Obviously that was a long time ago so whatever happened to him, perhaps it changed him to be "good". But I still have a suspicion he's up to something...evil.

I have a couple of predictions in my head and now in combination with Butchers ideas with Cersei. We know her childhood prophecy of losing three children and "valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you." and some people assume valonqur is little brother so they figure at some point Jamie is going to kill her. What I'm thinking though is that whatever she has cookin up, will end in trail by combat, and of course Zombie Mountain will be her fighter and the high sparrow will have the hound (so this would also have to believe the fan theory clegane bowl is true). Here's where it's interesting though, The Hound is the younger brother to the Mountain, so he could be "valonqur". Perhaps at some point during this, King Tommen will defend his queen Margery over Cersei and since Zombie Mountain is sworn to defend Cersei, he'll glitch out so to speak and crush Tommlen. The Hound will kill his brother and choke Cersei to death. Prophecy fulfilled. Very dramatic finish with Jamie unable to save his sister!

keep an eye on Littlefinger. Ramsay's letter to Jon in the books is a bit different and happens earlier than the show and there is great speculation if he even wrote the letter. In the show it seems cut and dry, Ramsey wrote it, that's it. Both versions of letter though Ramsey or whoever wrote the letter says "come and see" multiple times. With that said, earlier in the episode when Littlefinger gives his gift to Robyn, he clearly says "My lord, come and see". Now this could be nothing at all, a massive reach, but it could also be a subtle clue that Littlefinger either wrote the letter or is at least going to somehow support the Bolton's. Remember, his true goal is to be Warden of the North and more, so he most certainly wants a war, a bloodbath, he wants each side to decimate each other, and he certainly won't want any Starks alive other than Sansa, so he can then swoop in for himself and claim Warden of the North, so expect some double crossing manipulative stuff from Littlefinger (as usual). This of course could be his demise too, but it would certainly complicate matters and divide the North.
Props: :ab: and :ab:


Oct 21, 2002
One thing about Bran and his storyline, I will say this about Bloodraven. He's a very unique and mysterious man. I've read the dunk and egg books as well, and pretty much everyone who talked about Bloodraven spoke about him in a dark, negative way. Of course this could just be the perspective of the common folk and others, depending on what house/region you're from, but I certainly got the impression he was a bad dude. Obviously that was a long time ago so whatever happened to him, perhaps it changed him to be "good". But I still have a suspicion he's up to something...evil
My favorite thing about the show right now is how they decided not to make the 3-Eyed Raven be Bloodraven, since he's probably the most mysterious and awesome character in the books.
It's never said how he ended up going to the nights watch, right? Just something about his half brothers not liking him, even though he wrecks the Blackfyre's during the rebellion. Then it's never said how he became lord commander, or the circumstances behind him leaving and going north to the caves, or where his sword is... I also felt like it was heavily implied in The Mystery Knight that he was wearing a glamour and impersonating Maynard Plumm...


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
I don't know if any of you guys follow Tor - its probably the best known fantasy book publishing company (Brandon Sanderson, Orson Scott Card, Robert Jordan, Terry Goodkind, Steven Erikson, etc.). Anyways, I usually get some good articles emailed to me every week. This one is about differences between ASOIAF books and GOT show:

Nitpicking HBO’s Game of Thrones: 10 Book Details the Show Got Wrong |

Nitpicking HBO’s Game of Thrones: 10 Book Details the Show Got Wrong

We admit we were a bit annoyed that the awesome Arthur Dayne needed two swords in the Tower of Joy flashback that aired in Season 6 Episode 3 of HBO’s Game of Thrones. Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, does not need TWO swords. He is perfect with just his one amazing sword (Jaime would totally agree with us). We know we are not alone in our rage over this admittedly very trivial matter.

The early success of HBO’s Game of Thrones was driven in part by the excited book fans (like us!) that stood in line at the early marketing efforts (remember the Westeros-themed food trucks?). These fans also told all their coworkers to watch this new fantasy show based on these awesome books they had read. Book fans form the backbone of this fandom, but sometimes book fans go bad. Book fans are often (and probably correctly) characterized as overly critical, never happy, and obsessed with inconsequential details (see above re: Arthur Dayne’s ONE sword), and they drive their show-watching friends a little mad. As overly critical fans ourselves, we present to you a list of 10 of the dumbest and most irrational nitpicks we admit to having.

BEWARE SPOILERS including the most recent episode of Game of Thrones Season 6, “Book of the Stranger”.
Props: :ab: and :ab:


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Hodor = Hold the door = mind blown
What? Didn't they say that sometime in the books early on? That he had a seizure in the stable and was shouting hold the door? Naan or something said it in an off kinda way like "maybe he said hold door or such, but now it's just Hodor"

This was another great episode. I appreciate and support the large amounts of terrible fan service /sarcasm.

Emilia getting emotional for Jorah was a pretty cool moment. The Hodor scene mightve been one of the best scenes so far in the entire series... but honestly i was too pissed off and it kind of dampened it. Bran is such a stupid retarded piece of shit that never listens and literally destroys everything and every one around him with his stupidity. If he hadn't climbed that tower like a goddamned mouth breathing piece of shit none of this shit would've happened to the starks. Of course he gets everyone at the sanctuary killed and his direwolf too, because he's so fucking dumb. It pisses me off so much and i hate that shitty actor too. Hodor has always been a likeable figure now that i know he's actually a tragic figure, and it's completely Bran's fault I hate Bran even more. Plus dude, WTF seriously? You know the nightking is coming with a vast army of the undead because you fucked up again, retard, but "oh lets chill a little bit more in the past first". Face palm

I wish this Bran bullshit would end he's such a fuckup and unlikable character, bad actor, annoying magic warging bullshit, says he wants to fly like every day (you already flew off that tower you stupid retard should've died). I hope the night king seizes him and enslaves him and uses him as an instrument of war to kill off the rest of the starks, he deserves the emotional torture for all he's caused. Of course it won't end because GRRM is on record stating that in the original planning if this entire series it was to be entirely told from Bran's perspective.

Watch this shit end with Bran going back, undoing a couple things, then we start back at the beginning with Sean Bean and "it was all just a dream" and the official worst ending of any show / book in the history of mankind lol
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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Littlefingers probably going to kill Brienne / Sansa. "Time to join the fray" aka "the Frey". The Blackfish was basically taken hostage by the Frey's on his wedding right? Riverlands is probably his, the Blackfish is probably a pawn just like Robin is. If anyone is a time traveler it's Littlefinger dude seems to be teleporting around possibly even has clones of himself. Probably some crazy sorcerer


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Wait i dunno im stoned and tired and can't think clearly. Who got married in the show, was there ever an edmure tulley in the show or was it Brynden who was married in the show? This shits all fucked up wasn't Brynden tully aka the Blackfish supposed to be in hiding after Jaime went to the riverlands to make peace, after he was basically almost completely starved out under seige holding riverrun from the Frey's and protecting robb starks pregnant widow , then he fled rather than sign the treaty?

Riverrun is a goddamned cluster fuck in the show now lol. Who the fuck knows what's going on. I figure sansa or brienne are going to be killed somehow in riverrun, due to some basic scheme littlefinger has planned. Dude seems to have impenetrable plot armor all of his schemes are pretty ridiculous, he's gotten away with so much shady shit that no one seems to be able to see. At least in the books people threaten him constantly and it's more like he's just barely squeaking through by luck, or he's protected by circumstance. Show makes him out to be this master genius who has enormous power manipulating everything and every one.
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Props: :ab: and :ab: