fallout 4

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Deep Slumps
Feb 13, 2013
I have that vault tech guy bht he was annoying and stupid looking so i banished him to the slog. Merchants are worthless anyway i have 8 shops with NPC's assigned at sanctuary for a whopping 50 caps every 2 days ooooooh that was totally worth wasting like fucking ten perks on. Stupid ass dumbass Bethesda and their shitty fucking unfinished game looking like a 2008 game fuck you Bethesda. Maybe ill worry about it when a different settlement mod gets made or a caravan mod or something
When you go to sanctuary though you can sell thousands of caps worth of stuff to those merchants though, which saves me a lot of trips to diamond city or goodneighbor
May 13, 2002
I have that vault tech guy bht he was annoying and stupid looking so i banished him to the slog. Merchants are worthless anyway i have 8 shops with NPC's assigned at sanctuary for a whopping 50 caps every 2 days ooooooh that was totally worth wasting like fucking ten perks on. Stupid ass dumbass Bethesda and their shitty fucking unfinished game looking like a 2008 game fuck you Bethesda. Maybe ill worry about it when a different settlement mod gets made or a caravan mod or something
lol @ getting angry over merchant profits! Shitty game that you've been playing the fuck out of lol

I'm not interested in making caps from them, there are tons of ways to make caps in this game and having an abundance of caps really shouldn't be an issue, I'm interested in the legendary merchants meaning there are special items each one sells (like a legendary gun or armor that you can only get through them). Additionally level 4 merchants have much more items then a regular little pawn shop at your settlements. They have the best inventory and completely restocked every two days, including legendary items for sale.
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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
When you go to sanctuary though you can sell thousands of caps worth of stuff to those merchants though, which saves me a lot of trips to diamond city or goodneighbor
They have like 1300 caps after you spend 500 to upgrade them , big deal. I sell all my water and empty them out then put the leftover water in a safe right next to all of them for quick access. Guess how many waters are in there, added up over time ? 6000+ purified waters. I just spend like fuckin 30,000 caps on an Overseers rifle, and Overseers Arm pieces i don't have two hours to sit there and sell all my waters to get it back lol stupid ass Bethesda. At least new vegas had a merchant who had 8K caps on them. Fuck it next time i log in I'm going to "cheat" and just add in like 55,000 caps or whatever those 6000+ waters are worth then delete all the waters. Bam. I don't know why they're infatuated with keeping players dealing in little tiny ass increments of caps fuck that, i want to earn millions of caps and buy my own vertibirds and gunships and sentry bots and protectrons stupid ass Bethesda


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
lol @ getting angry over merchant profits! Shitty game that you've been playing the fuck out of lol

I'm not interested in making caps from them, there are tons of ways to make caps in this game and having an abundance of caps really shouldn't be an issue, I'm interested in the legendary merchants meaning there are special items each one sells (like a legendary gun or armor that you can only get through them). Additionally level 4 merchants have much more items then a regular little pawn shop at your settlements. They have the best inventory and completely restocked every two days, including legendary items for sale.
They'll probably sell some shitty gun for like 80,000 caps or some shitty leather armor left leg only for 50,000 lol


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Bethesda logic: "Let's make it so they're constantly broke, have barely any ammo and stimpacks and fusion cores, and have to spend 10 perk points just to be able to make enough money to play the game"

"what happens when they're finally about level 30 and have spent about 40 hours doing settlements and half their character is dedicated to charisma and caps and settlements and they can finally afford to stay stocked up? What do they have to look forward to now that they've finally broken those restrictive barriers of extremely limited merchant inventories and cap amounts, armor and guns that are nearly worthless and not worth looting and selling? What do they do with this infinite supply of caps they've basically donated more time towards obtaining than playing the actual story and quests? "

" well they can now finally play the game for one. And two, Uhhh, let's just add in this legendary combat armor right and left arm that cost 50,000 total. "
May 13, 2002
How are you constantly broke? It's hella easy to make caps in this game, you're essentially complaining because you're not a millionaire even though you have an endless supply of income? lol! All the Fallout games are similar to this although this is easier to have a steady income. With fast travel and the ability to sleep or sit and pass time it's easy to dump off goods at the dozens of merchants plus the ones you have at your settlements. It shouldn't take long at all to stack up 50,000 caps without much effort. I made 30,000 from manufacturing Jet alone, if I wanted to I could keep doing that and have over a 100,000 caps in a few game days.

What is it that you're trying to buy anyways that cost that much? There are only a couple legendary items that cost 10,000+ and they aren't even that big of a deal, so do you really need to worry about having a left arm armor that reduces damage by 15 percent? lol it's not that serious man as there are TONS of equally as good and better legendary items that you constantly get throughout the game for free. All of my favorite weapons and armor I didn't buy them, I found them in random locations or after killing a legendary creature. You really don't need a ton of caps I'm this game unless you use power armor 100% of the game and even then, you should only need to really spend on fuel, easily manageable if you simply sell items from time to time (guns, armor, ammo, etc. All those legendary items you will never use? Sell them.). It's so easy to make caps which aren't even that necessary unless you want to be the Greedy Jewish Sole Survivor which apparently is your goal.

You barely have stimpacks? How is that possible? Last I checked I had 65 in my inventory today. They are literally every where in the game plus you can even craft them. Same with ammo and ammo is pretty cheap. The only ammo that is fairly rare is for the gamma gun which is the weakest weapon imo. Early on in the game the .44 ammo was hard to come by too, but once you reach diamond city it opens up.

Idk man, it's a weird thing to complain about especially considering how easy it is to get all of this stuff. You're supposed to be surviving a post apocalyptic wasteland of anything they make it too easy to get all of this stuff. If they wanted to be more realistic it would be incredibly hard to come by any of this stuff. Ammo should be scarce, not go through tens of thousands and then complain there isn't enough lol
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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
There is nothing to buy that costs that much that's what im saying. You basically just have unlimited ammo and stimpacks and fusion cores pretty easy yet all the caps perks and settlement perks take a huge chunk of your perks, the caps themselves are basically useless once you've crossed that line. Yet selling weapons and armor to get stimpacks and ammo and fusion cores and all that it isn't possible, they quickly add up to the thousands so you have to take all those perks. It's like "go 10 cha + all these perks or don't use power armor or have enough ammo for constant exploring". I think those perks should be like the magazines or something just side perks you get after bartering so much or building so much
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May 13, 2002
There is nothing to buy that costs that much that's what im saying. You basically just have unlimited ammo and stimpacks and fusion cores pretty easy yet all the caps perks and settlement perks take a huge chunk of your perks, the caps themselves are basically useless once you've crossed that line. Yet selling weapons and armor to get stimpacks and ammo and fusion cores and all that it isn't possible, they quickly add up to the thousands so you have to take all those perks. It's like "go 10 cha + all these perks or don't use power armor or have enough ammo for constant exploring". I think those perks should be like the magazines or something just side perks you get after bartering so much or building so much
I swear you're bipolar lol

I'm not sure what you mean by taking a huge chunk of your perks. You level up forever there is no level cap so you can as many perks as you want. Its exactly like the past two Fallouts in the sense that you start out and ammo/caps is scarce but as you progress everything is more available as your character becomes beastly.

I think power armor is supposed to be special, like your personal tank and probably isn't supposed to be used 100% of the time. In the past fallout games, you couldn't even use power armor until you reached a certain level/point in the game, so it was similar in those games too just a different way of doing it )obviously here it's available from the start). And here there is fuel, so you have to keep that in mind. There is ton of armor and clothing so I think the idea is you should wear your regular armor most of the time and wear power armor during the heavy shit. Of course if you want to use power armor all of the time you can, you just have to be more conscious about what perks to get, saving more caps, etc. It's all up to you.

The settlement stuff is just extra so I'm not sure why your focusing so much on it. The stores are meant to raise happiness in your settlements, they are supposed to represent a functional community, with the bonus of being able to buy/sell with them too. I don't think these small little community merchants should make you a million caps or whatever since presumably all the caps they are making is in-house (the settlers living there and connected communities).

But yeah, if you do raise tons of caps, that's your choice. You go through the game having barely anything if you want. Early on in this thread you were talking about how you want to be rich as fuck and have essentially an infinite amount of caps, and now your complaining that there isn't anything worth buying anymore? That was your choice to focus so much on generating caps, you see what I'm saying? All of that stuff is optional (building a network of settlements, becoming a purified water kingpin, etc). So basically you want more stuff to buy with all of your caps that you spent all of that time to generate? Such the consumer!

For me, I just like playing the game, exploring, killing & looting. When I take a break from that I'll mess around in my settlements, beef them up and make them cool looking and I'll buy/sell stuff when I come across a merchant or just use Trashcan Trisha or whatever her name is and the stores at my settlements for convenience. All of this to me is just an added bonus since this is new to Fallout and the past two games are essentially this game minus the settlements and building options.
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Props: BUTCHER 206


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Just found curie, think that's my new fave companion. Handed newly sober cait 300 Jet and said go chill at the slog with the ghouls you dumb bitch

They did companions great this time around. It's helpful they're invincible, and that their individual quests don't take hours to complete or have to be looked up in a wiki cause there's nearly no chance you'd trigger certain events on your own. I've been jumping companion to companion maxing out their individual quest meters usually companions are a waste trying to keep alive and they get in the way. If only the engine and AI weren't 7 years behind it might be great lol
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May 13, 2002
Just found curie, think that's my new fave companion. Handed newly sober cait 300 Jet and said go chill at the slog with the ghouls you dumb bitch

They did companions great this time around. It's helpful they're invincible, and that their individual quests don't take hours to complete or have to be looked up in a wiki cause there's nearly no chance you'd trigger certain events on your own. I've been jumping companion to companion maxing out their individual quest meters usually companions are a waste trying to keep alive and they get in the way. If only the engine and AI weren't 7 years behind it might be great lol

Curries voice...

Yeah the companions are far deeper in this game, compared to the last two that were very shallow. I think Nick Valentines is by far the best, the deepest and most rewarding to uncover. Takes some time but well worth it.

Currently have 4 quests in the "talk to preston garvey" stage hopefully i can keep them there forever and no more pop up. Shits ruining the game
What I did is send him to a different settlement. When you have a quest of his complete it except for the final part where you have to talk to him and tell him you finished and just never go see him. The quest(s) don't fail and he'll never give you a new one since you don't talk to him. Just don't tune into to radio freedom. There will still be a random settlement quest from a settler, but those are very few and nothing compared to fucking Prestons restlessness!!
Props: BUTCHER 206
May 13, 2002
Playing new vegas on survival...I can't tell you the amount of times I had to reload a game because my companion died, that was very annoying. So that always forced me to tell my companion to wait here any time I was going to approach some enemies. And then I'd forget where they were waiting and spend 30 minutes trying to find them lol. I like it better this way where they just stay knocked out until combat finishes. I wish they still had the "move back" and "stay aggressive" or "be passive" options, oh yeah and the ability to tell them to use ranged weapons or close combat weapons, that was cool.
May 4, 2002
Just found this random pistol doing a mission. Explosive advanced 10mm pistol, wrecking shit. Ima upgrade my pistol perk and see what this really does.
May 4, 2002
Wtf ☆enemies dont drop different weapons after reloads, if its a knife its just a different version. How gay. Wtf am i gonna do with a kinfe that does 10 damage with poison for 10 seconds.
May 13, 2002
Just found this random pistol doing a mission. Explosive advanced 10mm pistol, wrecking shit. Ima upgrade my pistol perk and see what this really does.
Yeah man any gun with the explosives is the shit. My yo to weapon is a .44 with explosives.

Wtf ☆enemies dont drop different weapons after reloads, if its a knife its just a different version. How gay. Wtf am i gonna do with a kinfe that does 10 damage with poison for 10 seconds.
Are you sure? Ive reloaded a few times and got different legendary drops before. Maybe it depends on how far back your save was. So let's say a legendary enemy appears, dude has already been generated by the game. You save it. Couple minutes later you kill him, don't like the weapon and reload your game from a couple minutes ago. Same weapon with different legendary perk. It may be that's not far back enough, maybe you have to load a game before he's generated. I'm not sure though.

But yeah, there are tons of legendaries you kill that drop some weak ass legendary armor or something stupid like a legendary pool stick lol. Usually they are still worth picking up to sell though but not all legendary drops are going to be dope finds, it's pretty hit and miss, which makes those dope finds that much more special and rare.
May 4, 2002
Yeah man any gun with the explosives is the shit. My yo to weapon is a .44 with explosives.

Are you sure? Ive reloaded a few times and got different legendary drops before. Maybe it depends on how far back your save was. So let's say a legendary enemy appears, dude has already been generated by the game. You save it. Couple minutes later you kill him, don't like the weapon and reload your game from a couple minutes ago. Same weapon with different legendary perk. It may be that's not far back enough, maybe you have to load a game before he's generated. I'm not sure though.

But yeah, there are tons of legendaries you kill that drop some weak ass legendary armor or something stupid like a legendary pool stick lol. Usually they are still worth picking up to sell though but not all legendary drops are going to be dope finds, it's pretty hit and miss, which makes those dope finds that much more special and rare.
did a reload 10xs and it was a knife every time. On ps4