So I went to a friend's house yesterday for new years and dude had Fallout 4. To kill some time he wanted to play and I watched. Never been so frustrated before in my life! This guy is not new to Fallout so there is no excuse for this shit. First he's walking around full inventory, picks something up and he's walking slow, shit gotta drop something. I watch him drop some random item and ask to show me his inventory. He's got all types of shit weapons, multiple unmodded pipe pistols, etc. He's carrying multiple items of power armor for no reason. He's wearing power armor, but just the skeleton. So I say comrade, go to your home in Sanctuary Hills lets drop some shit off. Explain to him he doesn't need to carry all of this shit, dump some in your work bench, etc. He's complaining all of his weapons suck so I have to explain how to mod them, etc. Finally upgrade a couple decent weapons, one ear and out the other, couldn't comprehend the materials needed. Explain gun nut, have him open perks, he has 6 points just chillin lol. Show him how to repair power armor, how to equip. He goes on some mission, get destroyed by like 6 ghouls close combat, and he's using a bolt action sniper rifle lol I asked why and he says because it's the most powerful gun he has, smh. I say go into VATS man since you can't hit shit, he says he never does because the accuracy is low. Fuck. Whatever, get destroyed by ghouls then. He's like halfway through the game and he's never seen the railroad people so I show him how to find them, I go have a smoke or whatever come back and ask him if he joined them he's like nah, I say how come? "I don't know, they seemed weird and they asked me to do some shit I don't feel like doing". Fucking hell. Then I made the mistake trying to explain supply lines, his exact words after I explained the benefits "why would I want to do that?" Ahh there's no hope.