fallout 4

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May 13, 2002
Is there any way you can send multiple npcs or companions to chill at the same settlement? The names for some I'm trying to are grayed out and idk why
Yeah you can. In work bench mode select the settler like you do when you assign them to a job and there will be an option to "move", once you select that it will ask you which settlement to send them to. If the settlement names are grayed out its because the settlement is at full capacity. So go to that settlement where you want them at, send a couple random settlers to another location to free of space. Now you should be able to.

Some settlers can't move though, like at Sanctuary Hills the original people like that annoying cunt and her husband and the dude who's always fixing stuff, they have to stay, and that's true for other settlements like at Finch farms for example Finch and his family will stay. You can send Preston though and companions in general, all my companions are at the same location.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Wait people said you can save and reload your drops? Nah it hasnt work that way for me at all, anytime I've died and reloaded and have looted the same legendary twice, it's always dropped the exact same thing

The only way I could see it working was if you knew a legendary enemy was coming up, and you saved it before you were in its area or whatever before it was loaded in. Cells / areas in fallout are huge and if enemies have a randomized item that gets rolled as they're generated in, you'll have to basically know where there's a predetermined legendary enemy spawn then save it before you enter that cell
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May 4, 2002
Im doing a brotherhood of steel mission but i cant get into the chopper to go the the island of super mutants. I also have a mission i completed early on and i need to talk to the guy you first meet but i cant finish or do either.
May 13, 2002
Im doing a brotherhood of steel mission but i cant get into the chopper to go the the island of super mutants. I also have a mission i completed early on and i need to talk to the guy you first meet but i cant finish or do either.
Hold x for a couple of seconds then let go. Or maybe it's triangle. I had a problem trying to get out of the chopper. It's the same button and you have to hold it for like 2-3 seconds. I was just tapping the button. Thought the game glitched on me reloaded like three times. Felt like a retard after I figured it out lol
May 13, 2002
Man these are some tough decisions towards the end of the main storyline. Had to kill off someone close, that was rough. Really digging the storyline and am glad they went with the whole AI/synth stuff, I'm a huge sucker for AI stories and all that comes with it (do AI that are essentially human replicants have rights, etc).

In FO3 one of the coolest side missions was the replicant story. They took that and made an entire game of it, which is dope for me.
May 4, 2002
Lol at this ☆tire iron that only does 28 damage at night. These weapons are a joke.

If you sell them to a merch they will give you 30 and turn around and try to charge an arm and limb to buy it back.

Good thing i already have my set weapons or id be pissed.
May 13, 2002
Lol at this ☆tire iron that only does 28 damage at night. These weapons are a joke.

If you sell them to a merch they will give you 30 and turn around and try to charge an arm and limb to buy it back.

Good thing i already have my set weapons or id be pissed.
Why even pick up a tire iron lol.

You can see the value of the item before u pick it up when u press square to transfer, then r3 to inspect, it will say the value so anything under 75 I'm not picking up, usually has to be at least 100. Some merchants are Jews too like trashcan Carla doesn't really give much compared to diamond city and good neighbor, but she's convenient.

Some of the best weapons you'll find are legendary drops though, I got a machine gun with explosives from some random legendary gunner that absolutely annihilates fools, same with my .44 with explosives, shit pretty much all my weapons come to think of it.
May 4, 2002
Why even pick up a tire iron lol.

You can see the value of the item before u pick it up when u press square to transfer, then r3 to inspect, it will say the value so anything under 75 I'm not picking up, usually has to be at least 100. Some merchants are Jews too like trashcan Carla doesn't really give much compared to diamond city and good neighbor, but she's convenient.

Some of the best weapons you'll find are legendary drops though, I got a machine gun with explosives from some random legendary gunner that absolutely annihilates fools, same with my .44 with explosives, shit pretty much all my weapons come to think of it.
I pickup everything to sell it. I dont give a fuck what it is. Dude who follows me is just used as backup storage.

I even got the perk to fast travel when im carrying to much shit.
May 13, 2002
I pickup everything to sell it. I dont give a fuck what it is. Dude who follows me is just used as backup storage.

I even got the perk to fast travel when im carrying to much shit.
Haha I was always tempted to get that perk. There is even a park that increases your companions carrying ability, I think it's the second or third level of whatever the companion perk is under charisma.
May 13, 2002
So I went to a friend's house yesterday for new years and dude had Fallout 4. To kill some time he wanted to play and I watched. Never been so frustrated before in my life! This guy is not new to Fallout so there is no excuse for this shit. First he's walking around full inventory, picks something up and he's walking slow, shit gotta drop something. I watch him drop some random item and ask to show me his inventory. He's got all types of shit weapons, multiple unmodded pipe pistols, etc. He's carrying multiple items of power armor for no reason. He's wearing power armor, but just the skeleton. So I say comrade, go to your home in Sanctuary Hills lets drop some shit off. Explain to him he doesn't need to carry all of this shit, dump some in your work bench, etc. He's complaining all of his weapons suck so I have to explain how to mod them, etc. Finally upgrade a couple decent weapons, one ear and out the other, couldn't comprehend the materials needed. Explain gun nut, have him open perks, he has 6 points just chillin lol. Show him how to repair power armor, how to equip. He goes on some mission, get destroyed by like 6 ghouls close combat, and he's using a bolt action sniper rifle lol I asked why and he says because it's the most powerful gun he has, smh. I say go into VATS man since you can't hit shit, he says he never does because the accuracy is low. Fuck. Whatever, get destroyed by ghouls then. He's like halfway through the game and he's never seen the railroad people so I show him how to find them, I go have a smoke or whatever come back and ask him if he joined them he's like nah, I say how come? "I don't know, they seemed weird and they asked me to do some shit I don't feel like doing". Fucking hell. Then I made the mistake trying to explain supply lines, his exact words after I explained the benefits "why would I want to do that?" Ahh there's no hope.


Dec 18, 2008
At the Pump
With my new dude the second perk I got I invested it into the lockpicking. I got sick of only being able to open the novice shits. It already seems to be paying off all the shit I can open now is actually hooking me up. And my new guy I was able to make look fucking scary similar to myself. Minus the scars. But its kinda chreepy playing a game and the character bearing a striking resemblance to yourself
May 4, 2002
With my new dude the second perk I got I invested it into the lockpicking. I got sick of only being able to open the novice shits. It already seems to be paying off all the shit I can open now is actually hooking me up. And my new guy I was able to make look fucking scary similar to myself. Minus the scars. But its kinda chreepy playing a game and the character bearing a striking resemblance to yourself
I got lockpicking and terminal unlocking early on in the game.

Nextplay ima be a bad ass and kill everything i see.