Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Ne Obliviscaris

RIP Cut-Throat and SoCo
Dec 30, 2004
I disagree with this part, I keep everything 100% real. I dont put on an act and try to pretend to be someone I'm not. I'm lightweight a no-friends-having loser who spends his life on the internet and has poor self-control. But I dont claim to be anything other than that. I disclose pretty much every detail about my life on this forum cuz yall are the closest I got to friends and without this site I got literally 0 human interaction. And in my drunken stupidity I made my avatar a picture of myself so yall know what I look like now if you didnt before

And Im meeting that brixton bomber faggot face to face

So miss me with that bullshit

As for the other shit, I dont have a problem with you. I dont know why the fuck I called you a punk, but I also dont know why I insulted one of the coolest posters on this site ( Nuttkase @Nuttkase ) multiple times, along with making nonsense threads and changing my avatar to a photo of myself looking fucking wasted. Im just learning about limits now, and apparently I made an even bigger fool of myself in real life to my entire extended family than I did here.

Again, sorry for being disrespectful, I have no issue with you at all. Today I've have to apologize to a lot of folks including Killa Tay and Justice Allah of the South Park Coalition.

But I dont appreciate disrespect myself.
calling me a punk is faking. youve never met me, but a lot of people on here have, feel free to ask them if they think im a punk.

and here is some really real advice for you. as a man with pretty solid substance abuse issues, i can already tell where youre headed with your drinking. its fucking up the few parts of your life--family, online friendships--that you seem to care about. you need to quit. like completely stop drinking. for the forseeable future. you'll either thank me in 20 years or wish youd listened.
Nov 18, 2010
Trying to call a second consecutive timeout is a penalty as well im pretty sure
Item 4: Unsportsmanlike Conduct. An attempt to call an excess team timeout or to call a second
timeout in the same dead-ball period by Team B in an attempt to “freeze” a kicker, will be considered
unsportsmanlike conduct and will subject the offending team to a 15-yard penalty (See 12-3). This will
apply to field goal or Try attempts.

I think it was Mike Shanahan who blew a game trying to ice the kicker twice.