Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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( o )( o )
May 4, 2005
My friend and his dad are doing this. Buying a small chunk of land in nevada and going to raise chickens start a green house, grow weed, and make booze. They have it all down to basically retire for around $20,000. He's a snake so he's going to call in Snakeadia or Snakelandia or something like that. He's got it all mapped out and shit. I thought he was retarded at first but after looking at their numbers and plans they might actually be super smart.
I have 40 acres in Nevada out in the cuts. This seems like an awesome backup plan.
Aug 26, 2002
Hard Times
I have 40 acres in Nevada out in the cuts. This seems like an awesome backup plan.
Shit I might have to buy some. It's cheap. I almost bought a few acres out in the northern middle of washington a few years ago but backed out. Now that's where everyone is buying up land to do these big legal grows. I dropped the ball on that one. The 2.5 acre plot I was looking at was going for about $2000. I don't even want to look at what it would be worth now.
Nov 18, 2010
Believe it or not DODE used to be a very reputable gangster in San Jo.

He is very well known in his hood & outside, & I know for 100% fact he has put in a lot of work, & done time for it & can still walk thru any hood in san jo with no issues

He & I had a conversation a few years back, due to having quite a few mutual friends offline & I feel like I lightweight spoke some sense into him because he was on the path right back to the pen, but this time its different because he has a family that needs him.

I respect him for taking a turn for the better.

taking orders from some 3 time loser that'll never see the light of day, suck a tiddie, smoke some reefers, eat some steak... its a lose/lose situation.

now coming on here & preaching about it to the remainder of the people on the site isnt something I'd personally do myself in his shoes, but thats his thing, ...but I cant do nothing but respect his decision to be a man, & not a follower of these nortes.

I just don't want you to get it twisted thinking homie is a wannabe or is talking out his ass, dode is an OG & was always with the shit.
Sure as hell didnt see that coming lol