walmart regime workers go on strike in seattle

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Oct 25, 2011
Isn't that the problem!? Human beings should have a higher value than money. We should not treat others bad, just for a higher profit.
nobody should be treated bad but these are average workers in a capitalist society asking for more than what they are worth breh...

why give a 2 dollar hoe a 100 bucks for a blowjob & why pay someone without the drive to get an education what someone who has put in the footwork to get where they are, the same worth?

i stand by my statement, walmart workers, every time I have seen them are the laziest rudest annoying workers in any store i ever been to... they have zero integrity for their work, the store is a mess, they act like they dont hear you when you ask a question... WORST "workers" if thats what we are calling them in the history of work.

nothing but love for my homie Chree @Chree but fuck a walmart worker for reals, capitalism isnt about making shit warm n fuzzy & thats where we live today.
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East 27 mack e$O...
Jun 8, 2005
oaKlanD u.S.spray
first post from you i ever really was able to read & cant even tell if you are being sarcastic or not lol....

if you really do think they are busting ass, I have to question which industry you work in where in comparison walmart workers are 'busting ass' lol
Cuzin my lil brother works for that scumbag company
The niggaz up there lump u try pulling them heavy ass food pallet s
And then stocking the shit with no help all due respect brotha
U dont no what the hell u talking about lol I do delivery my shit is player lol

Mike Manson

Still Livin'
Apr 16, 2005
i stand by my statement, walmart workers, every time I have seen them are the laziest rudest annoying workers in any store i ever been to... they have zero integrity for their work, the store is a mess, they act like they dont hear you when you ask a question... WORST "workers" if thats what we are calling them in the history of work.
Maybe they have a reason to act like that? Not like Walmart will reward them for working hard, being friendly etc.!

Treat your employees/workers good - you'll have happy employees/workers. Simple. That will result in satisfied customers, good quality products, etc.! Some people have advantages by nature. One homie of mine is an incredible product designer. Was born with it. Designs you a product, tells you how to build it, or even builds it himself. I could only dream of talents like that. Just working harder is not gonna do it.

Now imagine you are born not the smartest, so the jobs you can do is limited. Shouldn't everybody have the right to a life with a certain standard (place to live, food, health care) when he works a full time job? Capitalism only works with certain rules, otherwise it ends in slavery.

Walmart chose to (imo) exploit their workers with the power they have, instead of treating them as a part of their company where they benefit personally if they work hard and do a good job.
Jun 5, 2004
for low-wage jobs like walmart u shouldnt have to take a piss test
My boy failed his drug test for wal mart, they still gave him the job. And this nigga worked graveyard there for 2 months, and i swear he was angry the whole time, he was always hella tired n pissed off and hes worked some shitty jobs before n was fine

The problem is that they let anybody work at walmart, the managers dont reward the good workers or punish the bad ones, and that can make the good workers angry n turn into bad workers. And no offense to anybody that works there but i agree with shea... Alot (not all) of walmart employees are rude as fuck n unhappy and they take it out on the customers. Im not against u gettin a raise player im just tryin to get this bag of m&ms and 3-pack of underwear without any drama and within the hour
Props: DJ Coma
May 7, 2013
I never interacted with a rude employee at a walmart around here. I have had some stressed out ones and they were still nice to me. Of course I don't treat people like shit or act like I'm better than the next mufuqa and not just as mortal as them. I worked in retail a long time ago end of hs, I know how stressful it can be especially when your employer uses you and fronts like they goin to take care of you, thats why a lick got pulled on that mufuqa. Keep a dog happy everything will be fine, use and abuse that dog and he will get you for whatever and however he can lmao.
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Nov 24, 2003
Walmart chose to (imo) exploit their workers with the power they have, instead of treating them as a part of their company where they benefit personally if they work hard and do a good job.

And every person who shops at Walmart chooses to exploit Walmart employees, just like every person who buys NIKE chooses to exploit children in sweatshops.

I am totally on board the Walmart sucks train but I am just as much on board the Walmart patrons suck train as well.

Everyone should be held to the same standard and share equal accountability.


Oct 25, 2011
Maybe they have a reason to act like that? Not like Walmart will reward them for working hard, being friendly etc.!
They get rewarded with a paycheck breh.

Now imagine you are born not the smartest, so the jobs you can do is limited. Shouldn't everybody have the right to a life with a certain standard (place to live, food, health care) when he works a full time job?
Everyone should have the right to work, make money, live in prosperity, but asking more than what your job is worth, just because you do not qualify for another one is not the way it works.

Otherwise we would have an entire society of people not willing to put in the extra effort to make better money, because they know all they'd have to do is complain about wages, & wah-lah, they make more money.

Walmart chose to (imo) exploit their workers with the power they have
& the workers chose to apply to walmart. nobody forces anyone to work anywhere.
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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
fuck it, i go to walmart and dont give a fuck lol

i work graveyards, where else can i stop to get a rice cooker at 710 in the morning on sunday?

if ppl are mad at walmart for 'forcing their workers onto welfare and costing taxpayers' why isnt there the same outrage against every fastfood restaurant there is where the exact same thing happens? because these are entry level jobs, theyre not careers. they aren't supposed to provide a living, and no one really gives a shit. id rather buy a rice cooker at 710 in the morning on sunday for $16.88 than wait till 10am to buy the same chinese made piece of shit exact same brand and model for $29.99 at sears
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May 9, 2002
fuck it, i go to walmart and dont give a fuck lol

i work graveyards, where else can i stop to get a rice cooker at 710 in the morning on sunday?

if ppl are mad at walmart for 'forcing their workers onto welfare and costing taxpayers' why isnt there the same outrage against every fastfood restaurant there is where the exact same thing happens? because these are entry level jobs, theyre not careers. they aren't supposed to provide a living, and no one really gives a shit. id rather buy a rice cooker at 710 in the morning on sunday for $16.88 than wait till 10am to buy the same chinese made piece of shit exact same brand and model for $29.99 at sears
McDonalds are franchises...and you can actually move up the ladder. My friend's mother did this and made good money.

Dick's here in Seattle pays very well and gives ample opportunity to move up and even attend school wile employed.

Not all corporations are built the same. Walmart has been under fire for this several times in the past. When was there a walk out at Taco Bell? Burger King? There hasnt been, and for a good reason.

I think consumers take this stuff for granted. We belittle these people, yet they provide a service when WE want it. Need to buy a Thanksgiving turkey...ON Thanksgiving? Go to Walmart...they are open!


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
i dont belittle walmart workers, i just dont care either way lol

if it was so terrible why dont ppl quit? i worked retail before for 1 yr and a half, it was alright for the most part but the pay sucked and retail in general sucks. finally i got bopped for some holiday pay because i called out sick like 9 days before and there was some shitty rule like you cant use sick days in the same pay period and get holiday pay, also they were cutting ppls hours from 40 to 32.5, so i just laughed, walked to the time clock when they told me that, clocked out and never came back. its a shitty thing to walk out on a job and i explained to my next employer that i did it because i felt like that job was simply over at that point, and i knew there would be no advancement and id rather have no job than be treated like that. they respected that a lot and looked past it and hired me. things were rough those couple of months but id do it all over again every time

my friend was working for UPS (under paid slaves) and im sure we've all heard the horror stories about working for them or fedex etc. after like 6months it was like he was losing his soul, he was a different person. finally i talked him into quitting, he finally told his bosses to go fuck themselves and walked out. he went out that night to get wasted, randomly ran into an old friend who owns a steakhouse now, he hired my friend right there for 2 bucks more an hour as prep / line cook, and now hes always kicking it with friends and enjoying life again

point is goddamn it Chree @Chree fuck walmart get the fuck out of there goddamnit lol. you can and will do better, dont let that job change you
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Props: DJ Coma
May 13, 2002
fuck it, i go to walmart and dont give a fuck lol

i work graveyards, where else can i stop to get a rice cooker at 710 in the morning on sunday?

if ppl are mad at walmart for 'forcing their workers onto welfare and costing taxpayers' why isnt there the same outrage against every fastfood restaurant there is where the exact same thing happens? because these are entry level jobs, theyre not careers. they aren't supposed to provide a living, and no one really gives a shit. id rather buy a rice cooker at 710 in the morning on sunday for $16.88 than wait till 10am to buy the same chinese made piece of shit exact same brand and model for $29.99 at sears
Not really true you can get some pretty decent money working at Taco Time with benefits.

Anyways, grocery store workers usually have a strong workforce, good pay, benefits and is a career for some people. Like Trader Joes, Safeway, etc. Walmart is the opposite.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Not really true you can get some pretty decent money working at Taco Time with benefits.

Anyways, grocery store workers usually have a strong workforce, good pay, benefits and is a career for some people. Like Trader Joes, Safeway, etc. Walmart is the opposite.
well those are all run by unions right? i hope they unionize then
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