What does being a gang member have to do with be'n' whooped???
I was never "beat" i was whooped and only got it when i did something that deserves a whoop'n'!!!
Yeah i did some things in my time but that's charged to the game,
not my mama!!! Lol!!!
Yeah i whoop my kids when they do something i feel that deserves a whoop'n' (which is not often)!!! Today my kids are happy as can be and it's rare they make the same mistake twice!!!
Now if you're base'n' your comment off of studies, it's false!!!
Because if i was in that study, they would've been trumped in their traccs!!!
I'm sure they did do study on folks that had it like me, and ended up pretty good like me, but since the majority of the study leans the other way, they don't count!!! So how is that accurate???