anti gun fag Piers Morgan gets roasted by Alex Jones

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Sep 16, 2011
They let Alex Joes rant on like that to make the general public think all preppers, conspiracy theorist and anti-gov people are a bunch of gun nuts.

I think that shadow gov shit is real, I don't know how deep it goes or if they could really pull off a new world order but I hate it when people have all this evidence in they're face and just dismiss the posibility.

He's right about one thing, hitler did disarm his citizens and so did all those other totalitarim governments. Look at china you can get locked up to this day for just saying something bad about the gov. Who's to say it cant happen here too? They have drones n GOD knows what else to fight against us whos to say that after they take the guns the gov. doesn't just start killing off populations of people or turning in to a totalitarim government who's to stop them?