anti gun fag Piers Morgan gets roasted by Alex Jones

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panty vandalizer
Aug 7, 2011
Gun crime is down, it's not as bad anymore as it was in the 80's and 90's. The anti gun people act like all guns will magically disappear overnight if they ban guns. It won't make no sense at all if they disarm everybody....The only reason why home invasions are kinda rare is because criminals know people are armed...The real truth is that there is gonna be an economic collapse soon so that's why they want to disarm the citizens.
Thats why for the last 2 years the US has had privately funded groups of international military trained by us in the way of disarming us citizens. So when their gun ban legislation passes, or doesnt pass, they have a plan for all the people who refuse. Dont want to use the national gaurd as much as possible because then you have americans killing americans over a constitutional right

What the government is going to do, is tax ammo out the ass while drawing up and trying to pass legislation "peacefully" banning rifles, so that when it obviously fails, they can take other dramatic action to attempt to cease weapons.

I have a feeling that an ammo ban for more modern day rifles, will be put in effect entirely before the guns are. Banning rounds like 556 308 and 762 because of how commenly used they are in assault rifles


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
These aren't facts.

The homicide rate in the UK is a quarter of that in the US.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And the US is not the worst in the world simply because there are tons of countries in much more advanced stages of disintegration where there is absolutely no control over guns or violence.

That said, the argument is not about the homicide and gun violence rates on their own, because those are affected by other factors than gun control. If you have powerful drug cartels warring with each other, the law may ban private gun ownership completely and that won't make much of a difference, they will find ways to get the guns. The argument is over:

1) Whether it is a good idea to have everyone armed allowing anyone who flips out and decides to gun down a dozen people because he sees no purpose to his life and this seems like a proper way to go out to actually carry it out. I will return to this after going over this first:

2) Whether it is a good idea to have such easy access to guns that kids on the streets can get their hands on them and actually engage in deadly turf war with each other. Which does greatly affect gang violence, BTW. Where I am from, the conditions after 1989 were ripe for the escalation of street violence because the same conditions that have created place like the South Side of Chicago developed there too. And indeed there was a segregation of neighborhoods, and drugs flooded the streets, and tons of kids are using them, yet there never was any violent street crime other than beatings and the occasional stabbing. Organized crime was responsible for a lot of shootings but almost nobody not involved in organized crime died in them. The same was true for most of Eastern Europe. And I think the fact that you can't get a gun that easily played a big role. There have been a number of suicides and some suicide-murders, BTW, but those have all been carried out by military of police personnel who do have guns. And when it has been a suicide-murder, it has been limited to the immediate members of the family - nobody has gone on a rampage shooting random people. That's true for the whole of Eastern Europe, BTW.

Which leads me to the second factor - social cohesion. What was not discussed even once in the month since Sandy Hook happened was that the reason people do these things in the US and they don't do them in many even more heavily armed places in the world (and gang members in the US who otherwise do a lot of crime do not do mass shootings) is that the US provides a unique environment of social alienation that drives people (predominantly young WHITE males, which is very telling) to such desperation with their life that they decide that the only way to bring some meaning to it is to do something like that and be remembered next to Charles Manson or someone else of the sort. Social alienation that is the direct result of the same socio-economic philosophy (ruthless unregulated capitalism and Ayn Rand-ian individualism) that the NRA in its current form is part of. That's a much bigger problem than gun control and if it can be solved, gun control would be a trivial issue after that.
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panty vandalizer
Aug 7, 2011
hard to believe that in all of eastern europe that no one has ever gone on a rampage. seems very, very farfetched

I agree with you on the last paragraph though. Also if you look at all the school shootings in the US, and the movie theater shooting, as well as the most recent, all the people behind it were on prescribed anti-depressants. Which ill assume a good amount of us know, drugs like that can fuck you up mentally. Why is that the people who take these drugs become more suicidal, and yet, we still prescribe them on the daily to psychopaths


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
hard to believe that in all of eastern europe that no one has ever gone on a rampage. seems very, very farfetched

I agree with you on the last paragraph though. Also if you look at all the school shootings in the US, and the movie theater shooting, as well as the most recent, all the people behind it were on prescribed anti-depressants. Which ill assume a good amount of us know, drugs like that can fuck you up mentally. Why is that the people who take these drugs become more suicidal, and yet, we still prescribe them on the daily to psychopaths
I didn't say absolutely nobody has done that. But the frequency of it happening is so low that I am simply not aware of any cases. Where I am from indeed nobody has, but that's a small country so the sample size may be too low.

Anti-depressants are not the reason - millions of people take them only a handful have gone on a rampage. They might contribute, but if they do, they are just one of many that act in concert to create the conditions for these things to happen. A more serious question is why so many people feel the need to take anti-depressants; also, why society as a whole (i.e. the big companies that run it) is more than willing to supply those people with them, etc.
Sep 16, 2011
We are one of a few country's with citizens with the balls enough to stand up to our government.

People are going to be murdered in this world I have accepted that as a fact until GOD comes back. I rather us be armed then disarmed because whats to stop another hitler?
Props: MobbinINda916


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
We are one of a few country's with citizens with the balls enough to stand up to our government.

People are going to be murdered in this world I have accepted that as a fact until GOD comes back. I rather us be armed then disarmed because whats to stop another hitler?
LMAO at "citizens with the balls enough to stand up to our government". Apparently you have failed to notice that civil liberties have been severely violated in recent decades and the greatest supporter of that have been the very same people you presumably refer to as having the balls to resist the government...
Sep 16, 2011
LMAO at "citizens with the balls enough to stand up to our government". Apparently you have failed to notice that civil liberties have been severely violated in recent decades and the greatest supporter of that have been the very same people you presumably refer to as having the balls to resist the government...
Why do you seem like your attacking me? I'm with you... I'm one of those dudes who will rise up against the G O V when it comes down to it. I'm a 2 time felon so I can't get a gun legally. But I have a woman so you

I have a hard time finding jobs, houses, loans etc... Just because of the life I use to lead. But, I know what this life is about, it is about GOoD and dEVIL, I've lived in the ghetto's of East Oakland and Central Ricmond and Brooklyn NYC, the GOV uses race as a dividing factor. The GOV uses our incurity aganst us. but the GOV are just humans like us. There will always be an advasary there will always be afight there will always be a yang. Thats how GOD weeds out the evil people.