anti gun fag Piers Morgan gets roasted by Alex Jones

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Oct 9, 2008
Alex Jones is a little to conspiracy oriented for my tastes but he does have valid points. Anybody who has seen this morgan faggot give an interview about "gun control" should know that really what Alex Jones did was the only way to get a word in over this Brit piece of shit! Usually he just brings gun advocates on his show to patronize them. He asks a question and then talks over them when they try to answer and literally calls them stupid among other things.

Ticktock made some good points to, everybody wants to believe that there government would never do anything to hurt their own citizens but they don't look into the history on that subject! It's happend before and it will happen again. I don't believe the government is spying on "me" or other conspiracy theories along that line. However i do believe that the government has another agenda when trying to infringe upon the 2nd amendment other then "for my own protection." Some of you muthafuckas need to wake up!
Jul 28, 2011
They let Alex Joes rant on like that to make the general public think all preppers, conspiracy theorist and anti-gov people are a bunch of gun nuts.

I think that shadow gov shit is real, I don't know how deep it goes or if they could really pull off a new world order but I hate it when people have all this evidence in they're face and just dismiss the posibility.

He's right about one thing, hitler did disarm his citizens and so did all those other totalitarim governments. Look at china you can get locked up to this day for just saying something bad about the gov. Who's to say it cant happen here too? They have drones n GOD knows what else to fight against us whos to say that after they take the guns the gov. doesn't just start killing off populations of people or turning in to a totalitarim government who's to stop them?

damn i didnt know that alex jones jr posted on this site

Mike Manson

Still Livin'
Apr 16, 2005
I watched Piers Morgan tonight, and all these gun crazies are just so fuckin retarded its so funny...I laughed my ass off. i wouldn't laugh so hard if I would live in America though, knowing, how the gun industry is fucking my country up the to the victims of gun crime.


si vis pacem para bellum
May 4, 2006
the gun industry creates gun crime?....guns in hands of idiots create gun crimes...if somebody really wants you gone they dont need a gun either....

this shit wont be so funny when the government is at your door knocking for those weapons they know you have, and it may just come down to giving them up or you go to some off the grid prison camp (FEMA camps) or they may just shoot sounds out there but this is very close to becoming a reality...when the government takes away your freedoms with scare tactics...its happened before...911 was staged by our government to go to Iraq and only way to get Americans to back it or go along with it was to use scare tactics...terrorists are everywhere blah blah blah...Aurora, Colorado another staged event...all these events created to scare Americans into giving up their rights a little at a time, I know I dont feel any safer at a airport, at the movies...etc


si vis pacem para bellum
May 4, 2006
What if the government WANTS you guys to worry about the NWO and illuminati and all that so they keep you from thinking about the real issues. What if Alex Jones is just helping the shadow governement misinform the citizenry so that they can carry out their actual secret plans.
the NWO is very real....and my 2nd amendment right is a real issue...I dont agree with everything alex jones says...but do some research behind what he says and information is all there....alex jones has exposed a lot of things about the secret government from the bohemian grove to bilderberg secret meetings of the world bankers...even the RFID chips that the government wants to implant into started for pets to get people comfortable with the idea...and then a world wide currency possibly being implemented in the near future ( Welcome to the official site United Future World Currency - ALTRI DOCUMENTI: The Tests )

these are the real issues...the government will do what it wants, you think voting matters? its all setup to make you think your vote counts to make you feel like you did your part...the elected officials are there merely as face to a name...the "secret" government are the ones who control and run this world...and by disarming a nation by way of fear or force it must be else could they stop citizens from revolting against their plans
Feb 10, 2009
South Sacramento
Gun crime is down, it's not as bad anymore as it was in the 80's and 90's. The anti gun people act like all guns will magically disappear overnight if they ban guns. It won't make no sense at all if they disarm everybody....The only reason why home invasions are kinda rare is because criminals know people are armed...The real truth is that there is gonna be an economic collapse soon so that's why they want to disarm the citizens.


si vis pacem para bellum
May 4, 2006
they banned drugs, and that was a complete success
there was a war on drugs, they have now moved their efforts over to guns...apparently there are plenty of people hopped up on prescription pills now that other drugs arent as concerning...the whole idea behind these pills is to keep people drugged out so they are easier to control...

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
If we want to hash this out in the political and socio/cultural sphere, we're going to have to stop vilifying the people who disagree with us and start trying to talk about how we can all solve the problems we want to solve while remaining true to our own values. Dumb ass.