Alex Jones is a little to conspiracy oriented for my tastes but he does have valid points. Anybody who has seen this morgan faggot give an interview about "gun control" should know that really what Alex Jones did was the only way to get a word in over this Brit piece of shit! Usually he just brings gun advocates on his show to patronize them. He asks a question and then talks over them when they try to answer and literally calls them stupid among other things.
Ticktock made some good points to, everybody wants to believe that there government would never do anything to hurt their own citizens but they don't look into the history on that subject! It's happend before and it will happen again. I don't believe the government is spying on "me" or other conspiracy theories along that line. However i do believe that the government has another agenda when trying to infringe upon the 2nd amendment other then "for my own protection." Some of you muthafuckas need to wake up!
Ticktock made some good points to, everybody wants to believe that there government would never do anything to hurt their own citizens but they don't look into the history on that subject! It's happend before and it will happen again. I don't believe the government is spying on "me" or other conspiracy theories along that line. However i do believe that the government has another agenda when trying to infringe upon the 2nd amendment other then "for my own protection." Some of you muthafuckas need to wake up!