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Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
Heat Myser said:
Everyone knows Bush is behind an uber-conspiracy to raise gas prices. Gosh.
you cant sit there and tell me with a straight face that the policies put forth by the president (no matter who it is) does not have an effect on the price of oil. If it wasn't for bush's hunt for the evildoers behind 9/11, no wait, WMD's, no wait liberating iraq, no wait, protecting iraq from terrorists, oil prices would not be this high, and neither would gas prices.
Aug 21, 2002

Well, now that half of Florida, Louisiana, and parts of the South dont need to drive because of the floods... that means over a million less drivers huh???

But it went up......



Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
oil rigs that were destoryed in the gulf. they are still making a killing on profits though.

shit, majority of our oil comes from places besides the middle east, yet someone sneezes the wrong way in jordan and gas prices go up. all the while iraqis pay 5 cents a gallon at the pump.
Aug 21, 2002

Someone calls off from work at the wells for a cold and they gotta stiff us. I think Imma fill out an application for the oil wells jobs. If they say that they paying for help then they making a lot...

they gotta make over a billion a fuckin' day... Divide that by a couple thousand employees, nice cut...
Aug 11, 2005
You guys check out the latest news on New Orleans. Shit is crazy, the big ass evacuation. The aren't even worrying about the dead bodies. They are just leaving them in the water. Man, it would fucking suck to live there. Have to wait for hours to get on a bus and leave to a place that is really hot and doesn't have a toilet. So you have to walk through everyone else's shit. That's like hell on earth. Who cares about gas prices now. People are dying like the plague. You should care somewhat for these people and their families atleast. I mean what if you brother, or mother, or father, or even your girlfriend/boyfriend's fucking dead body was floating around in the water somewhere, and the people that are supposed to help leave te body there. So you can't even have a proper burrial. Just thinking about it seriously makes me feel bad for those people.
Sep 23, 2002
I care about gas.

I mean shit... if they can make synthetic motor oil... they sure as fuck can come up with a synthetic gasoline.

At least the hyrdrogen cars are making progress and also the vegetable oil feul is being worked on.

But anyways....

All you see on the news is "New Orleans this... blah blah blah." What about the people outside of those big cities? Thats right. Nobody mentions the old poor shanty towns and back water folk that had no fuckin clue this shit was happening. Then they show them on TV when theyre looting stores to stay alive. That ain't right.

How much you wanna bet New orleans is rebuilt in months and these people are screwed over for years if not life?
Sep 19, 2003
50_Tech_Jeezy said:
You guys check out the latest news on New Orleans. Shit is crazy, the big ass evacuation. The aren't even worrying about the dead bodies. They are just leaving them in the water. Man, it would fucking suck to live there. Have to wait for hours to get on a bus and leave to a place that is really hot and doesn't have a toilet. So you have to walk through everyone else's shit. That's like hell on earth. Who cares about gas prices now. People are dying like the plague. You should care somewhat for these people and their families atleast. I mean what if you brother, or mother, or father, or even your girlfriend/boyfriend's fucking dead body was floating around in the water somewhere, and the people that are supposed to help leave te body there. So you can't even have a proper burrial. Just thinking about it seriously makes me feel bad for those people.
I actually have family on the gulf coast. My children's father, his family and several of my cousins all had to evacuate. The shelters are running out of supplies in Baton Rouge (can't spell sorry) so they are having to move people all across the US. I still haven't heard from their father. So yeah, while you are all bitching about the gas prices and the such, there are people who are hurt and dieing. Not to mention the ones who haven't suffered any physical harm, but lost their entire lives... I'm sorry that I don't give a fuck bout the price of gas... I'm more worried that my children could have lost their father.

**edit** Slacker, I'm with you... my family is mostly spread out throughout southern Mississippi and most of them are in small towns with very little money. I was there for Georges and it nearly destroyed Biloxi and Gulfport and that was not even half the size of this one. FUCK New Orleans, they got $$ to rebuild and shit, just cuz it's the biggest city you know the president will be there and help them first... meanwhile you have people like my children's grandmother who haven't had power in over a week and who can't even get into a shelter b/c the resources are so limited... it's pathetic... and sad.
Aug 11, 2005
I know i was seeing where mississippi had over threehundred deaths last time I looked. Shit is sad. But, I was just trying to say people who are bitching about gas prices need to shut up. These people without homes, amd lost loved ones and family members. In New Orleans, I seen where all hell is breaking lose. People are trying to break into places and shooting the authorities. Lucky where I live the worst natural diaster would be a tornado. Don't live next to water. Just like 9 11 I feel for those people who got fucked. Just because it was that day. But, I guess it's completely different because it was terrorists on 9 11. Shit, all I'm trying to say is what if was you? What if your home was destroyed. What if you had to move to Huston and live with several other thousands of people you dont even know. No privacy. I would try to help these people if I could. It's just that there is too much bitching going on that when someones in trouble no one wants to help. But, when they're in trouble they want help. It'd like the sying "What goes around comes around." If you don' help you won't get helped. That's just how I feel. Obviously eveyone has different thoughts and views. I'm not trying to say anyone is wrong or "stupid" for expressing those ideas either. I respect other people, and their opinions.


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
its sad, but thats the chance you take by living on the Gulf Coast and the Mississippi delta. Same way people who live in florida take chances by living in a hurricane target area, or people in Cali facing earthquakes, mudslides, forest fires, or people along the mississippi (or other rivers) that could face flooding.

Scientists have been saying New Orleans has been a sitting duck waiting to get hit. They've been lucky up until this point that they haven't. NO should have been better prepared for this. How are you not going to be prepared when your city is surrounded by water, and in fact has a below level elevation? Someone is going to pay for this, and rightly so, whether it be the mayor or governor for not preparing the city, or the president who cut funding for levee repairs by 44% before this happened.
Sep 19, 2003
very freakin true... I hated living there... Georges was scary as fuck and TRUST my family was prepared (we were west-coast people... the thought of a tornado or hurricain scared the fuck outa me) But still it sucks, people from the south come out west and are scared to hell of earthquakes and they can't believe that it's no big deal to us yaknow...

But yeah, the amount of people who refused to evacuate and follow directions is amazing... pure stupidity... but those who did listen and are still suffering is scary as well.
Jun 13, 2005
fuck the state fuckin idiots they thinkin that they can fix everything of their own ..they dont want to help...
bunch of bitches i just heared Governor on NBC or CNN this poor Man......hes fucking pissed off!!
gemany/europe and many other countries wanted to help but Mr:Bitch i mean bush just told them that amercia will do it on their own!!!!!........ rediculous!!!!!!!!!!!

This is not a game mr. bush!!! damn.... he fucked up many countries in a few years.....

NOW IT S ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u will see... rassenkonflikte hundert pro und das ist gut so!!!!!!