I jus got caught with half a pound.

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Feb 11, 2006
Hahahahah just read the rest of this thread and its confirmed to me just what a lil fag u are red dragon ahahaaha dudes on here postin up what he wearin to a tech concert like he lookin for a date...there is so much quotable fag shit u said red dragon that just readin is makin my homophobia go thru the roof
Feb 11, 2006
Hahahahah just read the rest of this thread and its confirmed to me just what a lil fag u are red dragon ahahaaha dudes on here postin up what he wearin to a tech concert like he lookin for a date...there is so much quotable fag shit u said red dragon that just readin is makin my homophobia go thru the roof ...post up what u likein response it won't make u look any less gay lol
May 9, 2002
If you were Black or Hispanic......you woulda been fucked. Driving a Nice Car and a Half pound in the Trunk....SEATTLE PD Gave you a Pass cause your a White boy! They hate "OTHERS" here in SEE-TATTLE. I hate this Fucked up City. I live in BALLARD and these people are BITCH made around here! Buncha Snobby bitch ass spoiled Brats. FUCK SEATTLE PD!!!!! Your Lucky they Didnt try to kick the "WHITE" Piss out of you Homey" Like that Mexican Kat a Few weeeks ago! Cant wait ti'll my feet touch NORTHERN CALI Ground again! Fuck this Fake ass Place.
Ballard is the furthest thing from snobby as far as "white" neighborhoods go in Seattle. Try Magnolia, Queene Anne or go to the East Side for the real "Seattle snobbiness".
Aug 15, 2007
Inland Empire
i was readin a story where the person actually got to keep his shit wen he got caught. the officer took the weed to the fathers house for him and after he got out of jail he was able to pick it up. he even let the guy smoke a bowl before he took him to jail


Sicc OG
Dec 7, 2005
the reason this sounds believable to me is because i think the cop was a bud smoker himself and he just wanted the weed for himself

i think if it was any other cop red dragon would be in jail right now


Sicc OG
May 17, 2002
Umm really u dont want an issue...l was thinkin bout drivin 2 the Tech concert tomorrow n I aint gotta talk slick. Just shoot me yr number.I'll be in black dickies n an airbrushed Lynch shirt...bet pussy. I'll leave the gun in the car n fight u in line...u black right...u better not let yr homies c u get knocked out by a white boy!

Ah Sav i wouldnt expect that from yr material..H aint even nuthin n u kno it really aint shit. So uhh wtf?

And like I said that road was a 35 so im use 2 doin 40+ cuz its downhill..they jus made it 30 like a month ago..prolly cuz its by a school zone.

Nebulizah.I seen u here 4 a long tie and u dap every hateful post on me.
Lemme guess u push a p or 2 n think u kno wut shit really is but ya dont...i kno so many haters jus like u threatened by a better hustler...Fuck u 2 ya never even seen pz a fire n u couldnt cop more than a 5pack on cash,sit down.

I hustled up 4 figures b4 I was 20. i'm alost 30 now. You kids really dont have any hope or vision do ya...shit is so far outta reach 4 yall 2 believe cuz yall aint never dun nuthin...n ya really if i was speedin n not knowin its cuz i'm so used 2 rollin everyday with weight i'm use 2 it.

Its ok be mad i'll roast any 1 a u fuckin jokes


Sicc OG
May 17, 2002
Aw man finally got passed the tiddies & read the rest of the thread...

Aye Red Drag why you gotta get all racis on us breh??
Yeah, he did kinda throw some racism out in that 1 post. I mean unintentional or not, it was kinda fucked up.......:ermm::confused:
Jun 2, 2002
lol holy shit...i watched that serio video for WAYYY too long because i couldn't figure out if that dude was just putting on an act hahahahahaha then i youtubed two of his songs, and they were HILARIOUS!!


Sicc OG
Jul 21, 2002
In AZ they would smash your testicles with a hammer if you got caught with an eighth of some reginald denny.
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