"Our bones, flesh and blood are made up of the metals, liquids and minerals of the earth and everything on this planet is made up of the same things. As humans we have being, so everything on the earth does too in our culture, because we are made of the same thing." John Trudell
"Some see government [education] funding as begging for handouts, but some say our education is paid for by the blood of our ancestors and by payment for stolen land. There is nothing free about our education. We have this because our people lost everything." Casey Douma, Haskell student body president
"Democracy'-- think about this. How many women in this room are still trying to get equal pay, how many women in this room are still trying to get their rights recognized? Democracy did that. Allright. How many black people are still trying to get what is called their equality--get their rights recognized? Democracy did that. And the Indian people? Democracy just basically tried to kill all of us off, so that we became such a small physical minority that it doesn't matter......Democracy did this. And if you would take the time to go read the founding papers, the papers of your so-called founding fathers, you understand the reality versus the illusion." John Trudell
"The reality is that if you were a rich, white male land owner, you got to decide what democracy was and if you were a white man and didn't have any property, then bye-bye Charlie--and if you were a woman you had no say--and if you were a Black you had no say--and if you were one of the Indian People you were the enemy. Now that is the framework of democracy." John Trudell
"We must move to the time when we truly understand our connection to real power because these people who deal with illusions and imitations...they want to keep us confused with [the confining concepts of?] sexism and ageism, racism, class. They want to keep us in a confusion so that [we] will continue to believe in one lie after another as they programmed them into our minds and into our society...The ruling class...are going to lie to us and they are going to create the illusions of change" John Trudell
"We have to understand our role as a Natural Power. We have to understand that when our oppressor treats us this way and does these things to us, that we allow him to do it as long as we accept his lies...We have been allowing it for too long" John Trudell
"We must be willing in our lifetime to deal with reality. It's not revolution; it's liberation. We want to be free of a value system that's being imposed on us... Liberation --we want to be free. But in order for us to be free we have to assume...our responsibility. We are going to have to struggle for it. We are going to have to work [and be] committed to it. We must never underestimate our enemy. Our enemy is committed against us 24 hours a day. They use 100% of their efforts to maintain their ...status quo. 100% of their effort goes into deceiving us and manipulating us against each other" John Trudell
"We are going to have to start working more realistically with a resistance consciousness, a resistance, something we can pass on as strength to the coming generations--a resistance where organizational ...[and] individual egos don't get in the way, a resistance where the infiltrators and the provacateurs and the liars and the betrayers...do not get in the way. We will not get our liberation if we do not seriously analyze the experiences of our own lifetimes" John Trudell
"The other side ...has studied. They understand what we were up to in the 1960's. They understand what we wanted in the early 1970's...They create certain events, and they manipulate the economics, and they manipulate circumstances because they want us to react the same way that we did in the 1960's so that they can come in and they can smash our movements. We must become of a resistance consciousness. We must say that we will not allow you to smash us. Even if it means that we have to deal with the part of you that you have planted in me" John Trudell