You know you from the Bay if you bet someone $10 you could hold your breathe till Mateo on 101 North, where the sign says 4 miles but its like 100 feet later.
You were rooting for Lock and Mike the Menace to win MTV Battles 1 & 2
When youre out of state people tell you theyll pay you to bring weed from Cali
You dont know any gangs besides nortes ,surenos, bloods, or crips
You actually pronounce it SMYBA
Youve done one of the dances from treal tv
Youve seen over 20 fights in your life
You have to explain to out of staters what tongans, somoans, and polynesians are
You dont watch mtv or bet
You get mad as fuck when out of staters tell you to change your music in your car
The only good food you eat is mexican or philipino
At least 5 of your favorite rappers have died or gone to jail
Youve smoked a blunt with someone from here or raptalk