Would U vote 4 Bush if he were 2 run for re-election?

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May 8, 2002
i don't know how anyone can vote republican
because theyre political idealologies are simply and better suited for ALL americans based on individualism not on pitting people from different income classes and races against each other like the democrats do

those tax cuts they give...don't help the poor and middle class
only the rich
OK look how can any tax cut help the poor??? it cant you know why because poor people pay very little to no taxes.

and yes they do help the middle class. here is an example of bush tax cut that was signed in last year.

Estate Tax-- bush fought to get rid of it yet the democrats/liberals fought tooth and nail to stop it calling it a tax break for the rich. which of course is a lie. and here is why. if you were to inherit a house from a deceased father/mother under the estate tax you would have to pay a huge %age (dont know exactly but i think somewhere near 50%) in taxes in order to transfer it to your name. so if you are poor how can you inherit the house??? if you have to pay approximately $50,000 and you dont have any money????

everything they do is to keep rich people in power
and i suppose democrats/liberals dont try to keep the rich in power. let me tell you something about the few democrats that are going to run flr president against bush

1. Senator Edwards-----> he is a hundred millionair former trial lawyer that has through his frivilous lawsuits driven everybodies healthcare through the roof because it is hard for doctors to pay $170,000 in malprictice insurence

2. Senator Clinton---> besides the fact that people have said that they have heard her using racial slurs towards people of jewish decent. and she is on the record for making a racial slur towards political opponant Alfonso D'Amato and all italians. but we must not forget WHITEWATER

3. Senator John Kerry------> Richest man in the senate, house of reps, and the white house

May 15, 2002
Fuck Bush and fuck all these white folks talkin about they'll vote for him. Yall some damn fools if yall would vote for him. The country is in the worst shape its been in a while and yall still think he is a good president. Get these stupid ass white folks outta here. We need a democrat in office!
Apr 25, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
you been reading to many conspiricies. that conspiricy you are talking about (from the San Jose Mercury News) has been disproven in the LA Times, NY Times and other major publications

what rep? he totally out of toucj with reality. Kerry stands for

1. Pro-Abortion---> which means he believe in killing innocent unborn babies
2. Taxes-----> he has voted to raise taxes every year
3. SUV's----> he is trying to ban SUV's

now that my friend is not a good reputation
And who is to say that the NY Times and the LA times and the other MAJOR publications that your talking about haven't been bought out by the Bush admin. to once again cover up what they did? Show me some credable evidence that those publishers are completely unbiased and uncorupt and I'll believe it. but I think Bush and his family are corupt as fuck and they are one of the worst things that has ever happened to this country.

Personally I believe the smaller publishers because those are not the ones that get bought out with money.


About Kerry's reputation I dont see anything wrong with his views what-so-ever

1. Abortion should be a woman's choice. I had a sister that was born with brain damage and died when she was eleven. My mom saw her doctors and has never been a drug user, but she got pnuemonia while she was pregnant. During my sisters life we loved her very much, but she racked up almost 1.5 million dollars in healthcare costs and doctors bills from Stanford. Now if a woman that does use drugs gets pregnant and knows that she won't be able to make a good life for that child, plus she is not willing to give up drugs during pregnancy, raising the chance of birth-defects i think she should be able to make her own decision. Other reasons are rape- who wants to raise a child that constantly reminds you of a terrible experience. Child-molestation- self explanitory. If my mom got pregnant again and the child was going to be disabled again I would not hold it against her if she chose not to go through all the pain and sufferein again. extreme poverty.

2. Tax Raises - I was watching CNN yesterday and they were talking about the stimulus package bush is getting ready for . they showed some statistics about how americans feel about tax raises. 68% WANT TAX RAISES because it would help the economy. Just because someone says hes gonna raise taxes doesn't mean its a permanent thing once the economy is stable he could easily cut them back a little.

3.FUCK SUV'S AND TRUCKS- those pieces of shit are just ruining our environment. The only people that it makes safer are the people in them. And I can't tell you how FUCKIN TIRED i am of seeing these little four foot ten, 98 lbs women climb into montrosities BY THEMSELVES and drive like bats out of hell. They roll over, if they hit a car smaller than them (Normally the driver of the SUV's fault ..See above statement) its fatal. I dont see anything good about them. Unless, 1. you have 3-5 kids. 2. You use it to tow a boat or trailer. 3. you coach a team. 4. using it for activities and hauling. 5. you live off road

In the words of someone on Grand Theft Auto III.
"I live alone and commute two miles to work every morning, so of course I need a vehicle that can seat twelve and is equipt to travel across arctic tundra"

Apr 25, 2002
Being that I will be able to finally vote in the next election....I'll most likely be voting Green Party, but there is no chance in hell I would ever vote to put someone who uses the expression "crawfishin" in a speech broadcasted to the entire nation.
May 8, 2002
ToNgAn_SaV said:
not all Rich people pay their full 30% tax leaving them with more money.
Thats because they're tax rate is somewhere near 50%. i dont know about you but i wouldnt like it if i had to go to work all 30 days of the month and then pay 15 days of the 30 in taxes to the government.
May 8, 2002
Mista Sinista said:
Fuck Bush and fuck all these white folks talkin about they'll vote for him. Yall some damn fools if yall would vote for him. Get these stupid ass white folks outta here.
last time i checked i was the only1 supporting bush and i am not white i am MEXICAN 100%!!!! so i dont know who you are directing that statement at

Mista Sinista said:
The country is in the worst shape its been in a while and yall still think he is a good president.
ya, maybe 9-11 had something to do with it?????????? and we are at an all time moral values low after being hit with "Mr. No Morals" Bill Clinton for 8 long years.........
May 8, 2002
AnthonyCG said:
Show me some credable evidence that those publishers are completely unbiased and uncorupt and I'll believe it.
they are liberal newspapers that cater to the democratic party and to liberal views and ideas.

now the idea that the CIA was involved in something so devastating was first brought up not by Gary Webb of the San Jose Mercury News but was Published By now Democrat Senator John Kerry. but it was Gary Webb who picked up thew story and ran with it.

now seeing that this was brought up by a democrat ( a powerful one at that) and yet the liberal mainstream media didnt side with the conspiricy theory should lead one to speculate that something is false within the repost.

i mean its kinda like if president bush was to disagree with Rush Limbaugh. knowing that they have the same political idealogies yet having a major disagreement should raise some eyes that somebody is wrong. now thats what was going on with this story why did the press (which has political views the same as the democrats) side with the CIA by totally discrediting the story. and dont say bush had influence over them because at the time of the retraction Bill Clinton (who has in the past said he LOATHES the military) and has consistantly cut the CIA's budget under his presidency was the president
May 8, 2002
AnthonyCG said:
About Kerry's reputation I dont see anything wrong with his views what-so-ever

1. Abortion should be a woman's choice. I had a sister that was born with brain damage and died when she was eleven. My mom saw her doctors and has never been a drug user, but she got pnuemonia while she was pregnant. During my sisters life we loved her very much, but she racked up almost 1.5 million dollars in healthcare costs and doctors bills from Stanford.
well im sorry to hear about your sister. and i would probly have to say that that is probly one of the few exceptions where abortion should be allowed.

1. i believe it should be allowed in cases like your sisters if the family agrees it wants to do so

2. in the case of rape/sexual abuse/incest abortion should be allowed

but those cases are very rare and the majority of abortion cases are simply done out of convenience to the mother. i mean think about this what is more important a womans convenience or the killing of an INNOCENT UNBORN BABY.

and to take it a step farther what the difference between a mother having an abortion 2 months before delivery date and her killing her baby two months after it is born??????

AnthonyCG said:
Other reasons are rape- who wants to raise a child that constantly reminds you of a terrible experience. Child-molestation- self explanitory. If my mom got pregnant again and the child was going to be disabled again I would not hold it against her if she chose not to go through all the pain and sufferein again. extreme poverty.

AnthonyCG said:
2. Tax Raises - I was watching CNN yesterday and they were talking about the stimulus package bush is getting ready for . they showed some statistics about how americans feel about tax raises. 68% WANT TAX RAISES because it would help the economy. Just because someone says hes gonna raise taxes doesn't mean its a permanent thing once the economy is stable he could easily cut them back a little.
how is raising taxes going to stimulate the economy???? how is taking money out of rich peoples hands going to encourage them to go out and hire more people and to expand their businesses??? how is raising taxes for middle class people going to encourage them to go spend more money on good when they have less money to start of each month. i mean i dont know if the economy has you penny pinching but for the sake of arguement lets say it is. how is taking more money from your paycheck going to encourage you to go spend more???? and well as far as i know poor people pay LITTLE TO NO TAXES anyway!

i mean am i the only one here who thinks the government has no business taking that much money from people.

oh and about the poll are you sure it wasnt that they were IN FAVOR of a tax cut??????
May 8, 2002
AnthonyCG said:
2. Tax Raises - they showed some statistics about how americans feel about tax raises. 68% WANT TAX RAISES because it would help the economy.
LOL!!!!! they must have polled the Clintons, Al Gore , Tom Dascle, Dick Gepharte, Nancy Pelossi, John Edwards, and the rest of the democrats in the senate to get those numbers.
Aug 11, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
Thats because they're tax rate is somewhere near 50%. i dont know about you but i wouldnt like it if i had to go to work all 30 days of the month and then pay 15 days of the 30 in taxes to the government.
Ha ha ha... I'll let you slip through with that one:classic:
Dec 30, 2002
i ain't no american, but to be honoust; Bush is probably the most idiotic president that has ever been elected in the us. and to be more honoust i don't like americans at all, stupid and arrogant. always mingling in business that doesnt even consern 'em.You Americans dont even belong in the country at all , but all because that stupid idiot columbus accidently bumped into it with his ship when he was drinking he fucked up the entire world. oh but bush should not be realected for all us residents sake.

fuck my english.

Aug 11, 2002
DutchPriest said:
i ain't no american, but to be honoust; Bush is probably the most idiotic president that has ever been elected in the us.


and to be more honoust i don't like americans at all, stupid and arrogant. always mingling in business that doesnt even consern 'em.

You Americans dont even belong in the country at all , but all because that stupid idiot columbus accidently bumped into it with his ship when he was drinking he fucked up the entire world. oh but bush should not be realected for all us residents sake.

fuck my english.



Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
if bush ran for office again.....i would no way in hell vote for his stupid ass.....Puff Daddy would do a better job......:confused:
Jul 24, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:

the retraction of the story came from the very paper that published it the San Jose Mercury News. and all the other journalists from the paper were embarressed and ashamed to be associated with such unreliable and unsubstanstiated accusations made by the original author Webb
That would be true if it weren't for the different sources who have uncoverd the CIA's dirty little secret.
Here's some info I posted in the East Co Co forum if you haven't read it:

miggidy said:
My PC's hdd fried so I won't be on for a couple weeks.

But any how, I have to speak on this....

Some people are just plain ignorant and narrow minded.
You guys really think "they" care about you?
You really think they are your friend?

Here's info on the 2 teens who were murdered:

"August 23, 1987, in a rural community just south of Little Rock, police officers murdered two teenage boys because they witnessed a police-protected drug drop. The drop was part of a drug smuggling operation based at a small airport in Mena, Arkansas. The Mena operation was set up in the early 1980's by the notorious drug smuggler, Barry Seal. Facing prison after a drug conviction in Florida, Seal flew to Washington, D.C., where he put together a deal that allowed him to avoid prison by becoming an informant for the government. As a government informant against drug smugglers, Seal testified he worked for the CIA and the DEA. In one federal court case, he testified that his income from March 1984 to August 1985, was between $700,000 and $800,000. This period was AFTER making his deal with the government. Seal testified that nearly $600,000 of this came from smuggling drugs while working for -- and with the permission of the DEA. In addition to his duties as an informant, Seal was used by CIA operatives to help finance the Nicaraguan Contras. The CIA connection to the Mena operation was undeniable when a cargo plane given to Seal by the CIA was shot down over Nicaragua with a load of weapons. In spite of the evidence, every investigator who has tried to expose the crimes of Mena has been professionally destroyed, and those involved in drug smuggling operations have received continued protection from state and federal authorities.

The demise of this cover-up will be the internet. This website continually posts information shared by investigators who have been involved from the beginning and from researchers and investigators from all over the country who have traced pertinent information. It is getting harder for the mainstream media to ignore the obvious. There were CIA operatives who took advantage of the protection their positions gave them, and they participated in saturating our country with drugs. Kevin and Don were victims of this atrocious crime, and it is up to us to expose those responsible.

Like any good investigative reporting, the information presented on this website is based on police reports, federal documents, court records, newspaper articles, sworn depositions, eye witness accounts, and other credible sources. However, this site is unique in that it weaves together the web of lies, deceit, and injustices perpetrated by federal, state, and local officials and explains how the continuation of local public corruption is necessary to preserve the secrets our federal government does not want us to learn.

This story has as much national consequence as any story in America. However, it does not have a conclusion, because no one - NO ONE - to date, has ever been indicted for the crimes of Mena, including for the murders of Kevin Ives and Don Henry. The cover-ups have been continual and perpetual."

Here's the link to their family's website:
Jul 24, 2002
AnthonyCG said:

1. Abortion should be a woman's choice. I had a sister that was born with brain damage and died when she was eleven. My mom saw her doctors and has never been a drug user, but she got pnuemonia while she was pregnant. During my sisters life we loved her very much, but she racked up almost 1.5 million dollars in healthcare costs and doctors bills from Stanford. Now if a woman that does use drugs gets pregnant and knows that she won't be able to make a good life for that child, plus she is not willing to give up drugs during pregnancy, raising the chance of birth-defects i think she should be able to make her own decision. Other reasons are rape- who wants to raise a child that constantly reminds you of a terrible experience. Child-molestation- self explanitory. If my mom got pregnant again and the child was going to be disabled again I would not hold it against her if she chose not to go through all the pain and sufferein again. extreme poverty.

I won't be on for the next couple of weeks but I gotta speak on this. I am against the slaughtering of soon to be babies but at the same time I am pro choice for women.
I believe women do have a choice.
And that is their choice for using contraceptives or not.
It is their choice to open their legs and let anyone in or not.
But their choices end there....
There is absolutely no justification for the killing of babies.
Hell, there isn't even any justification for killing at all.
All this talk about women choice but what about the baby's choice?
Everyone should have a chance for life.
It is barbarric to take a baby's only chance at life just because a women is not prepared to be a mother.
Hell, if you ain't prepared to be a grown woman then why act like one when making love?

Excuses and excuses bro.
Your mother should've never gotten pregnant while being a drug addict. I understand that shit happens, that is why we need to educate people.
But we shouldn't screw babies over for our mistakes.
No need for abortion, but education.
You talk about rape?
Well rapists should be locked up for life. A more severe price for their crimes will make a rapist think twice.
No excuses though, how many babies have been aborted because of rape?
I can't think of any. So once again, lets not make it legal to kill innocent babies just because of rape or any other excuse....

Maybe and just maybe, abortion should be excluded to rape victims only. But there are other options as well.
It would be a good time for all religious folks to step up and make it their repsonsability to house children spawned from rape....
Something to think about....
