dali said:
they were not.
please dont speak on somethin you dont have a clue about.
i dont speak on american football or basketball or baseball either.
My reaction was a little exaggerated because i was drunk but that doesnt change the fact that you are wrong and dont know what you're talking about.
Thank you.
So youre tellin me that Germany won and not Italy?
THe fact is...you were bitter cus your team got WHOOPED on....cut the crap buddy...
Why you "soccer hooligans" are so pumped up over a sport...is borderline gay....are you fuckin kiddin me?Players bein assassinated for missing shots?People rioting in the streets when they come to town?FANS....not even PLAYERS for Christ fuckin sakes....ive heard of people cmitting SUICIDE cus of losses...WOWZERS....
And i luv this angle of soccer...these players a PANSIES....i mean i thought European NBA players were bad with flops....these guys ACT like they have broken their leg....then the NEXT play...they are runnin full speed down the field!!!!!What kinda pussy shit is that!?!??!
I really TRY and like soccer...hell....i ENJOY it...but its "fans" like YOU that make it hard to get into it....
Shit is corny...yall need to smoke more weed and drink less beer...as youve obviously proven...
"i was drunk when i posted that"
Loosen the fuck up,dummy!