59 percent of Europeans believe Israel is the greatest threat to World stability
60 Percent of Arabs believe the Israel/Palestine Issue to be of the utmost importance of any issue, and feel personally slighted when Palestinians are shamed or attacked by the IDF
http://mccants.anderson5.net/brannon/Arab Public Opinion Survey.htm
On attitudes toward the U.S.
Very few people in the survey countries have a favorable opinion of the United States: Only 4% in Saudi Arabia, 6% in Morocco and Jordan, 9% in UAE, 13% in Egypt, and 32% in Lebanon.
Most people say that their attitudes toward the U.S. are based on American policies, not on American values.
On possible war with Iraq
Despite the U.S. claim that it intends to spread democratic values and ideals throughout the world, war with Iraq will bring less democracy in the view of 95% of Saudis, 66% of Moroccans, 63% of Egyptians, 58% of Jordanians, 59% in UAE, and 73% of Lebanese.
More than three-fourths of the people in Egypt, Lebanon, and UAE, and an overwhelming majority of Saudis (91%) and Moroccans (89%) that war with Iraq will bring less peace in the Middle East. More than half of Jordanians (60%) think that war with Iraq will bring less peace in the Middle East.
More than three fourths of Lebanese, Moroccans, and Jordanians, as well 67% of the people in Egypt and 58% in UAE, think that war with Iraq will worsen prospects for settlement of the Arab-Israeli dispute.
Some striking results were prompted by the question of whether or not a war in Iraq will bring more or less terrorism. In the view of 97% of Saudis, 87% of Moroccans, 81% of Lebanese, 78% of Jordanians, 75% of the people in Egypt and 74% in the UAE, war in Iraq will bring more terrorism.
On U.S. policy abroad
On the issue of U.S. policy in Iraq, an overwhelming percentage feel that American policy is motivated mainly by oil and secondarily by U.S. support for Israel. Specifically, 97% of Saudis, 91% of Lebanese, 87% of Jordanians, 93% of Moroccans, 77% of Egyptians, and 76% of the people in UAE feel that oil is an extremely important issue in motivating U.S. policy toward Iraq. More than three-quarters of Saudis and 75% of Jordanians say Israel is an extremely important issue in determining U.S. policy in Iraq, 66% of Egyptians, 67% of Lebanese, and 46% of the people in UAE and Morocco.
On the issue of U.S. policy toward the Arab-Israeli dispute, the majority feel that U.S. policy is motivated by support for Israel and oil. Nearly three-fourths of all respondents feel that both Israel and oil are extremely important factors in U.S. policy.