I've heard the word "niggard" before and i don't think it has any relationship to the word "nigger". If anything, "nigger" is a derivitive of the spanish word "negro", meaning black. "Nigger" is, of course, slang. The word, in and of itself, is just a word. It is because of the history behind its use which makes it such a controversy. Lets try not to dwell too much on these things, though. I don't say it because I understand that people can get offended. But others do say it. And in this day with it being used as a term of endearment it gets confusing. Now, for some reason, a mexican guy can say it with the intent of endearment, and everything's cool. But, if he was white, its all over! And, yeah, before you ask, I am white. I understand the history of "white" people oppressing "black" people. But that still has nothing to do with me. Ok, I guess thats all I have to say.....................