why not call racists niggers??

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Jul 6, 2002
Dosia said:
the bible is the last place you want to look if you want the truth
Correction: Dosia's ignorant opinions are the farthest from the

universal truths that are found in the Bible.

Just check my sig, for instance...:devious:
Apr 25, 2002
Re: When did Bibles play out?

FoeTwin said:
You righteously cant discard the fact the the two words "niggard" and "nigger" arent related to one another, eventhough the aforementioned word traditionally represents greed and the other has attributes containing a pretense of a whole race of people.
I understand that...

Are you of Nigger decent, or are you a decendant of Africans? Tell me becasue I would truelly love to be informed on your perspective as to who you are and what nationality you belong to....
I'm Ghanaian...

Believe HizStory and you will be brainwashed (Everytime), search for the truth and you may be enlightened my friend.
Is this advise? Or is this post inspired by something I said? If it's just advise I all ready know this....

I will agree with you 100% that the word "nigger" is a racial ephitet commonly used to label members of the black race, but you see, as I stated earlier~ Times have changed. Black people in the New World and abroad are no longer under the tyrannic rule of white oppressors (although We are still under the microscope), but are born members of the free class of citizens in American society.. We have come a long way, but we have so much farther to go... that is one of the reasons why I feel you on your crusade to change the psychological way We think as a race, becasue in a sense we are still mentally enslaved...
Yeah I agree with what you said.......

you feel me on my point of veiw becasue you said that I was just tryin to flip the script on those who were the oppressors, but TenKamenin when you think nigger do you really automatically think "black?" When I hear the word, I think "ignorance," first, any ig'nint muh-fuhkah can fit the category, racial background being irrelevent in conjunction to their actions...
OK here is where we differ, when I hear Nigger I think of the people it was associated with. The first thing that pops up is the words direct origin like it does with you. I think of the people it was associated with it and suffered and died with this word. Ya feel me?

hear, the difference between nigger and nigga is like the difference between comparing a latte to a cappichino: Both contain expresso and steamed milk, it's just that the Cappichino has foamed milk at the top, where the latte doesnt. It's basically the same friggin drink! The same way niggard preceded nigger! I mean blood, feel me cousin, we all differnt branches stemmin form the main vine, so we're rooted in the same foundation. Again, the two words are the same to me. Is greed not a form of ignorance? What ever happened to charity being the greatest of all love? Where did we go wrong? When we stopped to listen to the foolishness and believed it.
Holla Back!
I don't disagree with anything you said
Nov 17, 2002
I've heard the word "niggard" before and i don't think it has any relationship to the word "nigger". If anything, "nigger" is a derivitive of the spanish word "negro", meaning black. "Nigger" is, of course, slang. The word, in and of itself, is just a word. It is because of the history behind its use which makes it such a controversy. Lets try not to dwell too much on these things, though. I don't say it because I understand that people can get offended. But others do say it. And in this day with it being used as a term of endearment it gets confusing. Now, for some reason, a mexican guy can say it with the intent of endearment, and everything's cool. But, if he was white, its all over! And, yeah, before you ask, I am white. I understand the history of "white" people oppressing "black" people. But that still has nothing to do with me. Ok, I guess thats all I have to say.....................
Jul 30, 2002
let me get on this again. any racial remark is bad!!!! whether it be nigger, chink, flip, whitey, wetback, any stupid word meant to put ppl down. any way u put it, it hurts ppls feelings. and we all have to share this earth together. we all need to work together so our children wont be talking about this subject. and wont know what those words mean.
May 5, 2002
people always put blame off and say "it has nothing to do with me" when talking about the past, but as a white person in america you continue to benefit from a racially stratified and biased justice system based on hundreds of years of opression and crooked history. so really, it does have something to do with you. it has something to do with all of us. no one is free if others are opressed.
Jul 30, 2002
u got a point. but im not talkin about all history just those words. why r they in use today anyway? we dont need to tell our future that we treated each other like shit. if we forget then our future will forget.
Nov 17, 2002
@Sergeant Hustle

I have every right to put the blame off. I have nothing to do with “white” people's faulty actions in the past. If you find fault with it because I am white and that history states that "my people" opressed "your people", then you have fallen foolish to the reason we had such abominations in the first place! There isn't "my people" and "your people", never was! As long as we continue to divide ourselves from each other, in mind, we will continue to suffer the consequences. If you believe that I should feel guilty, then so should you. Because you have as much of a connection to a white slave owner as I do. You can attempt to put such foolish accusations unto me because of the color of my skin, but then you would be being racist. And of course, that’s what you’re against. So let’s try not to contradict ourselves. Now, if you are proposing that we, as people, join together to try and help others from the faults and ignorance of racial suggestion, then I’m all for that. A white man today shouldn’t have to feel guilty because of what white people in the past did. Historically, just about every different group of people had been enslaved in some country or another. Sometimes by those of different color and sometimes by those of the same. Lets all feel bad that humans have done such ignorant things in the past. When we keep seeing it as a black or white thing, we keep the spirit of racism alive. Lets transcend this bullshit, once and for all.
Jul 6, 2002
^ I know that's writ! Let's see...


So when you hear the word "nigga/ nigger" what do you think?

a) someone with brown skin

b) an ignorant person

c) a greedy, beligerant theif

d) a racist

e) all of the above
Apr 25, 2002
FoeTwin said:
^ I know that's writ! Let's see...


So when you hear the word "nigga/ nigger" what do you think?

a) someone with brown skin

b) an ignorant person

c) a greedy, beligerant theif

d) a racist

e) all of the above
You ain't never responded to my post...
Jul 6, 2002
Re: Re: When did Bibles play out?

Tenkamenin said:
OK here is where we differ, when I hear Nigger I think of the people it was associated with.

Tenkamenin said:
The first thing that pops up is the words direct origin like it does with you.

Tenkamenin said:
I think of the people it was associated with it and suffered and died with this word. Ya feel me?
Maybe you need to expand your vocab and peep game...
I hear exactly what you are sayin, but I really aint feelin ya though.