Re: Re: Re: Re: why not call racists niggers??
So, you are blatently dissmissing my arguement on the evolution of the word and its meaning!???
Yup pretty much so....
Granted that the word has been associated with degenerate persons who are members of the negroid stock of race in the past, 400 years ago into the present; but, today across the globe whitefolx (and just about every other amalgamated mixture of human race on this planet) are prone to greet comrads in their inner circle of freinds with the phrase"waddaup nigga?," (in the absence of blackfolx mind you, while bolder members of non-black races are comfortable saying the word in the presence of blackfolx). My point is that the word "nigga" is no longer strictly defined to those of us who happen to be of nubian decent. I hope everyone who reads this post, and not neccessarily just you, but everybody in the Gathering and abroad can understand where I'm commin from. There has got to be some way to form a hypothesis to make sense of this theory. The truth is unflawed, and untarnished, eventhough it may be denied and is often disputed....
Ignorance + plus a lack of history + misinformation = Why black people and people of other races use the word nigga.
LOL!! OK Maybe the original meaning of the word wasn't strictly meant for black people, but now it is and it has been for many many many years, you can't deny that. You are no better than your ancestors were 300 years ago, matter of fact you still hold the slave mentality using the word nigga towards black people.
However I can't blame you, or black people today, or slaves back then that call and called themselves "niggas". Slaves were mentally abused people, if you keep hearing from white racists that your skin color is not good, you are worthless to society, "you are a stupid NIGGER", "you're dumb NIGGER", "Yall NIGGERS are the same", You ain shit NIGGER" for hundreds of years you will start to believe your a nigger, matter of fact you will start to call yourself that...And thats what our ancestors did, they've been calling themselves niggers for many many years and it has passed from generation to generation until NOW. All you are doing by calling yourself or someone else a nigga is bring up a painful past. Not a past with your specific definition but a past that was degrading towards black people. And you can't deny that..
Have you ever heard some prositutes talk? Some feel worthless because there pimps keeps telling them they ain't shit, and they start to believe it. Some of them are soooo fucked mentally they are proud to be a prostitute, because they think thats what they are, and only can be. Some prostitutes snap out of it.....because they got counseling....a lot of counseling. We ain't never got that counseling so the "nigga" in us still lives on and it has been living for 400 years and coutning.... Now some of us have broken from that chain of using the word "nigga", we've done the counseling within ourself. We looked at ourselves and said it wasn't right using the word, and we want to break the cycle.. But unfortunatley a lot of us haven't.
I prefer to use the word "BROTHA" and "SISTA" Why? Because the word does more good to my community then bad, words are very powerful if you don't know. When I look at someone as a brotha aka brother, I see the person as someone that I'll be therefore through thick and thin, someone that gots my back and I got theres, someone no matter how many times they fall I will be there to pick them up. Yeah I may get in fights with my brotha, a fist fight, its normal for brothers to fight, but I will NEEEEVVVVVVVEEERRRRRR kill him, you can never kill your brother. When I look at someone as a "nigga" I don't see those qualities. The problem in the black community is that we see each other as "niggas" instead of brothas and sistas, thats why we rob each other, thats why we kill each other, thats why we degrade each other. Until we look at ourselves as brothas and sistas we will have a hard time gettin shit straight..
Fortunate enough for me I live in a reality where my emotions dont always control my actions. Although I think it's sad what happened 400 years ago, I refuse to believe that one word can accurately define the degredation of one race of people.
This word has a painful history behind it, more painful then you can imagine.
I have no choice but to accept the obvious; there are people in this world who do not share the same beliefs and ideas that I do. I cant change the world by myself. I feel your philisohphical standpoint on why you personally refuse to use the word, and I commend you on your effort to try to enlighten others to stop using the word. Yes, the use of the word nigga/ nigger hurts alot of people, but too many have become accustomed to hearing the word, and thusly they have been consciencely/subconsciously conditioned to use it withouth having any qualms about it.
I do not use the word because it is a word of disrespect towards my ancestors, regardless of what the real meaning is, the word was meant to belittle, degrade, and humiliate black people. I wish more and more people would have respect to the people that help build this country. It's really all about respecting people...
While others use it to be fit in or be on the bandwagon. Me personaly, I am fully aware of the the use of the word and the contexts in which I use the term in, so really I aint trippin offa the small stuff, like I did when I was at the Doubletree in Beachwood, Oh that new years.
You can't be fully aware of the use of the word and still use it, those 2 can't go together. The only way you can is if your in denial and use a different definition..