why not call racists niggers??

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Apr 25, 2002
Re: Re: why not call racists niggers??

FoeTwin said:
When the first niggers from the Iberian coast went to Africa to

capture and steal slaves (the first incident to be recorded was by

Antam Goncalvez, a Portuguese pirate) they wern't looking

for "colored people," "negroes," or "blacks," they were looking for

what was known th en as escarvo dey ley

,which was a term used to describe a well-mannered,

subserviant African slave. The term literally meant "cream of the

It doesn't matter what the actual meaning of the word "nigger" is, the fact is that connotation of the word that we are familiar with is negative towards black people. The word has been tied down with black folks for 400 yrs and counting.

I understand what your trying to say. You're trying to use a racially oppressive word and stick it back at the oppressors. But that is not the true answer and not the best way to get over the painful history of the word. And you do not help your case at all by using the word "nigga" it doesn't make sense. You seem pretty confused in my eyes.

you said in another post that I must've missed...

Ten: I am glad that you noticed the cliche in my last post. I am the master of my own destiny, but as for the "in" word, I use it accordigly to those who I know it will not offend. I used to not even say the word before I moved down south; I used to say "Nahgha." I have tried to switch up from using the term, like substitutin the word 'nijah' or 'rilla' instead, but peeps dont feel that word down hear all they understand is "aye nicka"
Use it to those you know you won't offend? So it's right if your not offending someone?
Jul 6, 2002
Re: Re: Re: why not call racists niggers??

Tenkamenin said:
It doesn't matter what the actual meaning of the word "nigger" is..
So, you are blatently dissmissing my arguement on the evolution of the word and its meaning!???

Tenkamenin said:
..the fact is that connotation of the word that we are familiar with is negative towards black people. The word has been tied down with black folks for 400 yrs and counting.
Granted that the word has been associated with degenerate persons who are members of the negroid stock of race in the past, 400 years ago into the present; but, today across the globe whitefolx (and just about every other amalgamated mixture of human race on this planet) are prone to greet comrads in their inner circle of freinds with the phrase"waddaup nigga?," (in the absence of blackfolx mind you, while bolder members of non-black races are comfortable saying the word in the presence of blackfolx). I link this phenomenon to the same way mainsteam America sterotypes inner city minorites to linguistically speaking ebonics on the streets. My point is that the word "nigga" is no longer strictly defined to those of us who happen to be of nubian decent.
I hope everyone who reads this post, and not neccessarily just you, but everybody in the Gathering and abroad can understand where I'm commin from. There has got to be some way to form a hypothesis to make sense of this theory. The truth is unflawed, and untarnished, eventhough it may be denied and is often disputed....

Tenkamenin said:
I understand what your trying to say. You're trying to use a racially oppressive word and stick it back at the oppressors. But that is not the true answer and not the best way to get over the painful history of the word. And you do not help your case at all by using the word "nigga" it doesn't make sense. You seem pretty confused in my eyes.
Fortunate enough for me I live in a reality where my emotions dont always control my actions. Although I think it's sad what happened 400 years ago, I refuse to believe that one word can accurately define the degredation of one race of people. I have no choice but to accept the obvious; there are people in this world who do not share the same beliefs and ideas that I do. I cant change the world by myself. I feel your philisohphical standpoint on why you personally refuse to use the word, and I commend you on your effort to try to enlighten others to stop using the word. Yes, the use of the word nigga/ nigger hurts alot of people, but too many have become accustomed to hearing the word, and thusly they have been consciencely/subconsciously conditioned to use it withouth having any qualms about it. While others use it to be fit in or be on the bandwagon. Me personaly, I am fully aware of the the use of the word and the contexts in which I use the term in, so really I aint trippin offa the small stuff, like I did when I was at the Doubletree in Beachwood, Oh that new years.

Tenkamenin said:
Use it to those you know you won't offend?

Tenkamenin said:
So it's right if your not offending someone?
No, not neccessarily speaking. If I do, cry me a river. I'm sure all those who were labeled "niggers" in the past and the present will feel your sorrow...
Jul 6, 2002
@ Furio: Yes, I would agree that this is an interesting thread that you started. What are your feelings on the subject? Do you agree/disagree with anything that you have read thus far?

@AlK: It would be dope if we lived in Never Never Land and someone created a timewarp machine to travel back in time to fix the problems we face in the present, in order to preserve the quality of life in the future. But, of course, it aint gonna happen...wishfull thinking sucks once you snap back into reality. Deal wit tha real.

@TenK: Waiting for your rebuttal...

@ALL: How come no one is speaking on the fith chapter of second Kings?
May 5, 2002
FoeTwin said:
It would be dope if we lived in Never Never Land and someone created a timewarp machine to travel back in time to fix the problems we face in the present, in order to preserve the quality of life in the future.
Hang on, let me get on my magic carpet. I have a potion of rattlesnake spleens and wolf knuckle extract that will take care of this in 20 days and 20 nights.


Sicc OG
Jul 30, 2002
the ppl wat my opinion?? ok here it is, i think that is a god awful word!! all racial remarks are. we just need to end all this hatred and every1 would just live better lives!! but i know for a fact that i'll be long dead and buried before i see a change in the way we live.
Apr 25, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: why not call racists niggers??

So, you are blatently dissmissing my arguement on the evolution of the word and its meaning!???
Yup pretty much so....

Granted that the word has been associated with degenerate persons who are members of the negroid stock of race in the past, 400 years ago into the present; but, today across the globe whitefolx (and just about every other amalgamated mixture of human race on this planet) are prone to greet comrads in their inner circle of freinds with the phrase"waddaup nigga?," (in the absence of blackfolx mind you, while bolder members of non-black races are comfortable saying the word in the presence of blackfolx). My point is that the word "nigga" is no longer strictly defined to those of us who happen to be of nubian decent. I hope everyone who reads this post, and not neccessarily just you, but everybody in the Gathering and abroad can understand where I'm commin from. There has got to be some way to form a hypothesis to make sense of this theory. The truth is unflawed, and untarnished, eventhough it may be denied and is often disputed....

Ignorance + plus a lack of history + misinformation = Why black people and people of other races use the word nigga.

LOL!! OK Maybe the original meaning of the word wasn't strictly meant for black people, but now it is and it has been for many many many years, you can't deny that. You are no better than your ancestors were 300 years ago, matter of fact you still hold the slave mentality using the word nigga towards black people.

However I can't blame you, or black people today, or slaves back then that call and called themselves "niggas". Slaves were mentally abused people, if you keep hearing from white racists that your skin color is not good, you are worthless to society, "you are a stupid NIGGER", "you're dumb NIGGER", "Yall NIGGERS are the same", You ain shit NIGGER" for hundreds of years you will start to believe your a nigger, matter of fact you will start to call yourself that...And thats what our ancestors did, they've been calling themselves niggers for many many years and it has passed from generation to generation until NOW. All you are doing by calling yourself or someone else a nigga is bring up a painful past. Not a past with your specific definition but a past that was degrading towards black people. And you can't deny that..

Have you ever heard some prositutes talk? Some feel worthless because there pimps keeps telling them they ain't shit, and they start to believe it. Some of them are soooo fucked mentally they are proud to be a prostitute, because they think thats what they are, and only can be. Some prostitutes snap out of it.....because they got counseling....a lot of counseling. We ain't never got that counseling so the "nigga" in us still lives on and it has been living for 400 years and coutning.... Now some of us have broken from that chain of using the word "nigga", we've done the counseling within ourself. We looked at ourselves and said it wasn't right using the word, and we want to break the cycle.. But unfortunatley a lot of us haven't.

I prefer to use the word "BROTHA" and "SISTA" Why? Because the word does more good to my community then bad, words are very powerful if you don't know. When I look at someone as a brotha aka brother, I see the person as someone that I'll be therefore through thick and thin, someone that gots my back and I got theres, someone no matter how many times they fall I will be there to pick them up. Yeah I may get in fights with my brotha, a fist fight, its normal for brothers to fight, but I will NEEEEVVVVVVVEEERRRRRR kill him, you can never kill your brother. When I look at someone as a "nigga" I don't see those qualities. The problem in the black community is that we see each other as "niggas" instead of brothas and sistas, thats why we rob each other, thats why we kill each other, thats why we degrade each other. Until we look at ourselves as brothas and sistas we will have a hard time gettin shit straight..

Fortunate enough for me I live in a reality where my emotions dont always control my actions. Although I think it's sad what happened 400 years ago, I refuse to believe that one word can accurately define the degredation of one race of people.
This word has a painful history behind it, more painful then you can imagine.

I have no choice but to accept the obvious; there are people in this world who do not share the same beliefs and ideas that I do. I cant change the world by myself. I feel your philisohphical standpoint on why you personally refuse to use the word, and I commend you on your effort to try to enlighten others to stop using the word. Yes, the use of the word nigga/ nigger hurts alot of people, but too many have become accustomed to hearing the word, and thusly they have been consciencely/subconsciously conditioned to use it withouth having any qualms about it.
I do not use the word because it is a word of disrespect towards my ancestors, regardless of what the real meaning is, the word was meant to belittle, degrade, and humiliate black people. I wish more and more people would have respect to the people that help build this country. It's really all about respecting people...

While others use it to be fit in or be on the bandwagon. Me personaly, I am fully aware of the the use of the word and the contexts in which I use the term in, so really I aint trippin offa the small stuff, like I did when I was at the Doubletree in Beachwood, Oh that new years.
You can't be fully aware of the use of the word and still use it, those 2 can't go together. The only way you can is if your in denial and use a different definition..
Jul 24, 2002
Whats up everyone.
I can not agree more Tenkamenin.
But just out of curiosity what would you think of another man/ woman (other than a black man or woman) refering (sp) to you or one another as brother?
Apr 25, 2002
Seven said:
Whats up everyone.
I can not agree more Tenkamenin.
But just out of curiosity what would you think of another man/ woman (other than a black man or woman) refering (sp) to you or one another as brother?
Ain't nothin wrong with callin me a brotha, just don't call me a nigga..LOL!!
Jul 6, 2002
When did Bibles play out?

You righteously cant discard the fact the the two words "niggard" and "nigger" arent related to one another, eventhough the aforementioned word traditionally represents greed and the other has attributes containing a pretense of a whole race of people. Are you of Nigger decent, or are you a decendant of Africans? Tell me becasue I would truelly love to be informed on your perspective as to who you are and what nationality you belong to....
Believe HizStory and you will be brainwashed (Everytime), search for the truth and you may be enlightened my friend. I will agree with you 100% that the word "nigger" is a racial ephitet commonly used to label members of the black race, but you see, as I stated earlier~ Times have changed. Black people in the New World and abroad are no longer under the tyrannic rule of white oppressors (although We are still under the microscope), but are born members of the free class of citizens in American society.. We have come a long way, but we have so much farther to go... that is one of the reasons why I feel you on your crusade to change the psychological way We think as a race, becasue in a sense we are still mentally enslaved... I know you feel me on my point of veiw becasue you said that I was just tryin to flip the script on those who were the oppressors, but TenKamenin when you think nigger do you really automatically think "black?" When I hear the word, I think "ignorance," first, any ig'nint muh-fuhkah can fit the category, racial background being irrelevent in conjunction to their actions...
Listen hear, the difference between nigger and nigga is like the difference between comparing a latte to a cappichino: Both contain expresso and steamed milk, it's just that the Cappichino has foamed milk at the top, where the latte doesnt. It's basically the same friggin drink! The same way niggard preceded nigger! I mean blood, feel me cousin, we all differnt branches stemmin form the main vine, so we're rooted in the same foundation. Again, the two words are the same to me. Is greed not a form of ignorance? What ever happened to charity being the greatest of all love? Where did we go wrong? When we stopped to listen to the foolishness and believed it.
Holla Back!
Apr 25, 2002
Re: When did Bibles play out?

FoeTwin said:
You righteously cant discard the fact the the two words "niggard" and "nigger" arent related to one another, eventhough the aforementioned word traditionally represents greed and the other has attributes containing a pretense of a whole race of people. Are you of Nigger decent, or are you a decendant of Africans? Tell me becasue I would truelly love to be informed on your perspective as to who you are and what nationality you belong to....
Believe HizStory and you will be brainwashed (Everytime), search for the truth and you may be enlightened my friend. I will agree with you 100% that the word "nigger" is a racial ephitet commonly used to label members of the black race, but you see, as I stated earlier~ Times have changed. Black people in the New World and abroad are no longer under the tyrannic rule of white oppressors (although We are still under the microscope), but are born members of the free class of citizens in American society.. We have come a long way, but we have so much farther to go... that is one of the reasons why I feel you on your crusade to change the psychological way We think as a race, becasue in a sense we are still mentally enslaved... I know you feel me on my point of veiw becasue you said that I was just tryin to flip the script on those who were the oppressors, but TenKamenin when you think nigger do you really automatically think "black?" When I hear the word, I think "ignorance," first, any ig'nint muh-fuhkah can fit the category, racial background being irrelevent in conjunction to their actions...
Listen hear, the difference between nigger and nigga is like the difference between comparing a latte to a cappichino: Both contain expresso and steamed milk, it's just that the Cappichino has foamed milk at the top, where the latte doesnt. It's basically the same friggin drink! The same way niggard preceded nigger! I mean blood, feel me cousin, we all differnt branches stemmin form the main vine, so we're rooted in the same foundation. Again, the two words are the same to me. Is greed not a form of ignorance? What ever happened to charity being the greatest of all love? Where did we go wrong? When we stopped to listen to the foolishness and believed it.
Holla Back!
When I think Nigger I think of a word that was used to oppress black people, and most people feel that way. The word means ignorant but you can't erase which type of people it was attached to.

I disagree with you saying that Nigga and Nigger are different words. Thats absolutely WRONG!!

Black people have been calling themselves Niggas for many many years, actually a few hundred years to be exact. Saying the word Nigga is ACCENT related, not difference in meaning. How many rappers use the word "Trigga" instead of trigger? Same meaning am I right? You should know being in the south that some racist white people don't even say "nigger" they say "nigga" or "nigguh" the same damn thing, just like some people would say "summa" instead of "summer".
Jul 6, 2002
Re: Re: When did Bibles play out?

Tenkamenin said:
When I think Nigger I think of a word that was used to oppress black people, and most people feel that way. The word means ignorant but you can't erase which type of people it was attached to.
I thought we had already established that what you're sayin about the word is a truthful statement...
FoeTwin spoke on the real when he said:I will agree with you 100% that the word "nigger" is a racial ephitet commonly used to label members of the black race
I see that you have successfully quoted my whole post, but have you really read inbetween the lines?Why are you skipping over what I type and restating your tired ass point of view that you have contiuously reiterated on numerous occasions?

Tenkamenin said:
I disagree with you saying that Nigga and Nigger are different words. Thats absolutely WRONG!!
Please quote me stating this and I will not lose the lil respect I have accumulated for you thus far, rilla...

Tenkamenin said:
Black people have been calling themselves Niggas for many many years, actually a few hundred years to be exact.
Oh, is that right?! So what were niggers called before they were called niggaz, since you seem to know the extensive history on the word and how it metamorped over the past century... lace us all becasue I'm sure everone reading this post wants to know the truth...

Tenkamenin said:
Saying the word Nigga is ACCENT related, not difference in meaning. How many rappers use the word "Trigga" instead of trigger? Same meaning am I right? You should know being in the south that some racist white people don't even say "nigger" they say "nigga" or "nigguh" the same damn thing, just like some people would say "summa" instead of "summer".
I righteously could give a thunda~struckless how anyone say the word, as long as it's not directed toward me, especailly if it's by someone that I dont konw on a personal level...brotha

What I did say:
FoeTwin:Granted that the word has been associated with degenerate persons who are members of the negroid stock of race in the past, 400 years ago into the present; but, today across the globe whitefolx (and just about every other amalgamated mixture of human race on this planet) are prone to greet comrads in their inner circle of freinds with the phrase"waddaup nigga?," (in the absence of blackfolx mind you, while bolder members of non-black races are comfortable saying the word in the presence of blackfolx). I link this phenomenon to the same way mainsteam America sterotypes inner city minorites to linguistically speaking ebonics on the streets. My point is that the word "nigga" is no longer strictly defined to those of us who happen to be of nubian decent.
You may have missd this too:
FoeTwin:Times have changed
I also said:
FoeTwin:"nigger" is a derivitive of "niggard," so you can really say that the two words have two separate histories, one had to exist before the other... But, besides tha fact that the oppressors flipped the script on the oppressed and made them believe that they were too greedy, always wanting freedom amungst other things...but that is just my view.
I believe that the origional definition slowly metamorphed into a slang word used by the elite class (wealthy, white landholding slave owners) that the set standard for the creation of the racial ephitet. It's sort of ironic really, if you think about it....If I'm the greedy pirate/capitalist/slavetrader/slave owner and I'm the "niggard," for the avenues I choose to accumulate wealth, and I have slaves that are my "property" or "chattel," which I provide and care for, then they must be my "niggers." Were they not one's always asking for more fertilizer to prepare the feilds for sowing, they were the ones asking for medical attention, food, a larger shelter to dwell in ect..?
So really, you can't just discard the fact that the two words are interrelated, becasue without niggard, there would have never a foundation nigger.
Jul 6, 2002
Are you going to answer my questions Tenk?

Pay attention audience, you may learn sumthin: answer these questions foe me please anyone who aint a'feared ta let they testicles hang:
The truth is unflawed, and untarnished, eventhough it may be denied and is often disputed....
Now,Tenk, I want you to answer these questions for me (dont come with that "the word had been used x amount of years and means such ans such..")

FoeTwin [/i][B]Are you of Nigger decent said:
I know you feel me on my point of veiw becasue you said that I was just tryin to flip the script on those who were the oppressors, but TenKamenin when you think nigger do you really automatically think "black?"
Originally posted by FoeTwin Is greed not a form of ignorance?

Originally posted by FoeTwin Where did we go wrong?
Apr 25, 2002
Re: When did Bibles play out?

Originally posted by FoeTwin i said that the first niggers were from the Iberian coast? that was an error, my bad. scripturally speaking, the first nigger was a messenger named Gehazi. read 2Kings Chapter 5. read the whole chapter. what happened, and what happened to the niggard... Pay close attention to the last verse (27)
Who cares? I don't...Whats your point anyways? When I said I was dismissing your argument, I wasn't dismissing the meaning and the evolution of the word.

You righteously cant discard the fact the the two words "niggard" and "nigger" arent related to one another, eventhough the aforementioned word traditionally represents greed and the other has attributes containing a pretense of a whole race of people.
Again whats your point?

I'm not trying to be an asshole or anything but I don't see your point in all of this.

The question is why not call racists "niggers" and I am saying that word is a hurtful racial slur meant to dehumanize African American and other ethnic groups. I don't care what it means, it's about who it was addressed to.

The word has accompanied many many lynchings, arsons, taunting beatings, and other racially motivated attacks upon African Americans. It has also been featured in countless jokes, advertisment, cartoons etc. So out of respect, you shouldn't use it.

Are you of Nigger decent, or are you a decendant of Africans? Tell me becasue I would truelly love to be informed on your perspective as to who you are and what nationality you belong to....
East side Ghana West Africa I belong to the Juabehene tribe... To racist I'm a "nigger" but to me I'm fromg Ghana, West Africa....

You ask......

but TenKamenin when you think nigger do you really automatically think "black?" When I hear the word, I think "ignorance," first, any ig'nint muh-fuhkah can fit the category, racial background being irrelevent in conjunction to their actions...
I say...

Originally posted by Tenkamenin
When I think Nigger I think of a word that was used to oppress black people, and most people feel that way. The word means ignorant but you can't erase which type of people it was attached to.

then you say......

I thought we had already established that what you're sayin about the word is a truthful statement...
then you ask the same fuckin question in your last post..

Let me add more to my post... This is where we differ, you said when you hear the word nigger you think of an ignorant mothafucka am I correct? , when I hear nigger I think of derogatory word used to demean black people, but I do think ignorance but not right away I see oppression....

Listen hear, the difference between nigger and nigga is like the difference between comparing a latte to a cappichino: Both contain expresso and steamed milk, it's just that the Cappichino has foamed milk at the top, where the latte doesnt. It's basically the same friggin drink! The same way niggard preceded nigger! I mean blood, feel me cousin, we all differnt branches stemmin form the main vine, so we're rooted in the same foundation. Again, the two words are the same to me. Is greed not a form of ignorance? What ever happened to charity being the greatest of all love? Where did we go wrong? When we stopped to listen to the foolishness and believed it.
Holla Back! [/B]
Well ummm this is a very simple answer to why I replied all wrong. Thats because I didn't know the difference between a latte and cappachino..LOL!! When I first read your post and saw the latte and cappachino comparison, I thought you were saying they were different. I didn't read it carefully, I was probably in a rush..I dunno what happened when I was typing my response. But yeah you said that the words aren't different.

You have me a little confused right now... I said

Originally posted by Tenkamenin
Black people have been calling themselves Niggas for many many years, actually a few hundred years to be exact.
and then you say...

Oh, is that right?! So what were niggers called before they were called niggaz, since you seem to know the extensive history on the word and how it metamorped over the past century... lace us all becasue I'm sure everone reading this post wants to know the truth...
Did I say anything along the lines of what "niggers" were calling each other before the word nigger? I stated blacks have been calling each other niggers for many many years.