why not call racists niggers??

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Sicc OG
Jul 30, 2002
since nigger really means a stingy person, why does everyone assume it relates to blacks? i think racists are niggers, if used by the dictionary term. they are greedy and only want their race to prevail. not just whites, but all races, and religions. i think if ppl used it as the dictionary term then it would be more accepted. im not racist. i think that if a person is racist just by what they heard about them or just cuz of their skin, then i most def think they got a date with the devil. and i bet it aint no one night stand.
Apr 25, 2002
I don't know what dictionary you're usin buddy, but thats not what i've ever seen.

If you look at the Etymology of the word it directly refers to color.

alteration of earlier neger, from Middle French negre, from Spanish or Portuguese negro, from negro black, from Latin niger

From Webster's Collegiate Dictionary:

1 usually offensive, see usage paragraph below : a black person
2 usually offensive, see usage paragraph below : a member of any dark-skinned race

usage Nigger in senses 1 and 2 can be found in the works of such writers of the past as Joseph Conrad, Mark Twain, and Charles Dickens, but it now ranks as perhaps the most offensive and inflammatory racial slur in English. It is a word expressive of racial hatred and bigotry.


Sicc OG
May 16, 2002
It's only offensive if you mean it to be offensive. I'm not black but I'll sometimes use the word nigga in my rhymes to stress oppression. If someone were to come up to me and say I "couldn't" use that word cuz I'm not black.... then I'd call them a racist and I'd tell them to quit oppressing me. Freedom of speech goddammit! If you don't like what I say then you don't have to listen go someplace else. But to try to prevent me from sayin something is just wrong. It's all good to voice your opinion I mean shit isn't that FREEDOM OF SPEECH? Am I wrong or what the fuck?

Racism only comes from a racist heart.

If you wanna tell me I'm wrong go ahead. But if you want to try and stop me from speaking... I hope you can fight.

"Fuck oppression and all you devil bastards!"- J.C.Situation

^ That statement is not racist. "devil bastards" refers to the people who try to prevent me from speakin. I also use that in my rhymes sometimes to stress oppression. What a cleva nigga I be.

"The answer to all your questions: Good guys. Bad guys. You pick. We fight. Whoever wins is right. Simple."-J.C.Situation
Jul 6, 2002
Originally asked by Furio
since nigger really means a stingy person, why does everyone assume it relates to blacks?.
FoeTwin said:

Can anyone find a definition of the word "nigger"?

In my American Heritage Collage Dict 3rd Edtition it says that

a "niggard" is a stingy meiser.

Everyone knows that a nigger is a beligerant thief.

Who came to America and proclaimed the New World as their

own posession?

Who colonized, oppressed and stole the materialistic items that

defined the cultural lifestyles of the indigenous peoples across

the globe, along with their history and identities?

Now every white person is not directly responsible for the actions

of their ancestors, but when I see whitefolx sportin confederate

flags and german crosses, I think, there's a nigger...:devious:
When the first niggers from the Iberian coast went to Africa to

capture and steal slaves (the first incident to be recorded was by

Antam Goncalvez, a Portuguese pirate) they wern't looking

for "colored people," "negroes," or "blacks," they were looking for

what was known th en as escarvo dey ley

,which was a term used to describe a well-mannered,

subserviant African slave. The term literally meant "cream of the

Jul 6, 2002
my fault..

i said that the first niggers were from the Iberian coast? that was

an error, my bad.

scripturally speaking, the first nigger was a messenger named


read 2Kings Chapter 5.

read the whole chapter. what happened, and what happened to

the niggard... Pay close attention to the last verse (27):mad:
Apr 25, 2002
Niggard is a totally different word with a different history than Nigger.


Etymology: Middle English, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse hnøggr niggardly; akin to Old English hnEaw niggardly

2 seperate words that mean two seperate things with totally seperate histories.
Jul 6, 2002
Can I state my case?

"nigger" is a derivitive of "niggard," so you can really say that the two words have two separate histories, one had to exist before the other... But, besides tha fact that the oppressors flipped the script on the oppressed and made them believe that they were too greedy, always wanting freedom amungst other things...but that is just my view.
I believe that the origional definition slowly metamorphed into a slang word used by the elite class (wealthy, white landholding slave owners) that the set standard for the creation of the racial ephitet. It's sort of ironic really, if you think about it.

CB: If I'm the greedy pirate/capitalist/slavetrader/slave owner and I'm the "niggard," for the avenues I choose to accumulate wealth, and I have slaves that are my "property" or "chattel," which I provide and care for, then they must be my "niggers." Were they not one's always asking for more fertilizer to prepare the feilds for sowing, they were the ones asking for medical attention, food, a larger shelter to dwell in ect..?
So really, you can't just discard the fact that the two words are interrelated, becasue without niggard, there would have never a foundation nigger.
Jul 6, 2002
No one felt me on this post? Or are y'all just too scary to hear the truth? No one ever answered my question about da kurse that the Prophet Elisia put upon his greedy servant. Keep sleepin..
Apr 25, 2002
man if you say nigger its ignorant...there is never i time when anyone shiould use that word the word is evil made to dehunilize a race of pepole it wasnt ever used to call someone ignorant its what your ancestors called there slaves
May 13, 2002
the word is derived from the word negro meaing BLACK dont get it mistaken for NIGERIA or anything like that, whomever coined that term did not get it from that..

but trip on this, how did tha word nigger turn into a word NIGGARDLY, check out the definition here http://www.dictionary.com/search?q=niggardly