I didn't st-st-stutter, Junior. I stated my opinions, and you're the only one to take offense. That's not my problem, it's yours and yours alone.
I don't see how you could possibly say that Mr Shadow is weak. That's your opinion, obviously...but the lyrics speak for themselves.
And as for Dyno...LOL...I just don't see the 'lyrical wizard' some of you seem to think he is. His rhymes seem...mediocre, at best...Woodie, on the other hand, does have some skills, as does Shadow from East Co Co. (I heard his shit for the first time last night.)
Now...I understand you were offended by me not giving your heros the award for "Best Gangsta Rappers who SHIT on SCRAPS", but there's no need for petty disrespectful posts. LOL...takes a man to speak to another man like one.
PEACE, playboy!