What I think is garbage is the fact that a certain somebody on here thinks that NO SURENO rapper could ever possibly come close to reaching the 'elite' level, the 'great' status', the undisputed godliness of Norteno rappers.
I mean...come on...ANYONE who's ever heard Mr Shadow knows he's FAR from weak...same goes for Conejo.
I've heard Norteno rappers that come hard, and I've also heard Sureno rappers that do so, too. In my opinion, I've heard better lyrics and smoother flows from Surenos than from Nortenos.
Does that mean that ALL SURENOS are better than ALL NORTENOS?
Far from it...
And as for Dyno...Let me take this opportunity to ask ANYONE WHO WANTS TO RESPOND to seriously...and I mean seriously...tell me that DYNO is a better lyricist/rapper than Mr Shadow, Conejo, etc...seriously.
Same goes for Frost, if you're talking about lyrical skills. Doods are coo' rappers, but they're not on the same level (lyrically) as others that have been mentioned.
What I think is ridiculous is the fact that people think just because they're from Norte/Sur, the music from there is so much better than ANYWHERE else.
I give props to the guy (?) that gave it up to Mr Shadow (forgot his name), even though he's from the Norte. That shows maturity and intelligence in being able to look past the Sur/Norte shit.
And as for the kats talking about how weak Mr Shadow/Conejo's tracks were...the verses you posted up didn't look that impressive, either.
That's why I feel you need to HEAR the lyrics, not read them. I could type up the dopest 16 bars ever written (...well, maybe not me...heh), but if I can't flow for shit, and my voice is wack, and I stutter and have a speach impedement...I doubt it'd be that great.
Feel me on that?
Hear the tracks, then make a judgement.
And yeah...I agree about the part where it was said that Sureno rappers don't diss Nortenos as much as Nortenos diss Surenos. It happens BOTH WAYS, but I've listened to MANY, MANY, MANY Sureno/Norteno albums, and I'd say that 9 times out of...9.1, it's the Nortenos dissing the Surenos.
The albums by Nortenos are often packed with disses on the Surenos. I don't understand why. If your lyrics are that great, why bother?
Drop a diss track, then focus on improving yourself and putting out the best album you can.
If you need to diss someone on EVERY track...you're just like a smart-assed kid in junior high that gets on everyone's nerves.
Also...it was said that Dyno and DRF are mostly used when talking about Norteno artists because they put out so many albums, and I can believe that. There are many more Norteno rappers who could shovel Dyno into the dirt (under his cell, of course

But seriously, if you're going to try to argue for either side, at least sit down and listen to some tracks, then make a judgement.
And yeah...in answering the first question...an album like this would be coo', but would never happen.