Whos Gonna Be The Next To Take Daygo To that NexT Level??..

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Jun 16, 2006
JImrock BBH crew

I was Invited To Come TO Visit this website. I Doubt that Siccness Would Bann, Or kick Out a Member of The BBH crew. Especially The Leader... Jimrock... Besides. Blacks Do not want a War With Us.. we come in peace..

I just came to read some stuff anyways. very interesting.. You guys have Opinions, and You think, and Talk with eachother, on the Issues That Worry you the most...
How Do Come up in San Diego... I"m the Only Fool IN SD With 2 Record Deals and I"m not even a Rapper.... Signed and Payed for.... Well I'm Still Waiting on This Years Check From ******** ... but IT is coming. Or I"m PUlling Cd's From the shelves. you Feel me.. ha ...
na I was just reading everything. I like to read. I like to hear about everyones Problems. and I like to see what state of mind you are at, and Who is a player and who is not a player.. .

.. I have Been Thinking about bringing up a few Rappers Myself. for fun... Local guys.. maybe film some Rappers, PUt them on videos and stuff. real Raw Stuff you know.. That has always interested me.. I wanted to expand myself...

But It is Summer. Chingo Bling and Lil Rob Promotions will be Hitting Soon.. Also BOmbucha Concert is what Next week.. I have to do the lots That Day I think. I might go in and drink some beers.. YOu never know.....

"And Those Pics.. THose are YOUR LOCal San Diego FANS.. The ones your suppost to be selling cd's to.. Get to know them.. because they are here.. By the Tens of Thousand.. Hundreds of Thousand.. I know. I have seen them"..


Apr 25, 2003
No matter what get's said... There is always another outlook, opinion, point of view, asshole... ya dig.... I don't care what anyone says. I said it before. If I like it, cool, I'm gone support it. If I don't... I don't need to talk about it. If you wan't to impress somebody, be yourself.... then see what happens... if it does not work.. THEN what happens. I shouldn't have to tell you what "The Biddness Is.." Stay tuned...
Jan 31, 2006
[Blacks Do not want a War With Us]
^^I Know He Aint Say That^^

Jokes Huh???

If U Makin Moves...Ight...
When i Say Known....& Official Mixtape
I Mean Nation Wide & Worldwide....
And If U Takin Dago 2 The Next Level....Then,
Gotta B The First 2 Sell 2 Niggas...Latinos & All Others...
+ Every DJ Would Have Ya Tracks On They Mixtapes....
You Do This..Then Yeah U Runnin Shit....
Mar 29, 2006
some nigga are happy just being underground. but on some real shit everyone want to make it. Like i know nigga dont know smash music but they are about to come up and other southeast nigga i know
Mar 18, 2005
Cinabite said:
Its gonna take power and clout to do it.So looking at it from a professional and business point the real potiential and resourses belong to jay-o,mitchy,battle loc and nick canon!Lets not lie to ourselves,homie!
i understand mitch and nick cannon.. but why jayo isnt he over with.i like his music, but not next level or nything. and why battle loc..who is he?


No Flexxin No Fakin
Apr 1, 2003
rich bo said:
some nigga are happy just being underground. but on some real shit everyone want to make it. Like i know nigga dont know smash music but they are about to come up and other southeast nigga i know

Wuss the bizzness my nigg...bout time I see you on here!

We all tryin to make it!


May 6, 2006
To be honest with all of you. I think that you have to stand out in some kind of way if you want to make it big and be heard outside of SD. There are rappers in every city that all sound the same or rap about the same things. That being said, I think the next person to really blow up (not only in the US but around the world) is TIMZ. Im not just saying this because I know the guy but he is different. He is an Iraqi-American rapper/liqour store owner born and raised in San Diego. Just think about this: America is at war with Iraq right now. Everytime you turn on the news there is something new about Iraq. There are millions of Arab-Americans out there that don't have anyone to look up to or be a voice for them. TIMZ doesn't look like your "typical" Arab living in the US. He looks just like the majority of Americans. TIMZ shows people that Arab-Americans are just like everyone else. TIMZ will break through the barrier and with his music, become the voice for those that are too scared to say something. Eventhough TIMZ's music is good enough to blow up without any other factors, the main reason TIMZ is going to be a worldwide superstar is because he is different. Check him out at www.myspace.com/timz and hear it for yourself. I know a lot of you probably disagree with me but I am just waiting for the time to come.

TIMZ will be the biggest name to come out of San Diego in a long time.
Apr 12, 2005
Ra$an said:
jim rock means well...
No offense buddy,butI tried telling him nicely(thats hard for me to do..I know) about his large pics....he replies with a reply with bigger letters and more pics.then I notice him on other forums..other sites replying to topics with an answer that has nothing to do with the subject...just saying how he is doing it and what not...